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Rhetos release notes


Breaking changes:

Changes in Rhetos libraries API:

  • Migrated from .NET 5. and .NET 6 to .NET 8. Updated C# version from v9 to v12 (default for .NET 8).
    • Update the existing projects (.csproj) by setting TargetFramework to net8.0, and updating PackageReference for System.* and Microsoft.* packages to the latest version (8.0.0 or higher).
    • If the files exists, update LangVersion in the Directory.Build.props file from 9.0 to 12.0.
    • If there are issues with .NET update, see Migrate from ASP.NET Core 6.0 to 7.0 and Migrate from ASP.NET Core 7.0 to 8.0.
  • Rhetos.CommonConcepts NuGet package no longer includes a default database provider (SQL Server). The selected provider must be added to the Rhetos application:
    • Add a reference to NuGet package "Rhetos.MsSqlEf6" to existing projects that reference Rhetos.CommonConcepts.
  • Dropped official support for Oracle Database. The development of community plugins for different database providers is still supported.
  • Removed NuGet package Rhetos.Host.Net. The types are move into "Rhetos" NuGet package.
    • Remove the "Rhetos.Host.Net" package reference from your projects.
  • Rhetos core libraries are reorganized. The class names and namespaces have not been changed. For each new core library, here is a list of the old libraries that are replaced by the new one.
    • Use Rhetos.Core.dll instead of Rhetos.Compiler.dll, Rhetos.Compiler.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.DatabaseGenerator.dll, Rhetos.DatabaseGenerator.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.Dom.dll, Rhetos.Dom.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.Dsl.dll, Rhetos.Extensibility.dll, Rhetos.Extensibility.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.Logging.dll, Rhetos.Persistence.dll, Rhetos.Persistence.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.Processing.dll, Rhetos.Processing.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.Security.dll, Rhetos.Security.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.Utilities.dll, Rhetos.Configuration.Autofac.dll, Rhetos.Deployment.dll.
    • Use Rhetos.CommonConcepts.dll instead of Rhetos.DatabaseGenerator.DefaultConcepts.dll, Rhetos.Dom.DefaultConcepts.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.Dom.DefaultConcepts.dll, Rhetos.Dsl.DefaultConcepts.dll, Rhetos.Processing.DefaultCommands.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.Processing.DefaultCommands.dll.
    • Use Rhetos.Core.Integration.dll instead of Rhetos.Deployment.Interfaces.dll, Rhetos.Logging.Interfaces.dll and Rhetos.Utilities.Interfaces.dll.
    • Use Rhetos.Core.DslParser.dll instead of Rhetos.Dsl.Interfaces.dll and Rhetos.Dsl.Parser.dll.
  • Removed some static members of SqlUtility class:
    • Instead of SqlUtility.ConnectionString, use the ConnectionString class from dependency injection.
    • Instead of SqlUtility.SqlCommandTimeout, use DatabaseOptions.SqlCommandTimeout from dependency injection.
    • Instead of SqlUtility.DatabaseLanguage, use DatabaseSettings.DatabaseLanguage from dependency injection.
    • Instead of SqlUtility.NationalLanguage, use DatabaseSettings.DatabaseNationalLanguage from dependency injection.
    • For other removed static members, use ISqlUtility from dependency injection or _executionContext.SqlUtility where the execution context is available.
    • SqlUtility.EmptyNullString renamed to ISqlUtility.ReadEmptyNullString.
  • In SaveMethod, collections inserted, updated and deleted now contain the simple class items instead of the queryable navigation class with lazy loading references.
    • If the references are required in custom code, you can query the data with this.Query(insertedNew), this.Query(updatedNew) and this.Query(deletedIds).
    • The ChangesOnChangedItems code snippet parameter changedItems is now the collection of simple class instead of the queryable navigation class. On earlier Rhetos versions, the reference properties were available, but resulted with exception on usage.
  • RepositoryUses concept: The type parameter must be specified as written in C# code with, with the namespace. The assembly qualified name is no longer supported.
    • For example, instead of RepositoryUses _localizer 'Rhetos.Utilities.ILocalizer, Rhetos.Utilities';, write RepositoryUses _localizer 'Rhetos.Utilities.ILocalizer';.
  • Removed obsolete IConfiguration methods: GetString, GetInt, GetBool and GetEnum. Use GetValue method instead.
  • Removed obsolete Rhetos.Utilities classes: ConfigUtility and Configuration. Use IConfiguration from dependency injection instead, method GetValue.
  • Removed static SQL helper class Sql. Use ISqlResources instead.
  • IOrmDataStructure no longer contains methods GetOrmSchema and GetOrmDatabaseObject. Use the same methods on ConceptMetadata class instead (with dependency injection).
  • DslSyntaxException constructor no longer supports first argument IConceptInfo. Use DslConceptSyntaxException instead.
  • Changed IEnumerable to IReadOnlyCollection in following types and methods: IAuthorizationData, IDataStructureReadParameters, MultiDictionary, INamedPlugins, IPluginsContainer, IPluginScanner, IDslParser and GenericRepository.Diff.
  • IConceptMetadataExtension<> interface is no longer covariant, and the derived interfaces are no longer generic.
    • Replace .Get<ICsPropertyType<PropertyInfo>> with .Get<ICsPropertyType>.
    • Replace .Get<IDatabaseColumnName<PropertyInfo>> with .Get<IDatabaseColumnName>.
    • Replace .Get<IDatabaseColumnType<PropertyInfo>> with .Get<IDatabaseColumnType>.
  • The AutoCodeHelper.UpdateCodesWithoutCache method has new parameter "ISqlUtility".
    • Replace AutoCodeHelper.UpdateCodesWithoutCache(_executionContext.SqlExecuter, ... with AutoCodeHelper.UpdateCodesWithoutCache(_executionContext.SqlExecuter, _executionContext.SqlUtility, ....
  • The Rhetos.TestCommon package has updated MSTest.TestFramework referece from v2.1.0 to v3.2.2.
    • Any test projects that reference the "Rhetos.TestCommon" package, should be updated to the latest version of the MSTest.* packages (v3.2.2 or higher).
    • There is a breaking change in MSTest v3: If a unit test uses an external file from disk, it should look for the file in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory directory instead of the current directory.
  • Corrected type in extension methods: IsLessThen to IsLessThan, IsGreaterThen to IsGreaterThan.
  • The legacy configuration option CommonConcepts:DynamicTypeResolution is no longer supported. DynamicTypeResolution is always disabled.
    • In FilterCriteria, filter names should be constructed by Type.ToString(), instead of Type.FullName or Type.AssemblyQualifiedName.
  • Some EF6-specific features moved from Rhetos.CommonConcepts to Rhetos.MsSqlEf6.
    • If a custom code generator class uses one of DomInitializationCodeGenerator.EntityFramework* tags, instead of it use the same tag from EntityFrameworkContextCodeGenerator class and add an attribute [ExportMetadata(MefProvider.DependsOn, typeof(EntityFrameworkContextCodeGenerator))].

Changes in behavior:

  • Configuration setting key "Rhetos:DatabaseOracle:NationalLanguage" has changed to "Rhetos:Build:DatabaseNationalLanguage".
  • Bugfix: Computed concept is no longer reported as queryable in DslUtility.IsQueryable, since it does not generate a queryable repository.

Migrating a Rhetos app from EF6 to EF Core (optional):

  • Disclaimer: It is recommended to keep EF6 in old Rhetos apps for backward compatiblity. Use EF Core in new apps.
  • Migrate from EF6 to EF Core: In the existing projects that reference the NuGet package Rhetos.CommonConcepts, add the NuGet package Rhetos.MsSql instead of Rhetos.MsSqlEf6.
  • Lazy loading is disabled by default on EF Core. If migrating an existing app from EF6 to EF Core, enable lazy loading for backward compatibility. For new apps, it is recommended to avoid lazy loading. See Beware of lazy loading in EF Core documentation.
    • To enable lazy loading when migrating a Rhetos app, add the NuGet package "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Proxies", and add after AddRhetosHost() the following code: .SetRhetosDbContextOptions(optionsBuilder => optionsBuilder.UseLazyLoadingProxies()). Note that if SetRhetosDbContextOptions is called multiple times, only the last configuration will be used.
  • Breaking changes in libraries API:
    • System.Data.SqlClient library is replaced with newer Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.
      • In C# code, replace namespace System.Data.SqlClient with Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.
      • Microsoft.Data.SqlClient handles the database connection string differently: Encrypt defaults to true and the driver will always validate the server certificate based on TrustServerCertificate.
        • In a local development environment, if you use encryption with a self-signed certificate on the server, you can specify TrustServerCertificate=true in the connection string. If you need to turn off encryption, you can specify Encrypt=false instead.
    • Most EF6 types where in namespace System.Data.Entity, while EF Core uses namespace Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.
    • Removed Guid comparison extension methods GuidIsGreaterThan, GuidIsGreaterThanOrEqual, GuidIsLessThan, GuidIsLessThanOrEqual. They are supported by standard operators > and <.
    • Removed the 'FullTextSearch' extension method for Entity Framework LINQ queries. Use EF.Functions.Contains instead.
    • The EF6 method EntityFrameworkContext.Database.SqlQuery method is different in EF Core:
      • When querying classes that are registered in EF DbContext (for example an Entity or an SqlQueryable), simply use the EF Core methods instead of EF 6, for example EntityFrameworkContext.Bookstore_Book.FromSqlRaw(sql, parameters).AsNoTracking().ToSimple().
      • For classes that are not registered in EF DbContext (for example DataStructure or Computed), use Rhetos ISqlExecuter (example), or Dapper to load data from a custom SQL query.
  • Breaking changes in behavior:
    • Converting boolean to string in EF LINQ query will result with strings 0 and 1 instead of false and true. This can affect LINQ queries such as query.Select(book => book.Title + " " book.Active), where bool Active is converted to a string in the generated database SQL query.
    • In LINQ queries and in generic filters (FilterCriteria), operations equals and notequals with a variable parameter containing null value will return different results then EF6.
      • For example string n = null; books.Where(b => b.Title == n) will return all books with title null (WHERE b.Title IS NULL). In EF6 this query generated the SQL WHERE b.Title = @param which never returns records.
      • Both EF6 and EF Core behave the same with literal null values, such as books.Where(b => b.Title == null) returning books with title null.
    • In EF6 LINQ query, when reading data from a database view, if the view returns multiple records with the same ID value, EF would return only one record and ignore others. In EF Core LINQ query on Rhetos, by default all records are returned, even if there are duplicate ID values.
      • If needed, this can be configured by adding after AddRhetosHost() the following code: .SetRhetosDbContextOptions(optionsBuilder => optionsBuilder.UseQueryTrackingBehavior(QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTrackingWithIdentityResolution)). Note that if SetRhetosDbContextOptions is called multiple times, only the last configuration will be used.
    • In EF6 LINQ query, .ToString() method returns the expected SQL query. In EF Core use .ToQueryString() instead.
    • EF Core LINQ query with Contains method generates an optimized SQL code that is not supported on SQL Server 2014 and older version.
    • In EF6, when saving a decimal number with more then 10 digits to database, the excess digits are simply cut off. In EF Core, the number is rounded to 10 decimal places.
    • In dynamically-constructed queries, the Contains method does not support Expression.Constant argument. Use PropertyExpression or FieldExpression instead, see Dynamically-constructed queries.
    • The Cast method on LINQ query may result with ArgumentException. For example on repository.Common.Role.Query().Select(r => r.ID).Cast<Guid?>().ToList(), instead of Cast<Guid?>(), convet the value directly in select with Select(item => (Guid?)item.ID), or with additional .Select(id => (Guid?)id).

Internal improvements

  • SQL index concepts Clustered and Where can be used on all variants of SqlIndex and Unique concepts.
  • Added rhetos.exe command-line switch --start-paused, to allow attaching a debugger on build or dbupdate. This is a replacement for the [debug] option, since System.CommandLine no longer supports it.
  • New interface for database generator plugins: IConceptDatabaseGenerator. Old interfaces IConceptDatabaseDefinition and IConceptDatabaseDefinitionExtension are still available for backward compatibility, but they are marked as obsolete.
  • New interface for implementing new database providers for Rhetos apps: ISqlResourcesPlugin.
  • DSL scripts can reference internal SQL resources besides the existing external files. This will allow development of plugins that provide the support for a specific SQL language without implementing the specific language in the base DSL package.
  • Embedding PDBs into DLLs to simplify debugging. Removed NuGet symbols packages.
  • The generated LINQPad script now references different libraries based on the referenced Rhetos NuGet packages.
  • Rhetos plugin packages can extend the generated LINQPad script references with RhetosLinqPadReference and RhetosLinqPadNamespace ItemGroup.

5.4.0 (2023-03-16)

New features

  • Block comment support in DSL scripts: /* ... */.
  • Rhetos subpackages: A Rhetos application can contain multiple "virtual" packages in subfolders. By specifying the subpackages folders and their dependencies in rhetos-build.settings.json, you can control the order in which the supbackages are deployed, for example the execution order of DataMigration and AfterDeploy scripts.
  • New overload of SqlProcedure concept with a complete CREATE statement. Instead of separately specifying the stored procedure's name, arguments and body with three parameters, you can specify the procedure with a single SQL script, starting with "CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE". This simplifies the development process by developing the procedure in a separate SQL script with SSMS or a similar tool, and directly referencing the SQL script from a DSL script.
  • KeepSynchronized FilterSaveExpression supports simplified form with one parameter (items) without the additional legacy parameter 'repository'.

Internal improvements

  • The generated source files are marked as read-only, as a hint that they are not intended to be manually edited.
  • Bugfix: LINQPad script "Rhetos DOM.linq" throws PlatformNotSupportedException "System.Data.SqlClient is not supported on this platform" on some environments.
  • Bugfix: Option AllClaimsForUsers did not support usernames with '@' character (email as username).
  • Bugfix: In some cases, rhetos dbupdate log is not written to Logs\RhetosCli.log.
  • Bugfix: Build fails with "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: startIndex cannot be larger than length of string" if a Rhetos app contains a .rhe file in the root folder. This fixes #472.
  • UserException.Message contains formatted error text for easier debugging, instead of a localization string template.
  • ComputedFrom concept generates new repository method DiffFrom, to allow simpler diff analysis without running RecomputeFrom method. A generic version of the method is also added to GenericRepository class.
  • Added MSBuild parameters RhetosBuildDotNetRollForward and RhetosBuildDotNetFxVersion for future-compatibility of Rhetos CLI in MSBuild integration. Setting RhetosBuildDotNetRollForward MSBuild property to 'LatestMajor' should allow the rhetos build tool to load referenced libraries for newer versions of .NET.
  • ConfigurationProvider (IConfiguration) now supports options classes with complex properties and arrays.
  • Enabled localization for the unregistered account error message.
  • Updated System.Data.SqlClient from 4.8.3 to 4.8.5.
  • Minor optimizations in ComputedFrom diff algorithm and dbupdate (money property).

Breaking changes

There are no changes that affect Rhetos app's business features, but some internal implementation details might impact custom DSL code generators and tests related to ComputedFrom concept:

  • Instead of EntityComputedFromCodeGenerator.OverrideDefaultFiltersTag, code generator uses separate tags for load and save filters.
  • Some system log entries that previously contained text InsertOrUpdateOrDelete now have different formatting. This might affect unit tests.

5.3.0 (2022-09-21)

New features

  • New set of four basic concepts for reading and filtering data on entities and other data structures: Load, Query, Filter and QueryFilter provide methods for loading and querying data with filter parameters. Each comes in three forms:
    1. Load/Query/Filter method can be implemented inline in the DSL script, with a C# expression.
    2. If the filter expression is omitted, the concept will create a partial Load/Query/Filter method on the repository class. Developer can implement the method manually in another partial class implementation. Note that the IntelliSense in Visual Studio will autocomplete the partial method parameters and result type, after writing the partial keyword.
    3. Base concept classes (LoadInfo, QueryInfo, ...) for usage in custom concepts development.
    • Remarks:
      • These new concepts are an alternative to the old FilterBy and ComposableFilterBy concepts.
      • ItemFilter concept is a helper that generates the QueryFilter concept.
      • There are changes compared to the early draft of Load and QueryFilter prototype concepts (without the expression in DSL script): the read methods are now partial, and the Load method returns IEnumerable instead of an array.
  • More flexible DslScripts and DataMigration folder locations, to allow simpler code organization within a project:
    • DslScripts folder is no longer needed in a Rhetos app; the .rhe files can be placed anywhere in the project. This change does not affect referenced projects and NuGet packages, they need to have DslScripts folder in the root folder.
    • DataMigration folder no longer needs to be in the project root, and a single project can have multiple DataMigration folders.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Latest LINQPad 7 version requires an explicit reference to ASP.NET Core assemblies. Enabled by default in Rhetos DOM.linq, since most Rhetos apps are web apps.
  • Bugfix: DSL documentation was generated without any tags other than simple text.

5.2.0 (2022-07-06)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: rhetos.exe dbupdate command on a .NET 6 app requires .NET 5 runtime (issue #466).
  • Bugfix: LINQPad script Rhetos DOM.linq fails with a database connection error on application that uses minimal hosting model (issue #465).
  • Bugfix: AutoCode throws an integer overflow exception on more than 9 digits used in the code suffix.
  • Bugfix: Better error message for missing connection string (issue since 5.1.0).
  • Runtime assets (rhetos.exe and other files) hidden in Visual Studio Solution Explorer to reduce clutter.
  • ServerCommandsUtility provides EntityCommandsUtility as a helper for Read and Write Row Permissions.

5.1.0 (2022-04-08)

New features

  • Rhetos framework supports .NET 6 applications, along with the existing .NET 5 support.
    • Updating an existing application from .NET 5 to .NET 6 is not required, but it is recommended for Microsoft's long-term support. See Migrate from ASP.NET Core 5.0 to 6.0 for instructions.
  • Support for "minimal hosting model" in ASP.NET 6.

Internal improvements

  • Microsoft and System libraries updated from v5 to v6.
  • Application name is included in database connection string, to help with database debugging (configurable).
  • Anonymous user is visible in database ContextInfo as empty user data "Rhetos:", to differentiate between database operations executed in anonymous context from operations not executed by the application.

5.0.0 (2022-03-25)

Breaking changes

Technology and plugins:

  1. Migrated from .NET Framework to .NET 5. Rhetos framework no longer supports .NET Framework plugins.
    • When upgrading existing Rhetos applications to Rhetos 5.0, migrate the applications and plugin libraries to .NET 5.
    • If needed, create a new web application by following the instruction in Rhetos.Samples.AspNet.
    • Review the custom application code for Behavior changes when comparing strings on .NET 5. For example, text.IndexOf("\n") or items.OrderBy(item => item.Name) may return different result on .NET 5 (this does not affect Entity Framework queries because they are executed in SQL).
  2. Removed obsolete CLI utilities:
    • DeployPackages.exe: New version uses rhetos.exe instead of DeployPackages.exe. If upgrading a Rhetos app that used DeployPackages, make sure to follow the migration instructions: Migrating from DeployPackages to Rhetos CLI.
    • CreateAndSetDatabase.exe: Use sqlcmd instead to create a new database.
    • CleanupOldData.exe
    • CreateIISSite.exe
  3. SOAP API implementation has been removed from Rhetos framework. Removed IServerApplication interface.
  4. Removed dependency on WCF. New Rhetos applications can use ASP.NET Core instead. Rhetos 5 can be used in any type of .NET 5 application.
  5. User authentication is no longer implemented by Rhetos plugins. Rhetos apps should use standard ASP.NET Core authentication. An exception is Rhetos.AspNetFormsAuth plugin, which is migrated to .NET 5 only to support backward compatible features for older Rhetos applications migrated to Rhetos 5: authentication controller, user storage and password validation rules.
  6. Windows authentication is no longer enabled by default. Removed IWindowsSecurity interface.
    • To enable it, follow the standard instructions for ASP.NET Core applications: Configure Windows Authentication in ASP.NET Core. In a typical development environment it is enough to simply add services.AddAuthentication to Startup, and modify the two lines in launchSettings.json, as described in the article above.
  7. Rhetos.Impersonation plugin package is updated to replace other existing impersonation packages for different authentication models.

Changes in behavior:

  1. Removed IService interface from the Rhetos framework.
    • Instead of using IService, register and initialize custom services explicitly in Startup.cs (ASP.NET Core convention).
  2. IHomePageSnippet interface is replaced with IDashboardSnippet. Instead of default homepage, the dashboard is available at /rhetos URL by default.
  3. Configuration files "rhetos-app.settings.json" and "rhetos-app.local.settings.json" are no longer automatically loaded. Removed RhetosAppEnvironment class and AddRhetosAppEnvironment method.
    • If you want to use the same configuration files from Rhetos v4, load them in your application in Startup.ConfigureRhetosHostBuilder method: rhetosHostBuilder.ConfigureConfiguration(builder => builder.AddJsonFile("rhetos-app.settings.json").AddJsonFile("rhetos-app.local.settings.json"))
  4. Run-time configuration no longer depends on "rhetos-app.settings.json" file (from Rhetos v4).
    • Rhetos:App:AssetsFolder and Rhetos:App:RhetosRuntimePath settings may be removed from this file, they are no longer used.
    • Migrate the remaining settings to standard appsettings.json file, and delete the old file.
  5. Database configuration option is renamed from ServerConnectionString to RhetosConnectionString, and formatting changed to a single string.
    • Modify existing configuration in .json file from { "ConnectionStrings": { "ServerConnectionString": { "ConnectionString": "database connection string" } } } to { "ConnectionStrings": { "RhetosConnectionString": "database connection string" } }.
  6. Removed NuGet package management from Rhetos framework. Removed classes PackageDownloader and PackageDownloaderOptions.
  7. Entity Framework configuration is loaded from App.config instead of Web.config. Using the config file is required because Entity Framework 6 still uses the ConfigurationManager class to load its configuration.
    • To migrate the Entity Framework configuration, add the App.config file as a plain text file in the project root and copy the entityFramework section from Web.config. For example, the App.config file may look like this:
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <section name="entityFramework" type="System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection, EntityFramework" />
                    <queryCache size="10000" cleaningIntervalInSeconds="60" />
  8. IDomainObjectModel.GetType no longer returns types for "Common.RowPermissionsReadItems" and "Common.RowPermissionsWriteItems". For example GetType(RowPermissionsReadInfo.FilterName) and GetType(RowPermissionsWriteInfo.FilterName) will return null.
    • Use typeof(Common.RowPermissionsReadItems) and typeof(Common.RowPermissionsWriteItems) instead.
  9. Updated dependencies to a newer version: Autofac v6.3.0, Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.3, NLog v4.7.11.
  10. DateTime property concept now generates datetime2 database column type by default instead of obsolete datetime column type (issue #101).
  11. Removed BuiltinAdminOverride configuration option, that allowed testing without configured authentication in development environment. Use AllClaimsForUsers or AllClaimsForAnonymous instead.
  12. NLog is no longer enabled by default in application runtime.
    • To enable NLog for Rhetos components, in Program.CreateHostBuilder, add hostBuilder.UseNLog();, and in Startup.ConfigureServices add .AddHostLogging() after AddRhetosHost. Move the NLog configuration from web.config to nlog.config (see example).
  13. Navigation properties in generated queryable classes can be set only during the initialization phase. That means that after the queryable object is constructed the navigation properties are read only.
    • For example, to fix the "Init-only property" error in the following C# code, instead of item.Author = somePerson write item.AuthorID = somePerson.ID.
    • This change may also affect unit tests when preparing fake data of a queryable type: Setting a GUID property value of a reference does not update the corresponding navigation property (same as in previous Rhetos versions).
    • It is recommended to use simple POCO classes without navigation properties when modifying data, see Understanding the generated object model. For example, before modifying the data, read the records with Load() instead of Query(), or call ToSimple() on a query before ToList().
  14. ISqlExecuter.ExecuteSql method no longer has bool parameter useTransaction.
    • Where ExecuteSql was called as runtime with useTransaction set to true, simply remove the parameter.
    • If useTransaction needs to be false (executing SQL command out of transaction), manually create a new SqlConnection and SqlCommand from Rhetos.Utilities.ConnectionString (from DI). Alternatively, create a new unit-of-work scope with PersistenceTransactionOptions.UseDatabaseTransaction disabled and IUserInfo added, and resolve ISqlExecuter from that scope.
  15. Simplified result for IProcessingEngine.Execute and ICommandImplementation interface. In case of an error, the method will throw an exception, instead of setting Success=false in the result object.
    • If an existing application code verifies the result Success property in order to throw UserException, ClientException or FrameworkException, in most cases this code can simply be removed, since the Execute method already throws these exceptions. To match the web response format with RestGenerator, use its ApiExceptionFilter on the controller. In other cases, see CreateResponseFromException method for an example of IProcessingEngine exception handling by a REST API plugin.
  16. Simplified parameter type resolution. In FilterCriteria, filter names should constructed by Type.ToString(), instead of Type.FullName or Type.AssemblyQualifiedName.
    • For backward compatibility on existing applications, set configuration option CommonConcepts:DynamicTypeResolution to true, in appsettings.json file.
  17. Concepts that generate Load, Query or Filter repository methods with parameters, should also create or inherit a corresponding DSL concept (LoadInfo, QueryInfo, FilterInfo or QueryFilterInfo) to register the parameter type for usage in web API or FilterCriteria.
  18. Money property DSL concept: Rounding on save is disabled by default. The application will throw an exception if the value being written has more than 2 digits.
    • For backward compatibility on existing applications, set the following configuration options:
    • In rhetos-build.settings.json file, set CommonConcepts:MoneyPrecision to 18 and CommonConcepts:MoneyScale to 2.
    • In appsettings.json file, set CommonConcepts:AutoRoundMoney to true.

Changes in Rhetos libraries API:

  1. Rhetos.TestCommon.dll is moved to a separate NuGet package.
    • If your build fails with error 'TestCommon' does not exist or 'TestUtility' does not exist, add a NuGet package reference to "Rhetos.TestCommon".
    • Note that TestUtility.DumpSorted method may return items in a different order, because the default string comparer is different between .NET Framework and .NET 5.
  2. Removed methods ICodeBuilder.AddReference and AddReferencesFromDependency.
    • Calls to these methods can be removed from custom code, since Rhetos no longer compiles assemblies directly.
  3. Removed IAssemblySource interface. ICodeGenerator.ExecutePlugins returns generated source as a string.
    • Custom code that called ExecutePlugins can use the string result directly, instead of IAssemblySource.GeneratedCode property.
    • Code that used IAssemblySource.RegisteredReferences can be safely removed, since Rhetos no longer compiles assemblies.
  4. Removed IAssemblyGenerator, and options Debug and AssemblyGeneratorErrorReportLimit from Build settings.
    • Custom code that uses IAssemblyGenerator.Generate to generate application's source and library should now use ISourceWriter.Add instead. This will simply add the generated source files into the project that will be compiled by MSBuild as a part of the Rhetos application.
    • If you need to compile the generated source code to a separate library, include the generated source code inside a separate C# project and leave the compilation to Visual Studio or MSBuild.
  5. Removed LegacyPathsOptions class. It was specific for build process with DeployPackages.
  6. Removed Plugins class
    • Use ContainerBuilderPluginRegistration instead. Get it from ContainerBuilder with extension method builder.GetPluginRegistration().
  7. Removed Paths class.
    • Custom code that uses Paths class for Rhetos components initialization (for example SearchForAssembly) should be refactored to use RhetosHost class instead.
    • Custom code that generates or reads assets files should use IAssetsOptions.AssetsFolder instead.
    • Custom code that uses Paths.ResourcesFolder should use IAssetsOptions.AssetsFolder instead.
    • Custom code that uses Paths.RhetosServerRootPath may use RhetosAppOptions.CacheFolder or RhetosAppOptions.RhetosHostFolder instead.
  8. The property DatabaseLanguage is moved from classes BuildOptions and RhetosAppOptions to class DatabaseSettings.
  9. Removed support for ContainerBuilderPluginRegistration.CheckOverride method. This was usually used to check if the expected implementation of IUserInfo interface was used because of different load orders of Autofac modules. In the new design it is up to the plugin developer how it will setup the IServiceCollection IoC container from which the IUserInfo will be resolved.
  10. The interface IMacroConcept now requires the implementation of the method CreateNewConcepts without any parameters. If an implementation of IMacroConcept requires access to the IDslModel, use the IConceptMacro<T> interface instead.
  11. Removed support for QueryDataSourceCommand. Use the ReadCommand instead.
  12. Renamed IPersistenceTransaction method DiscardChanges to DiscardOnDispose.
  13. Removed ProcessContainer class:
    • Instead of new ProcessContainer(rhetosAppAssemblyPath), use RhetosHost.CreateFrom(rhetosAppAssemblyPath).
    • Instead of static ProcessContainer.CreateScope(rhetosAppAssemblyPath), use LinqPadRhetosHost.CreateScope(rhetosAppAssemblyPath).
    • Instead of static ProcessContainer.CreateTransactionScopeContainer, use LinqPadRhetosHost.CreateScope(rhetosAppAssemblyPath).
    • Instead of ProcessContainer.Configuration, use IConfiguration from dependency injection.
  14. Removed support for the following obsolete methods or classes:
    • IDatabaseColumnType.GetColumnType : Use GetColumnType with PropertyInfo argument instead.
    • PropertyHelper.GenerateCodeForType: Use the GenerateCodeForType function without the 'serializable' argument. All regular properties are serializable.
    • DatabaseExtensionFunctions.SqlLike: Use the Like() method instead.
    • ComposableFilterUseExecutionContextInfo: Use repository member _executionContext in generated code instead.
    • ComputationUseExecutionContextInfo: Use repository member _executionContext in generated code instead.
    • DenySaveForPropertyInfo: Use InvalidDataMarkPropertyInfo instead.
    • DenySaveInfo: Use InvalidDataInfo instead.
    • FilterUseExecutionContextInfo: Use repository member _executionContext in generated code instead.
    • SnowflakeDataStructureInfo: Use BrowseDataStructureInfo instead.
    • ModuleExternalReferenceInfo: Add a NuGet dependency or a project reference to specify Rhetos application dependency to external library.
    • CodeBuilder.GeneratedCode: Use GenerateCode() instead. The property is misleading because it does not cache the generated string.
    • ContainerBuilderExtensions.GetLogProvider: Use GetRhetosLogProvider instead.
    • ContainerBuilderExtensions.GetPluginScanner: Use GetRhetosPluginScanner instead.
    • ContainerBuilderExtensions.GetPluginRegistration: Use GetRhetosPluginRegistration instead.
    • ContainerBuilderExtensions.AddPluginModules: Use AddRhetosPluginModules instead.
    • ProcessContainer.CreateTransactionScopeContainer: Use CreateScope instead.
    • TransactionScopeContainer: Use IUnitOfWorkScope instead.
    • ConceptImplementationVersionAttribute: This feature is no longer used by Rhetos. Database upgrade relies solely on SQL scripts generated from DSL concepts.
    • IInstalledPackages: Use InstalledPackages class instead.
    • DslSyntaxException.DslScript: Use FilePosition instead.
    • DslSyntaxException.Position: Use FilePosition instead.
    • IValidationConcept: Use IValidatedConcept instead of IValidationConcept.
    • IPersistenceTransaction.CommitChanges and CommitOnDispose: Use IUnitOfWork.CommitAndClose instead.
    • IPersistenceTransaction.CommitAndReconnect: It is not longer needed for IServerInitializer plugins, because each plugin is executed in a separate connection.
    • SqlTransactionBatch: Use ISqlTransactionBatches instead.
    • Function<T>.Create: Use an explicit Func type for the result variable, instead of 'var'.
  15. Removed support for the following obsolete concepts:
    • UseExecutionContext: Use repository member _executionContext instead.
    • DenySave: Use InvalidData instead.
    • Snowflake: Use Browse concept instead.
    • ExternalReference: Add a NuGet dependency or a project reference to specify Rhetos application's dependency to the external library, if not added already.
  16. Removed the support for SamePropertyValue concept which required two arguments. Instead use the simpler SamePropertyValue concept which requires only the path to the base property.
    • Instead of SamePropertyValue 'Base' Module.ReferencedDataStructure.PropertyNameOnReferencedDataStructure; you should write SamePropertyValue 'Base.PropertyNameOnReferencedDataStructure';
  17. Removed IUserInfoAdmin interface. It was used together with the Rhetos:AppSecurity:BuiltinAdminOverride option to give the administrator rights as it had all claims.
  18. GetInternalServerErrorMessage method moved from FrameworkException class to Rhetos.Utilities.ErrorMessages.
  19. Removed IPersistenceCache interface and ToNavigation() methods. They where Rhetos-specific helpers for saving entities with Entity Framework.
    • If custom application code overrides repository's standard Save method, use DomHelper.WriteToDatabase to save an entity, instead of Entity Framework methods. For reference, see the new generated source code for repository Save methods.
    • Navigation properties behavior can no longer be extended with custom tags DataStructureQueryable Getter and DataStructureQueryable Setter.
  20. Removed Type argument from AddInterfaceAndReference methods.
  21. Removed second generic parameter from ConfigurationProvider.GetKey method.
  22. Renamed namespace _Helper to Repositories.
  23. Renamed class _ModuleRepository to ModuleRepository.
  24. UnitOfWorkScope type is replaced with IUnitOfWorkScope on various methods.
  25. SqlTransactionBatches is replaced with ISqlTransactionBatches in DI container.
  26. Redundant ISqlExecuter helper methods moved from interface to extension methods. In case of compiler error on context.SqlExecuter or similar code, add using Rhetos.Utilities;.
  27. Default constructor for ExecutionContext is now protected. Create a derived class from ExecutionContext to use the default constructor in unit tests.

New features

  • New concept DataStructureLocalizer, that adds a standard _localizer property to the repository class. It is a typed localizer ILocalizer<TDataStructure> that allows custom property name localization in the context of the given data structure, see msgctxt in the GetText example.

Internal improvements

  • Localizing entity names and property names in standard user error messages. Entity name's default text is 'module.entity'. Property names default text is simple property name, but it is localized within the context of the full entity name. For example, in .po files with GetText localization, property names can be localized globally with standard msgid entry, or specifically for one entity by adding msgctxt "SomeModuleName.SomeEntityName" in the previous line.
  • Rhetos CLI supports configurable output verbosity:
    • --verbosity diagnostic option: Console output includes all trace loggers. Example: rhetos --verbosity diagnostic build .
    • --trace <loggerName> option: Console output includes the trace loggers specified by name. Example: rhetos --trace PluginScanner -trace PluginScannerCache build .
  • Rhetos:AppSecurity:AllClaimsForUsers option does not require the server machine name to be specified. Instead of username@servername it is possible just to use username, but the old format username@servername is still recommended for increased security.
  • Bugfix: AfterDeploy SQL scripts sometimes failed with a deadlock when using /*DatabaseGenerator:NoTransaction*/ (SqlTransactionBatches no longer uses parent scope transaction).
  • Repository classes are partial, to simplify integration of DSL scripts and custom C# code.

4.3.0 (2021-03-05)

New features

  • DateTime property concept now supports datetime2 database column type, instead of obsolete datetime column type (issue #101). Legacy datetime type is currently enabled by default, for backward compatibility. See Migrating an existing application from datetime to datetime2.
  • Support for data-migration downgrade scripts (see documentation). Since downgrade is automatically handled by Rhetos, the downgrade scripts are required only in rare cases. For example, when using a custom script to optimize some part of the database upgrade/downgrade process.
  • Custom ID value can be specified for Entry of a Hardcoded entity (see documentation).
  • AfterClose event in IPersistenceTransaction.

Internal improvements

  • Saving records directly to database, instead of using Entity Framework (issue #374).
    • Entity Framework is still used for querying data, and EF DbContext may still be used for writing to database where specifically needed.
    • This change allows for different performances optimizations and simpler internal design, because of a mismatch in write approach between Rhetos and Entity Framework (developers use explicit write operations in Rhetos).
  • Bugfix: Rhetos build is sometimes not triggered by MSBuild, if an input file was deleted.
  • Bugfix: Some database schemas were created with incorrect owner (an admin account, instead of dbo), depending on database configuration. This is not an application security issue. On older Rhetos versions it might have caused database update to fail, if a database schema needed to be dropped (issue #92).
  • Bugfix: Incorrect "method is obsolete" warning on Load method, with description "Use Load(ids) or Query(ids) method.".
  • Bugfix: AuthorizationAddUnregisteredPrincipals on parallel requests may result with deadlock in database or a unique index constraint error.
  • Data-migration performance improvement. "Use" and "apply" operations on large migration tables are roughly 2x faster.
  • RepositoryUses concept supports types from generated Rhetos application that were not available from build-time dependencies.
  • Cleaner internal scope management: UnitOfWorkScope, CommitAndClose, RollbackAndClose. "Obsolete" warnings on old infrastructure (TransactionScopeContainer).
  • Simpler UserException constructor for localization (message, parameters).
  • Minor improvements in build performance and error handling.
  • This release also includes features from patch 3.2.1, that have been implemented after 4.2.0.

4.2.0 (2020-10-26)

Internal improvements

  • Build performance improvements: Various optimizations in different segments of build process, simplified generated code, reduced usage of macro concepts for database object dependencies, reduced unneeded changes in ordering of the generated code.
  • Bugfix: Build sometimes fails with EntityCommandCompilationException "The argument type 'X' is not compatible with the property 'Y' of formal type 'Z'.".
  • Reduced logging level for certain build and performance events from warning to info.
  • A redundant FilterBy is no longer generated for each ComposableFilterBy.

4.1.0 (2020-09-23)

New features

  • QueryFilter concept, a simpler alternative to ComposableFilterBy.

Internal improvements

  • "Long operation" warning will be reported on deployment if certain operations take longer than a minute (by default). This includes KeepSynchronized on deployment, data-migrations scripts, database updates (dropping a column, e.g.) and other similar scripts (issue #110).
  • Reduced compile time of generated C# source code in repository classes by removing some code duplication and converting some lambda expressions to simple methods.
  • SQL optimization: Removed parameter null check on a generated SQL query when using generic filters to compare a Guid property to parameter value. Applications with EntityFrameworkUseDatabaseNullSemantics set to true (default) had this optimization from before.
  • Improved application start-up performance with Entity Framework View Cache (issue #165).
  • Improved build performance by running code generator in parallel.
  • Bugfix: "File not found" error occurred only on empty build (for example, without the CommonConcepts package).
  • Base concepts for loading and querying data with filters: LoadInfo, QueryInfo, FilterInfo, QueryFilterInfo. Together they represent available filter parameters for reading data with generic filters (FilterCriteria), web API (ReadCommand), and GenericRepository.
  • Performance logger (NLog) configurable by class name.
  • This release also includes features from service pack 3.2.0, that have been implemented after 4.0.1.

4.0.1 (2020-06-19)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Downgrade from Rhetos v4.0.0 to previous versions fails with SqlException on DatabaseGeneratorAppliedConcept table (issue #353).

4.0.0 (2020-05-14)

Breaking changes

  1. Rhetos has migrated to new configuration and DI container initialization design. Custom utility applications (executables and other tools) that use Rhetos application libraries will need to be updated.
  2. Class Rhetos.Configuration.Autofac.SecurityModuleConfiguration no longer exists.
    • Delete attributes [ExportMetadata(MefProvider.DependsOn, typeof(Rhetos.Configuration.Autofac.SecurityModuleConfiguration))] and [ExportMetadata(MefProvider.DependsOn, typeof(SecurityModuleConfiguration))] from your code.
  3. The IQueryable extension method ToSimple() moved from Rhetos.Dom.DefaultConcepts namespace to System.Linq.
    • Add using System.Linq; in custom source file with compiler error 'IQueryable<X>' does not contain a definition for 'ToSimple'.
  4. Configuration keys have been changed for some of the existing options, to allow better extensibility.
    • Update the following settings keys in Web.config file and in all other config files that contain the appSettings element, or enable legacy keys by adding <add key="Rhetos:ConfigurationProvider:LegacyKeysSupport" value="Convert" />.
      • AssemblyGenerator.ErrorReportLimit => Rhetos:Build:AssemblyGeneratorErrorReportLimit
      • AuthorizationAddUnregisteredPrincipals => Rhetos:App:AuthorizationAddUnregisteredPrincipals
      • AuthorizationCacheExpirationSeconds => Rhetos:App:AuthorizationCacheExpirationSeconds
      • BuiltinAdminOverride => Rhetos:AppSecurity:BuiltinAdminOverride
      • CommonConcepts.Debug.SortConcepts => Rhetos:Build:InitialConceptsSort
      • CommonConcepts.Legacy.AutoGeneratePolymorphicProperty => CommonConcepts:AutoGeneratePolymorphicProperty
      • CommonConcepts.Legacy.CascadeDeleteInDatabase => CommonConcepts:CascadeDeleteInDatabase
      • DataMigration.SkipScriptsWithWrongOrder => Rhetos:DbUpdate:DataMigrationSkipScriptsWithWrongOrder
      • EntityFramework.UseDatabaseNullSemantics => Rhetos:App:EntityFrameworkUseDatabaseNullSemantics
      • Security.AllClaimsForUsers => Rhetos:AppSecurity:AllClaimsForUsers
      • Security.LookupClientHostname => Rhetos:AppSecurity:LookupClientHostname
      • SqlCommandTimeout => Rhetos:Database:SqlCommandTimeout
      • SqlExecuter.MaxJoinedScriptCount => Rhetos:SqlTransactionBatches:MaxJoinedScriptCount
      • SqlExecuter.MaxJoinedScriptSize => Rhetos:SqlTransactionBatches:MaxJoinedScriptSize
      • SqlExecuter.ReportProgressMs => Rhetos:SqlTransactionBatches:ReportProgressMs
  5. Some legacy settings are turned off by default. When upgrading application to Rhetos v4, make sure to use the following setting values web.config file. For each setting key, if it was already specified in web.config, keep the old value. If you did not have it specified, add the backward-compatible value provided here:
    • <add key="Rhetos:DbUpdate:DataMigrationSkipScriptsWithWrongOrder" value="True" />
    • <add key="CommonConcepts:AutoGeneratePolymorphicProperty" value="True" />
    • <add key="CommonConcepts:CascadeDeleteInDatabase" value="True" />
    • <add key="Rhetos:App:EntityFrameworkUseDatabaseNullSemantics" value="False" />
  6. Updated Rhetos.TestCommon.dll to new MSTest libraries (MSTest). Old unit test projects that reference Rhetos.TestCommon may fail with error CS0433: The type 'TestMethodAttribute' exists in both 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' and 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
    • To solve this error, in the unit test project remove the reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework and add NuGet packages MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.TestFramework, or create a new Unit Test Project from scratch (MSTest on .NET Framework) and copy the tests from the old one.
  7. Partial concept sorting enabled by default. This might cause build or deployment to fail if the existing project or a plugin package has an issue of missing dependencies between concepts, that was not detected earlier.
    • Missing dependencies can cause an error on database update because of incorrect order of created objects (typically Invalid column name or Invalid object name), or Generated script does not contain tag error in code generators.
    • If DeployPackages fails with some of errors above, add missing dependencies to custom concepts and database object, or suppress this issues by disabling the concept sorting in Web.config: <add key="Rhetos:Build:InitialConceptsSort" value="None" />.
  8. BuiltinAdminOverride option is not enabled by default. This might affect testing in development environment if permission-checking was intentionally suppressed.
    • Recommended setup for development environment is to configure Rhetos:AppSecurity:AllClaimsForUsers in ExternalAppSettings.config (see Suppressing permissions in a development environment), or enable BuiltinAdminOverride for backward-compatibility in Web.config: <add key="Rhetos:AppSecurity:BuiltinAdminOverride" value="True" />.
  9. ProcessUserInfo no longer supports BuiltinAdminOverride configuration option. This might affect unit tests or custom utilities that directly use Rhetos.Processing.IProcessingEngine.
    • Add the required permissions for the system account that runs the utility application.
    • Alternatively, a unit test can register NullAuthorizationProvider to DI container, if it needs to override end-user permissions checking. For example, if using RhetosTestContainer add container.InitializeSession += builder.RegisterType<Rhetos.Security.NullAuthorizationProvider>().As<IAuthorizationProvider>();
  10. For custom plugins that implement IGenerator interface, it is no longer assumed to have dependency to ServerDom.*.dll libraries or Resources folder. Such plugin might be executed before ServerDom libraries or Resources folder is generated, if the dependency is not specified by IGenerator.Dependencies property.
    • If a custom IGenerator plugin reads files from Resources folder at build-time, the Dependencies property should include typeof(Rhetos.Deployment.ResourcesGenerator).FullName.
    • If it requires ServerDom.*.dll at build-time, the Dependencies property should include typeof(Rhetos.Dom.DomGenerator).FullName". Missing dependency may results with C# compiler error "The type or namespace name 'DomRepository' could not be found", or similar.

New features

  • Rhetos CLI and MSBuild integration
    • Rhetos CLI (rhetos.exe) is a successor to DeployPackages. The old build process with DeployPackages.exe still works.
    • It allows custom source code to be developed and compiled side-by-side with generated C# source code in the same Rhetos application.
    • New Rhetos application are created and developed as standard web application in Visual Studio by adding Rhetos NuGet packages. Currently only WCF applications are supported.
    • To migrate an existing Rhetos application to new build process follow the instructions at Migrating from DeployPackages to Rhetos CLI.
  • Rhetos.MSBuild NuGet package for integration with MSBuild and Visual Studio.
  • Rhetos DSL IntelliSense for Visual Studio provides syntax highlighting, context-sensitive autocompletion, concept description with parameters and real-time syntax errors. See installation instructions and features at Rhetos/LanguageServices.
  • Rhetos.Wcf NuGet package for quick-start of new WCF application projects (contains Rhetos.MSBuild). See Creating new WCF Rhetos application.

Internal improvements

  • Added summaries to all DSL concepts in CommonConcepts. They are displayed in Rhetos DSL IntelliSense for Visual Studio.
  • ProcessContainer is a successor to RhetosTestContainer with cleaner lifetime and transaction handling. See examples in Upgrading custom utility applications to Rhetos 4.0 and in "Rhetos Server DOM.linq" script.
  • Better support for anonymous access and testing with new security option Rhetos:AppSecurity:AllClaimsForAnonymous.
  • Database update is logging modified database objects information by default. This will help with analysis of deployment performance issues.
  • Bugfix: DeployPackages /DatabaseOnly requires packages source available to update the database (PackagesCache or source folders). If the application was built with packages included directly from source folder, it could not be deployed with DatabaseOnly switch.
  • Bugfix: Trace logging fails on some server commands because of result types unsupported by XML serializer (e.g. ODataGenerator).
  • Rhetos configuration can be extended with custom options classes.
  • ConnectionStrings.config no longer needs to be a separate file in the 'bin' folder. It is still recommended to use a separate file, but place it in the application root folder, to avoid deleting it when rebuilding bin folder. Note that its location must be specified in Web.config file.
  • Removed Rhetos-specific database providerName from connection string.
  • Verifying and updating EntityFramework ProviderManifestToken on each runtime startup. This allows different versions of SQL Server in build and testing environment (local SQL Server, Azure SQL, ...).
  • New logging level: Warning. Simplified logging rules in Web.config.
  • Low-level concept CascadeDeleteInDatabase, for implementing on-delete-cascade in database on specific FK constraint (Reference, UniqueReference and Extends). It should be rarely used because deleting records directly in database circumvents any business logic implemented in the application, related to those records.
  • Homepage snippets can now use IUserInfo and other DI lifetime scope components.
  • Migrated most of the Rhetos framework libraries to .NET Standard 2.0.
  • Formatting DSL syntax errors in canonical format (file and position) for better integration with MSBuild and other tools.
  • Rhetos NuGet package was missing System.ComponentModel.Composition dependency.
  • Updated Rhetos framework C# language to 7.3. Framework development now requires Visual Studio 2017 v15.7 or later.
  • Minor performance improvements of DeployPackages and application start-up.

3.2.1 (2020-11-19)

The changes from this release are not included in versions 4.0.0 - 4.2.0.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Read command with row permissions filter is not optimized in some situations, resulting with an additional database query.

3.2.0 (2020-08-20)

The changes from this release are not included in versions 4.0.0 - 4.0.1. They are included in 4.1.0 and later.

Internal improvements

  • Repository Save method is now virtual, to allow simpler unit testing mocks.

3.1.0 (2020-06-05)

New features

  • DSL syntax: ConceptParentAttribute, for explicit specification of parent property for nested and recursive concepts. The first property is assumed to be parent concept by default, unless ConceptParentAttribute is used. Recursive concepts must use ConceptParentAttribute.
  • DSL syntax: Dot is required as a parameter separator only for referenced concepts. In previous versions, dot was also required as a separator before key properties of type string. For backward compatibility, both old and new syntax is currently allowed (configurable).
    • For example, when using flat syntax for ShortString, previous versions required dot before property name: ShortString Demo.School.Name;, but new version does not: ShortString Demo.School Name;. New version makes it more clear that ShortString contains 2 parameters: entity (Demo.School) and property name (Name).

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Optimized "Contains" query with GroupBy and subquery results with EntityCommandExecutionException: An error occurred while executing the command definition. with inner exception IndexOutOfRangeException: Invalid index -1 for this SqlParameterCollection with Count=0. (issue #278)
  • Bugfix: Downgrade from Rhetos 4.0 results with SQL error: Cannot find the object "Rhetos.DatabaseGeneratorAppliedConcept" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
  • Bugfix: KeepSynchronized metadata tracking can result with syntax error in ServerDom.Repositories.cs depending on concept ordering.

3.0.1 (2019-11-22)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: GenericFilter "notequal" and "notequals" translates to Expression.Equal (issue #225).

3.0.0 (2019-11-07)

Breaking changes

  1. Upgrade from .NET Framework 4.5.1 to .NET Framework 4.7.2 (issue #52).
    • Update Web.config in your Rhetos server application: replace multiple instances of targetFramework="4.5.1" with targetFramework="4.7.2".
    • If your Visual Studio project directly references ServerDom dlls, change the Target framework in project properties to ".NET Framework 4.7.2": In Visual Studio right-click on your project, select Properties, select the Application tab, change the Target framework to the ".NET Framework 4.7.2". If you are not seeing .NET Framework 4.7.2 as an option there, ensure you have it installed.
    • If you have a .nuspec file that contains your project's dll, replace target="lib\net451" with target="lib\net472" in the .nuspec.
  2. Upgraded project dependencies to the latest version: Autofac 3.5.2 to 4.9.4, Autofac.Wcf 3.0.1 to 4.1.0, NLog 4.5.4 to 4.6.7, NuGet.Core 2.8.3 to 2.14.0 and Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.8 to 12.0.2.
    • To allow your existing Rhetos application to work with existing plugin packages, without recompiling them with new version of the dependencies, you will need to add bindingRedirect configuration in the .config file. See the instructions at Using old packages with new NuGet dependencies. If the bindingRedirect is missing, the application will return one of the following errors on startup:
      • System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type '...' to type 'Autofac.Module'.
      • Could not load file or assembly 'Autofac, Version=, ...
      • ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
  3. Removed dependency to Autofac.Configuration and DotNetZip (Ionic.Zip).
    • If your application or plugin package requires one of the dependencies, add the dependency specification in the .nuspec file.
  4. Default EF storage model namespace changed from "Rhetos" to "Rhetos.Store".
    • If your application contains a IConceptMapping plugin that creates EF metadata for custom SQL function at EntityFrameworkMapping.StorageModelTag, then modify the DbFunction attribute on the related C# method from "Rhetos" to EntityFrameworkMapping.StorageModelNamespace. Note that this should be done only for StorageModelTag functions, not ConceptualModelTag.

New features

  • System-managed roles: "AllPrincipals" and "Unauthenticated". They simplify assigning permissions for all users. More info available in article Basic permissions.
  • C# 6.0 and C# 7.0 features are now available in DSL code snippets (issue #52).

Internal improvements

  • Using UTF-8 by default to read .rhe and .sql files. Fallback to default system encoding in case of an error. (issue #163)
  • Deployment performance: Using Roslyn compiler for generated dll files.
  • Deployment performance: Custom Entity Framework metadata generator instead of automatically generated by Code First.
  • Bugfix: NuGet download results with error "... already has a dependency defined for 'NETStandard.Library'" (issue #215).
  • Bugfix: Deployment error MissingMethodException: Method not found Common.Queryable... (issue #178).
  • Bugfix: Multiple ModificationTimeOf on same entity may not detect some indirect property changes.
  • Bugfix: Corrected backward compatibility issue for SamePropertyValue (since v2.11).
  • AutodetectSqlDependencies now detects INSERT INTO, MERGE and JOIN query parts.
  • Improved error reporting: explanatory Web API response for invalid JSON format, cause analysis for type load errors, warnings on empty build, ...
  • DSL parser disambiguation for flat syntax over nested syntax (issue #210).
  • Simplified DSL syntax of polymorphic implementation that references a hardcoded entry (see usage).
  • Runtime performance: Entity Framework query optimizations for better reuse of query cache in both EF and database (issues #169 and #167).
  • Runtime performance: Recommended value EntityFramework.UseDatabaseNullSemantics set to True for new applications (see recommendations).

2.13.0 (2022-11-23)

2.12.0 (2019-09-09)

New features

  • New concepts: Hardcoded, Entry and Value, for read-only entities in DSL scripts (code tables, for example).

Internal improvements

  • New low-level concepts: ArgumentValidation and OldDataLoaded, for extending SaveMethod.
  • Bugfix: AutoCodeForEach on Bool grouping property causes unique index error on insert (issue #132).
  • Bugfix: Multiple row permissions with subqueries can result with ArgumentException (issue #191).
  • AutoInheritRowPermissions now safely ignores self-references (issue #35).
  • Bugfix: Backup data-migration column is dropped when converting table to view (issue #170).
  • Simpler error summary for better readability in VS Code terminal (issue #175).
  • Bugfix: DslScripts and DataMigration folders are ignored when deploying a package from source, if they are not placed directly under the nuspec file (issue #173).
  • Minor performance optimizations (reading and writing data, DSL parser, database upgrade) and improvements in error handling.
  • New plugin type: IConceptDataMigration, for custom data-migration extensions (Hardcoded concept, for example).
  • New plugin type: IConceptMetadataExtension, for providing information on concept implementation details (database column type, for example).

2.11.1 (2019-05-23)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint" error when deleting a record that is included in a polymorphic, event when the cascade delete should be applied automatically (issue #154).

2.11.0 (2019-01-31)

New features

  • New concept SkipRecomputeOnDeploy, for disabling recompute-on-deploy for a specific entity in the DSL script (issue #105).
  • Additional full-text search features, available as overloads of the existing FullTextSearch LINQ query method:
    1. Alternative integer key instead of GUID ID.
    2. Limiting the search subquery results with top_n_by_rank.
  • New low-level concept RepositoryMember, for extending generated repository classes (issue #87).
  • Generating .xml documentation files for the class libraries (issue #100).

Internal improvements

  • Simplified syntax of concept SamePropertyValue to use a simple path, see RowPermissions example.
  • Bugfix: SqlDependsOn referencing polymorphic data structure did not create a dependency to the polymorphic's view (issue #98).
  • Cascade delete is executed only in the application layer, not in the database, to prevent bypassing any business rules (issue #90). The new behavior can be enabled in old applications by setting the appSettings option "CommonConcepts.Legacy.CascadeDeleteInDatabase" to "False".
  • Minor performance improvements for DSL parser.

2.10.0 (2018-12-06)

New features

  • New concept: DefaultValue, for setting the default property values when inserting a new record. See usage examples.
  • New DeployPackages.exe switch: /SkipRecompute, to disable automatic updating of the computed data marked with KeepSynchronized during deployment (issue #83).

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Cascade delete for extension bypasses the entity's object model.
  • Bugfix: Cannot run CreateAndSetDatabase outside bin folder (issue #67).
  • Turned off automatic generated properties of polymorphic subtype, since it was easy to forget to implement a new subtype property (issue #62). An error is reported instead. Note: To apply the new behavior to the existing applications, add <add key="CommonConcepts.Legacy.AutoGeneratePolymorphicProperty" value="False" /> to Web.config.
  • Performance: Improved NuGet package caching.
  • EntityFramework.UseDatabaseNullSemantics setting can be changed without re-deploying the application (issue #64).

2.9.0 (2018-09-21)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Deployment with /DatabaseOnly fails with SqlException: Invalid column name 'Subtype' (since 2.8.0).
  • Bugfix: When trying to delete entity that has a UniqueReference entity without CascadeDelete concept applied, insufficient error message is returned. There is no info about entity that references aforementioned entity.

2.8.0 (2018-09-17)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: DeployPackages sometimes fails with InvalidOperationException: This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable.
  • Bugfix: DeployPackages sometimes fails with DslSyntaxException: "Concept with same key is described twice with different values." for PolymorphicPropertyInfo.
  • All security plugins (IUserInfo/IUserInfoAdmin) can now provide the admin user information. Previously this option was available only to Windows authentication.
  • ApplyFilterOnClientRead concept: Added an optional selector of read commands where the filter will be applied.

2.7.0 (2018-06-27)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: The ModificationTimeOf concept sometimes sets the current time value before the CreationTime concept on the same data entry.
  • Bugfix: The PessimisticLocking concept uses Rhetos server time instead of the database time.
  • Bugfix: "Conflicting source files with different file size" error when downloading localized NuGet packages.
  • Improved database deployment over networks with high latency: performance improvements, progress reporting.
  • Minor improvements in error reporting and logging (most notably for data migration scripts).

2.6.1 (2018-06-04)

Internal improvements

  • Corrected the default log archive size.

2.6.0 (2018-06-01)

Internal improvements

  • Performance: Enabled parallel inserts on AutoCodeForEach for different groups or records.
  • Performance: New low-level concept LogReaderAdditionalSource, that enables implementation of a custom Log archive. The archive can be integrated into the existing auditing features by extending LogReader and LogRelatedItemReader.
  • Upgraded to NLog v4.5.4 from v3.2.0. Modified default NLog configuration to use the Logs subfolder, and archive the large log files. Fixed the asyncwrapper usage.

2.5.0 (2018-04-23)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Server startup sometimes fails with a NullReferenceException (since v2.0.0).

2.4.0 (2017-12-20)

New features

  • New concept: AfterSave, for actions that need to be executed after all save validations are done.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Polymorphic "_Materialized" records should by automatically updated when a new subtype implementation is added or removed.
  • Allowed use of Detail concept on non-writable data structures. This can be useful for inheriting row permissions, for example.
  • Error handling improvements on deployment.

2.3.0 (2017-11-27)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: DeployPackages fails with a ProviderManifestToken error when migrating to a different SQL Server version.
  • Bugfix: DeployPackages fails with an error when executing data-migration scripts: "View or function 'x' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables."
  • Bugfix: DeployPackages fails with a database error 'identifier too long' on foreign key constraint, when entity name's length is 40 characters. The limit is now moved above 100 characters, but it depends on other features and plugins that are used in the application.
  • Increased EF6 query cache size to 10000 (from default 1000).
  • Disabled ASP.NET session to improve concurrency. Rhetos server does not use it, but it was turned on by default.

2.2.0 (2017-10-18)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: DeployPackages /DatabaseOnly fails if the Rhetos server folder has been moved.

2.1.0 (2017-10-17)

Internal improvements

2.0.0 (2017-10-02)

Breaking changes

  • ServerDom.dll moved from bin to bin\Generated and split to the following files: ServerDom.Repositories.dll, ServerDom.Model.dll, ServerDom.Orm.dll.
    • Please delete any remaining ServerDom.* files from the bin folder.
  • When using AllProperties concept on ComputedFrom or Persisted, it is no longer allowed to override the target property name for the computed properties. Use an explicit property mapping instead.

New features

  • New concept: UniqueReference, similar to the Extends concepts but without cascade delete and row permissions inheritance.
  • New concept: CascadeDelete for UniqueReference.

Internal improvements

  • Deployment performance: Caching generated assembly and EDM files.
  • Run-time performance: Removed use of IObjectContextAdapter at Entity Framework initialization and saving.
  • Run-time performance: Optimized row permissions that uses an extension when inherited to that extension.
  • Bugfix: Inheriting row permissions results with a lambda expression error when using subquery parameters of the same type as the main expression parameter or when inheriting to an extension that is used in the main expression.

1.10.0 (2017-08-11)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Updating or deleting a nonexistent records on entity with row permissions is misreported as "You are not authorized ..." instead of "Updating/Deleting a record that does not exist ...".
  • Repository members are now available in KeepSynchronized filter snippet and Computed code snippet (_executionContext, for example).
  • Included date and time to internal server error message to help finding the error record in the server log.

1.9.0 (2017-07-20)

Internal improvements

  • Performance improvements of DeployPackages.exe.
  • Improved request logging: ProcessingEngine Request logger logs simplified description of server commands with filter parameters.

1.8.0 (2017-06-30)

Internal improvements

  • New concept: AutoInheritRowPermissionsInternally, similar to AutoInheritRowPermissions but it does not inherit row permissions from other modules.
  • Bugfix: KeyProperties concept sometimes adds ID to the list of properties.
  • One persisted property can be included in more than one ComputedFrom mapping.
  • RestGenerator: The error "There is no resource of this type with a given ID" is no longer logged to RhetosServer.log by default.

1.7.0 (2017-03-09)

New features

  • Support for Azure SQL Database.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Error when deploying to an empty database "There is already an object named 'Common' in the database".
  • Bugfix: MetadataException when deploying on SQL Server 2008 "All SSDL artifacts must target the same provider".
  • Removed DSL constraint "Browse should be created in same module as referenced entity".

1.6.0 (2017-02-27)

New features

  • New concept: AllowSave, for suppressing InvalidData validations on save. The Validate method is available on the repository to list the validation errors that do not block saving.
  • New concept: RequiredAllowSave, for suppressing Required property validations on save.
  • New concept: ErrorMetadata, for setting the extensible metadata to InvalidData error message.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: The SqlCommandTimeout configuration option is not applied to the Entity Framework queries.
  • AssemblyGenerator uses UTF-8 with BOM when writing the source file (ServerDom.cs, for example).

1.5.0 (2017-02-13)

New features

  • New concept: ChangesOnReferenced, a helper for defining a computation dependency to the referenced entity. The parameter is a reference property name, or a path over references, pointing to the entity that the current computation depends on. Note that both computed data structure and the persisted data structure must have the same reference property for this concept to work. The path can include the Base reference from extended concepts. The path can target a Polymorphic. This will generate a ChangesOnChangedItems for each Polymorphic implementation.

Internal improvements

  • Improved logging of server commands. The log now contains a short command description, including the entity/action/report name. Logging full command description for failed commands; it can be configured separately by error severity (client or server errors) in Web.config.
  • Bugfix: AutodetectSqlDependencies does not detect dependencies to the Polymorphic's view.
  • Optimized use of FilterCriteria in the Recompute functions.

1.4.0 (2016-12-13)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: NuGet package ID should be case insensitive.
  • Relaxed validation of duplicate concepts in the DSL model. The validation will ignore macro concept that generates a base concept when a derived concept already exists.

1.3.0 (2016-12-08)

New features

  • New generic filter operation: In checks if the property's value is in the provided list. It is available in web APIs such as REST service. In business layer object model this property filter can be executed with a subquery parameter.
  • New concept: AutoCodeForEachCached, equivalent to AutoCodeForEach with cached last code values.
  • New concept: SqlDependsOnID, an alternative for SqlDependsOn when one SQL object depends on a data structure (table or view), but does not depend on the data structure's properties (other columns).

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: FullTextSearch on a complex query sometimes fails with a "FrameworkException: Error while parsing FTS query. Not all search conditions were handled."
  • Bugfix: "InvalidCastException" when applying a generic property filter after FilterBy.
  • Bugfix: Invalid NuGet package reference to Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.
  • Bugfix: "SqlException: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition" when inserting a record to an entity that is a named Polymorphic implementation with an AutoCode property.
  • Refactoring the AutoCode concept to avoid using the instead-of trigger.
  • Removed excess dependencies from polymorphic subtype with named implementation.
  • New low-level concept Initialization, for injecting initialization code into the Save method.
  • The KeyProperties concept can now be used inside ComputedFrom on a data structure. In previous versions it could be used only inside Persisted or inside ComputedFrom on a property (as KeyProperty).

1.2.0 (2016-10-19)

New features

  • Allowed execution of data-migration scripts in wrong order, when a new script is ordered before the old one that was already executed. In the previous versions, such scripts would be skipped.
    • Set the DataMigration.SkipScriptsWithWrongOrder parameter in Web.config to False to enable this feature, or True for old behavior (default).

Internal improvements

  • Removed dependencies to 32-bit dlls; it is no longer required to use 32-bit IIS Application Pool for the Rhetos server.

1.1.0 (2016-09-16)

New features

  • New concept: CreatedBy writes the current user's ID when saving a new record.
  • Generic filter operators Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual are supported for GUID properties. These are available in web APIs such as REST service.

Internal improvements

  • AutoCode property is no longer Required. Saving NULL value will the generate next number.
  • SqlDependsOnIndex concept is enabled for use in DSL scripts.

1.0.0 (2016-08-23)

Breaking changes

  • Modified parameters of DatabaseExtensionFunctions.FullTextSearch method.
  • Building Rhetos from source requires Visual Studio 2015 on the development environment. If using command-line build, NuGet command-line tool is also required because of Automatic Package Restore.
  • For referenced NuGet packages, the lowest compatible package version is deployed, instead of the highest. Visual Studio behaves the same.

New features

  • Enabled localization plugins for end-user messages, such as I18NFormatter.
  • Publishing Rhetos NuGet package, for easier development of Rhetos plugins.
  • InvalidData concept allows programmable error messages by using new concepts MessageParametersConstant, MessageParametersItem or MessageFunction.
  • New concept: SamePropertyValue, for optimization of inherited row permissions.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Sorting by multiple properties uses only the last one. The bug affected ReadCommand used in web APIs such as REST service (RestGenerator).
  • Bugfix: Reference and Unique constraint errors should include entity and property names.
  • Bugfix: Missing encoding info in the JSON error response content type.
  • Bugfix: Adding a dependency between existing SQL objects may cause a KeyNotFoundException in DatabaseGenerator.
  • Bugfix: Hierarchy path is limited to 70 characters.
  • Forcing web service to close SQL transaction before sending web response. This is necessary for consistent behavior or consecutive server requests when SQL server uses snapshot isolation.
  • EntityFramework.UseDatabaseNullSemantics configuration option sets Entity Framework to generate simpler SQL queries.
  • Repository's members available in the Action code snippet.
  • Fixed IIS Express deployment.
  • Optimized reading one record by ID.
  • New DeployPackages.exe switch /DatabaseOnly, for improved performance when deploying a farm of Rhetos applications connected to a single database. Multiple instances of the application server can be quickly updated be copying server files, and the database can be quickly upgraded by using the DatabaseOnly switch.
  • Full-text search support on Entity Framework.
  • Bugfix: The FullTextSearch method now works on a Browse data structure.
  • Bugfix: Targeted .NET Framework for NuGet plugins should be 4.5.1, not 4.0.0.
  • Obsolete SimpleWindowsAuth package moved to a separate repository.
  • NuGet packages for Rhetos plugins can now be references in standard VS projects (using "lib" instead of "plugins" subfolder, using regular dependencies instead of frameworkAssembly).

1.0.0-alpha006 (2015-10-12)

Breaking changes

  • The DownloadReport server command no longer requires additional Read permissions for all the data sources, only the existing DownloadReport permission for the report.
  • Bugfix: AutodetectSqlDependencies applied on one Module also creates SQL dependencies on other modules.

New features

  • Automatic authentication cache invalidation when modifying principals, roles and permissions. The AuthorizationCacheExpirationSeconds option in Web.config can now be increased, if Active Directory integration is not used.
  • New generic property filters: EndsWith, NotContains, DateNotIn. Also available in REST API.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Concurrent inserts to Common.Principal may result with unique constraint violation on AspNetUserId, when using AspNetFormsAuth.
  • Bugfix: AutoCode may cause unique constraint violation when READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is enabled.
  • Bugfix: "Invalid column name" error may occur on Polymorphic automatic property implementation (missing SQL dependency).

1.0.0-alpha004 (2015-08-17)

Breaking changes

New features

  • Query or load data from repositories using Query(), Query(filter), Load() or Load(filter) methods. The filter can be a lambda expression (item => ...) or an instance of any filter parameter that is supported for this data structure.
  • query.ToSimple() method, for removing navigation properties when querying a Rhetos data structure from repository. For better memory and CPU performance when materializing a LINQ query, instead of query.ToList(), use query.ToSimple().ToList(). If only few properties are used, a better solution would be query.Select(new { .. properties the will be used .. }).ToList().

Internal improvements

  • In the business layer object model (ServerDom) for each data structure there are 2 classes created:
    • A simple class (SomeModule.SomeEntity), for working with entity instances in FilterBy concept or Load(filter) function. That class does not contain navigation properties for references to another data structures. It contains simple Guid properties for those references.
    • A queryable class (Common.Queryable.SomeModule_SomeEntity), for working with LINQ queries in ComposableFilterBy or ItemFilter concept, or Query(filter) function.
  • For reference properties, the scalar Guid property is mapped to the database. Previously only navigation properties were available in LINQ queries and in REST filter parameters. For example, the client had to use SomeReference.ID instead of SomeReferenceID in filters; now both options are available and ReferenceID is the preferred option.

0.9.36 (2015-07-14)

New features

  • New concept: UserRequired, for validating input to the Save method.

Internal improvements

  • New DeployPackages.exe argument /ShortTransactions, for upgrading large databases.
  • Improved Polymorphic: multiple Where allowed, optimized update of Materialized extension.
  • Bugfix: Polymorphic does not update Materialized extension for named implementations.
  • SqlDependsOn* concepts can be used on polymorphic subtype (Is) to define dependencies for the generated view.
  • Bugfix: Error "DependsOn data structure must be IWritableOrmDataStructure" when using an entity with History as a Polymorphic subtype.
  • DeployPackages is logging more detailed information when refreshing a dependent database object.
  • FilterBy expression is allowed to use the repository's member methods.
  • New internal concept SuppressSynchronization, for turning off automatic recompute of an entity with KeepSynchronized.

0.9.35 (2015-07-03)

New features

  • New concept: AutoCodeCached, an optimized version of AutoCode for large tables. AutoCodeCached stores the latest used code, so it does not need to read the existing records when generating a new code, but it requires manual initialization the persisted data at initial deployment or import database records.

Internal improvements

  • Data-migration scripts from a dependent package will be executed after the scripts from the package it depends on, instead of alphabetically by the module name.
  • New internal concept: SqlNotNull.

0.9.34 (2015-05-26)

Internal improvements

  • Allowed use of full-text search in LINQ queries through NHibernate extensions. Limited use on Browse data structure: FullTextSearch must be used on Base property.
  • Bugfix: Using the GUID property associated with a Reference property on Browse does not work in LINQ queries and generic property filters.

0.9.33 (2015-05-12)

Breaking changes

  • Modified error messages for RowPermissions read and write access errors. Different error messages are used to separate denied access to modify existing data from denied access to apply new data.

New features

  • New concept: Where, for filtering Polymorphic subtype implementation.

Internal improvements

  • Allowed use of the GUID property associated with Reference property, in LINQ queries and generic property filters (web API). For example, Where(item => item.ParentID != null) is now allowed, along with the old code Where(item => item.Parent.ID != null).
  • Performance: KeepSynchronized concept sometimes called Recompute function twice for same ID.

0.9.32 (2015-04-22)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: User sometimes gets reduced permissions when using ActiveDirectorySync with non-domain roles.
  • Bugfix: CommonAuthorizationProvider log reports more roles than the user has.
  • Performance: Use Security.LookupClientHostname option to turn off reverse DNS lookup. The client hostname can be used for logging in an enterprise environment. If the option is turned off in Web.config, the client IP address will be used instead of the hostname.

0.9.31 (2015-04-16)

New features

  • To automatically add unregistered users to Rhetos users list, enable AuthorizationAddUnregisteredPrincipals option in Web.config. This feature can be useful with Windows authentication and ActiveDirectorySync Rhetos plugin, when configuring Rhetos permissions for domain user groups only.

Internal improvements

  • Minor performance improvements in user authorization.

0.9.30 (2015-03-31)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Error "There is no principal with the given username" when using SimpleWindowsAuth package.
  • Bugfix: Installing a newer package version than specified in the RhetosPackages.config.
  • Bugfix: Error "An item with the same key has already been added" in NHibernatePersistenceEngine.

0.9.29 (2015-03-23)

Breaking changes

  • SimpleWindowsAuth package is now obsolete, and should be used only for backward compatibility in legacy applications. When removing the package from an existing application, the following changes will occur:
    • Rhetos admin GUI for setting user's permissions is no longer available (/Resources/Permissions.html).
    • User names in Common.Principal must start with domain name prefix (domainname\username).
    • Domain user groups should be moved from Common.Principal to Common.Role.
    • Deploy ActiveDirectorySync package to automatically update principal-role membership (Common.PrincipalHasRole) for domain users and groups.
    • Each user must be entered in Common.Principal, SimpleWindowsAuth allowed entering only user groups. For backward compatibility enable AuthorizationAddUnregisteredPrincipals option in Web.config on Rhetos v0.9.31 or later.

New features

  • Roles (Common.Role) can be used for grouping permissions and users. A role can also inherit permissions or include users from other roles.
  • New package ActiveDirectorySync: for synchronizing Rhetos principal-role membership with Active Directory. See ActiveDirectorySync\ for more info.
  • Caching permissions, configurable by AuthorizationCacheExpirationSeconds value in Web.config.

Internal improvements

  • User authorization (permissions) and Windows authentication is now implemented in CommonConcepts package, instead of SimpleWindowsAuth and AspNetFormsAuth.
  • New concept: Query with parameter, for parametrized reading data using IQueryable.
  • New low-level concepts: BeforeQuery with parameter and BeforeAction, for injecting code in business object model.
  • New concept: DefaultLoadFilter, for limiting automatic computation on a subset of rows on KeepSynchronized.
  • Bugfix: Like function on string throws exception "The call is ambiguous...". Old implementation of the function is renamed to SqlLike.
  • Bugfix: SQL error when using Polymorphic for automatic implementation of Reference property.
  • Bugfix: Application-side verification of Unique constraint does not work (it can be used on LegacyEntity).
  • Bugfix: Creating an index that is both Unique and Clustered fails with an SQL syntax error.
  • Bugfix: NHibernate proxy error when using KeepSynchronized on entity with Detail entities.

0.9.28 (2015-03-06)

Breaking changes

  • Upgraded from .NET Framework 4.0 to .NET Framework 4.5.1.
  • Upgrading to the latest version of NHibernate, NLog, DotNetZip and Newtonsoft.Json.

0.9.27 (2015-03-05)

New features

  • Polymorphic now allows specific SQL query implementation (using SqlImplementation), and also SqlQueryable as a subtype implementation.

Internal improvements

  • Using Semantic Versioning in Rhetos build and dependency analysis.
  • Added "Installed packages" list to the Rhetos homepage.
  • Bugfix: Missing administration GUI for SimpleWindowsAuth.
  • Bugfix: Missing explicit namespace in Rhetos homepage.

0.9.26 (2015-02-26)

Breaking changes

  • Removed obsolete class Rhetos.Utilities.ResourcesFolder (use Paths.ResourcesFolder instead).

New features

  • New low-level BL object model concepts: SaveMethod, OnSaveUpdate, OnSaveValidate, LoadOldItems. These are concepts for injecting business logic in the entity's repository. They should not be used directly in DSL scripts if the business requirements can be implemented by using higher level concepts such as Persisted, Lock, InvalidData (DenySave), DenyUserEdit, etc.
  • DeployPackages.exe /IgnoreDependencies switch, allows installing incompatible package versions.

Internal improvements

  • ExecutionContext class now exposes GenericRepository constructor with both interface and entity name. This is useful for writing type-safe code that uses entity through an interface, without referencing the generated object model. Example: executionContext.GenericRepository<IDeactivatable>("Common.Claim").Query(item => item.Active == false).
  • Added "Rhetos." prefix to standard Rhetos packages. The generated Resources\<PackageName> subfolder for each package is named without the prefix, to keep backward compatibility.
  • Checking package dependency on Rhetos framework version using frameworkAssembly element in .nuspec file.
  • Bugfix: Case insensitive and null comparison in GenericFilter sometimes do not work (REST API and ReadCommand filters).
  • Bugfix: Read claim is generated for some non-readable data structures (Action, for example).
  • Bugfix: Logging Rhetos server commands and results works only for SOAP web API, not for REST (see TraceCommandsXml in Web.config).
  • Client application may ignore properties marked with DenyUserEdit, the server will accept null value from client and keep the old value unchanged.
  • Logging slow SQL queries from ISqlExecuter.
  • Logging file-locking issues on deployment.

0.9.25 (2015-02-19)

Breaking changes

  • ExtractPackages.exe tool is deleted. Its functionality is now part of DeployPackages.exe.
  • CreatePackage.exe tool is deleted. New Rhetos packages should be packed by NuGet.
  • DeployPackages.exe reads the package list from RhetosPackages.config and RhetosPackageSources.config. Empty prototypes of those files are created on first deploy.
  • DeployPackages.exe will no longer read source files from DslScripts and DataMigration subfolders in the Rhetos server application (e.g. RhetosServer\DslScripts).
    • Please backup all Rhetos server folders and delete obsolete subfolders DslScripts and DataMigration.
  • FilterByReferenced will yield syntax error if the referenced filter name does not match exactly. In previous versions, a different filter name was allowed by optional namespace.

New features

  • DeployPackages.exe can now fully deploy Rhetos packages to Rhetos server, without relying on other tools to extract or copy package's content into a Rhetos server. The following types of packages are supported:
    1. NuGet packages
    2. Unpacked source folders, for development environment
    3. Legacy zip packages, for backward compatibility
  • DeployPackages.exe handles package dependencies (see NuGet versioning). It will verify if package versions are compatible and automatically download referenced packages.
  • SqlObject can be created without transaction. This is necessary for deploying SQL objects that cannot be created inside a transaction (Full-text search index on MS SQL Server, e.g).
  • New concepts: ComposableFilterByReferenced and ItemFilterReferenced, for inheriting filters from referenced data structure.
  • New concept: InvalidData, to replace obsolete DenySave (same syntax).
  • DeployPackages.exe will pause on error, unless /NoPause command-line argument is used.

Internal improvements

  • IValidatedConcept interface allows improved performance in semantic validation. Old interface IValidationConcept is now obsolete.
  • Detailed logging of permission analysis in SimpleWindowsAuthorizationProvider.
  • DeployPackages.exe reports use of obsolete concepts.
  • AdminSetup.exe in AspNetFormsAuth also creates admin user and permissions, to make sure the admin account is property set up.
  • Better EndOfFile error handling in DSL parser.

0.9.24 (2015-02-04)

Breaking changes

  • Using new version of Autofac (v3.5.2). Since Autofac dlls are signed, all plugin packages that use Autofac must be rebuilt with the new version.

New features

  • New concept: LockExcept, for locking entity without locking the specified properties.

Internal improvements

  • DeployPackages.exe uses a logger instead of Console.WriteLine() directly. The logger can be configured in DeployPackages.exe.config.
  • Deployment performance improvements.

0.9.23 (2015-01-26)

Breaking changes

  • Internal server error information is removed from server responses (a configuration option will be added in future).

New features

  • New row permissions concepts: Allow and Deny, for combined read and write rules.
  • Simplified row permission rules format: a single function that returns the expression.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Deploying AspNetFormsAuth after SimpleWindowsAuth fails on IX_Permission_Role_Claim.
  • Bugfix: User authorization fails when using IProcessingEngine (executing server commands) in unit tests and in LinqPad scripts.

0.9.22 (2015-01-13)

Breaking changes

  • Detail reference is SystemRequired.

New features

  • Added Forgot my password feature to AspNetFormsAuth. Sending the password reset token to the user (by SMS or email, e.g.) is to be implemented as a separate plugin (for example see SimpleSPRTEmail).
  • New RowPermissions concepts: AllowWrite and DenyWrite.
  • New RowPermissions concept: InheritFromBase.
  • New RowPermissions concept: AutoInheritRowPermissions.

Internal improvements

  • Minor performance optimizations for some macro concepts.
  • Bugfix: InitializationConcept was not registered as a regular concept.

0.9.21 (2014-12-18)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Filter by ID cannot be combined with queryable filters. Some queries may throw NHibernate error, such as using row permissions on filters browse data structure.
  • Bugfix: SqlIndexMultiple sometimes did not use the given ordering of properties.
  • Bugfix: SqlCommandTimeout config parameter does not apply to NHibernate queries.
  • Bugfix: AutoCode fails with unique index constraint error on concurrent inserts.
  • Bugfix: Duplicate unique value error in IX_Permission_Principal_Claim on deployment, when migrating roles from AspNetFormsAuth to SimpleWindowsAuth package.
  • New concept: Clustered, for SQL indexes.
  • Minor performance optimizations.

0.9.20 (2014-12-09)

Breaking changes

  • Filter Common.RowPermissionsAllowedItems renamed to Common.RowPermissionsReadItems.

New features

  • New concepts: RowPermissions AllowRead and DenyRead, helpers for row permissions that allows combining multiple rules and inheriting rules from one entity to another.

Internal improvements

  • Improved performance of DeployPackages.exe (mostly DSL parser).
  • Automatically updating persisted KeepSynchronized data on first deployment. The update may be avoided for a specific computation by setting Context='NORECOMPUTE' in Common.KeepSynchronizedMetadata table.
  • Bugfix: SqlDependsOn to an entity without properties does not work.
  • Bugfix: ArgumentNullException thrown on some client request.
  • Bugfixes: Row permissions not supported on Browse. Row permissions not used on empty filter requests.
  • New interface IConceptMacro, for implementing macro concepts with better performance.
  • Added Query function to GenericRepository, for simpler use in application code.

0.9.19 (2014-11-12)

New features

  • New concept: Polymorphic. It allows multiple entities to implement same interface. Polymorphic data structure is readable, it returns the union of all implementations. A reference to a polymorphic entity will validate foreign key constraint on all data changes.
  • New concept: RowPermissions for programmable constraints on records that a client is allowed to read. Can be used explicitly by filter parameter: Common.RowPermissionsAllowedItems.
  • New concepts: ApplyFilterOnClientRead and ApplyOnClientRead, for filters that are automatically added to each client request.

Internal improvements

  • New action for custom log entries: Common.AddToLog.
  • Bugfix: Value-type filter without a given parameter value would fail even if the value is not used in the filter.
  • Using ConceptMetadata for sharing concept implementation info (SQL column name and type, e.g.).

0.9.18 (2014-10-01)

New features

  • AutoCode for Integer properties.
  • AutoCode allows client to define minimal number length by multiple "+" at the end of the format string.
  • New persistence control mode: ComputeForNewItems.
  • History allows ActiveSince in future. "Current" entry is now simply the latest one (may have future date).
  • Enabled use of UseExecutionContext on ComposableFilterBy.

Internal improvements

  • Added friendly error messages for authentication and permission problems while running Rhetos under IISExpress or when server process lacks MS SQL permissions.
  • New exception type: ClientException, to separate client software errors, such as invalid request format, from denied user actions (UserException).
  • Async logging for trace log.
  • Bugfix: Allow multiple AutoCode on same Entity.
  • Bugfix: DenyUserEdit with CreationTime on same property fails on save.
  • Bugfix: Reference to an SqlQueryable causes SQL error on deployment.
  • Bugfix: ApplyPackages.bat fails on space in package's folder name.
  • Bugfix: AutodetectSqlDependencies and other SqlDependsOn* concepts should not be case sensitive.

0.9.17 (2014-05-21)

Breaking changes

  • Testing API: RhetosTestContainer.InitializeRhetosServerRootPath function removed, use the constructor argument instead.

New features

  • New concepts: KeyProperty and KeyProperties, for ComputedFrom to control when to update an item or to delete old item and insert a new one. Backward compatible with previous ComputedFrom behavior where key property is assumed to be "ID".
  • AspNetFormsAuth: Token expiration parameter for GeneratePasswordResetToken.
  • /Debug option for DeployPackages.exe to generate ServerDom.dll without optimizations.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Reading top n or count from Browse data structure loads all rows from database.
  • Bugfix: TargetInvocationException instead of UserException was reported to the client.
  • More minor bugfixes and error handling improvements.

0.9.16 (2014-04-18)

Internal improvements

  • New core DSL concept InitializationConcept, for singleton DSL implementation plugins.
  • Bugfix: LinqPad script cannot detect Rhetos server's folder it the folder's name is not "Rhetos".

0.9.15 (2014-04-07)

New features

  • Implemented GenericRepository class, a helper for server-side type-safe access to entity's repository (using interface the entity implements) without referencing the generated business layer object model.
  • Generic filter is extended to allow multiple predefined filters (along with property filters).
  • New server command: ReadCommand is a replacement for QueryDataSourceCommand.
    • Improvements: ordering by multiple properties, more paging control with Top and Skip, reading records with paging without getting total count (this was a performance issue) and reading record count without reading records.
    • QueryDataSourceCommand is obsolete, but still available for backward compatibility.

Internal improvements

  • Deactivating obsolete claims and permissions, instead of deleting them.
  • Unit tests and LinqPad scripts now use full Rhetos server context (RhetosTestContainer class). This allows using reports, authentication manager and other server components.
  • Added GenericRepositories in ExecutionContext.
  • AspNetFormsAuth: Implemented GeneratePasswordResetToken and ResetPassword web methods. Automatic user log in after ResetPassword.
  • Minor improvement in DeployPackages.exe performance (cached plugins scanning).
  • Bugfix: AutocodeForEach on a Reference with short syntax causes error "Group property type 'SimpleReferencePropertyInfo' is not supported".
  • Bugfix: NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration.LinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry cannot be used in plugins.
  • Bugfix: Missing dll dependencies for AspNetFormsAuth.
  • Bugfix: Deploying AspNetFormsAuth to an empty database causes SQL connection timeout.

0.9.14 (2014-02-26)

New features

  • New package: AspNetFormsAuth. It provides an implementation of ASP.NET forms authentication to Rhetos server applications. See AspNetFormsAuth\ for more info on features and installation.
  • New package: SimpleWindowsAuth. It contains the existing Windows authentication and authorization subsystem, extracted from Rhetos core framework and CommonConcepts package.
  • New concept: RegisteredImplementation, for exposing repositories of an entity that implements a given interface. It helps to keep algorithm implementations out of DSL scripts by providing statically-typed querying and saving of generated object model entities without referencing the generated assembly.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Absolute URI (localhost Rhetos server) removed from Web.config.
  • Bugfix: DenyUserEdit and SystemRequired concepts denied saving valid data entries when using automatic value initialization.
  • Bugfix: SetupRhetosServer.bat sometimes reported incorrect error "IIS Express is not installed".
  • Performance: First call of the DownloadReport server command sometimes takes more time.
  • New plugin type: IHomePageSnippet, for adding development and administration content to Rhetos homepage.
  • New plugin type: ICommandObserver, for extending server's command handling.

0.9.13 (2013-11-28)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: RegExMatch did not escape C# special characters when generating object model. Matching values are now tested for exact match, not substring match.
  • Added custom error message property to RegExMatch.
  • Bugfix: Without a network access to the Active Directory server, every command throws an exception (even with BuiltinAdminOverride).
  • Bugfix: GenericFilter throws an exception when filtering for null reference value.
  • Bugfix: Decimal precision was limited to 5 instead of 10 for decimal(28,10).
  • Bugfix: Editing an entity with History does not create a new history record when using web API.
  • Bugfix: Escaping special characters in C# string in HierarchyWithPathInfo, MinValueInfo and MaxValueInfo.
  • Bugfix: Renaming a claim resource by changing letter case would cause an exception at DeployPackages.
  • Bugfix: Removed a reference from core framework (Rhetos.Security) to CommonConcepts package.

0.9.12 (2013-11-06)

New features

  • Tracking of related items for Common.Log allows searching for all logged events of a given entity, including events of its detail entities and extensions.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Saving an entity with Lock or History concept sometimes resulted with an NHibernate.LazyInitializationException error.
  • Bugfix: Updating ActiveItem in history should not create new entry in Changes table.
  • Bugfix: DeployPackages sometimes uses old migration data in DataMigrationRestore.
  • Bugfix: FK_AppliedConceptDependsOn_DependsOn error on DeployPackages.
  • NHibernate updated to version 3.3.3 SP1 (HqlTreeBuilder.Constant IList<T> issue).
  • Improved ORM DateTime precision from seconds to milliseconds.

0.9.11 (2013-09-25)

New features

  • New concept: AutodetectSqlDependencies automatically detects and generates dependencies (SqlDependsOn) for SqlQueryable, SqlView, SqlFunction, SqlProcedure, SqlTrigger and LegacyEntity view. It may be applied to any of those objects or to a whole module.

Internal improvements

  • Improved performance of DeployPackaged.exe. Optimized update of concepts' metadata in database generator.
  • Bugfix: DenySave that uses SqlQueryable sometimes caused an error "Could not initialize proxy" on save.
  • Bugfix: Web query that combines ItemFilter or ComposableFilter with GenericFilter sometimes caused case insensitive string filtering or NullReferenceException. Filter was executed in C# instead of the SQL.
  • Bugfix: Rhetos REST service bindings were not loaded from Web.config.
  • Bugfix: On some systems the PUT method on Rhetos REST service caused HTTP error 405. Removed WebDAVModule.
  • Bugfix: InvalidCastException (OracleDataReader.GetInt32) on some systems while upgrading database.
  • Improved error handling in build batch scripts. Use /NOPAUSE parameter for automated builds to avoid pause on error.

0.9.10 (2013-09-12)

Breaking changes

  • REST interface (DomainService.svc) is moved from Rhetos core to a separate repository: LegacyRestGenerator. A faster version of REST interface is implemented in RestGenerator repository.
  • Modified implementation of History concept: Generated _FullHistory data structure is renamed to _History, old _History to _Changes and _History_ActiveUntil to _ChangesActiveUntil.

New features

  • When using SqlDependsOn for property or entity, the concept will automatically add s dependency to the property's unique index if one exists.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Concept info property 'LegacyPropertySimpleInfo.LegacyEntityWithAutoCreatedView' is not initialized.
  • Bugfix: ArgumentNullException when loading Common.Claim or Common.Principal.
  • Bugfix: Generated dlls moved to bin\Generated, to avoid locking during execution of DeployPackages.exe.

0.9.9 (2013-09-04)

New features

  • Writeable EntityHistory. FullHistory data structure now allows insert/update/delete commands by automatically updating history entries and current entry.

Internal improvements

  • New concept: Write allows creating a Save function and corresponding WEB methods for data structure that is not writeable by default.
  • Bugfix: Trace log should be disabled by default for better performance.
  • Bugfix: DeployPackages did not generate claims for new entities.
  • Bugfix: DeployPackages.exe and CleanupOldData.exe could not remove old tables and columns whose names are no longer supported by Rhetos (identifiers that need to be quoted).

0.9.8 (2013-08-30)

Breaking changes

  • The C# code snippet in QueryableExtension must assign both ID and Base property of the created instance. Previously it was enough to assign only the Base property in certain situations.
  • Uninitialized ShortString property has null value, previously it was empty string. Uninitialized ID property is Guid.Empty, previously it was Guid.NewGuid(). Note that when saving an entity, the ID value will still be automatically generated if it was not set in advance.
  • Modified interface of Tag class (used by code generator plugins).

New features

  • New concept: SystemRequired, for a property that must be computed by the server. Note that the existing Required concept should be used to enforce a business rule when a user must enter the property's value.
  • New concept: DenyUserEdit, for a property that may only be changed by the server, not by a client Save request. It may also be applied to an entity with hardcoded system data.

Internal improvements

  • Helper classes CsTag, SqlTag and XmlTag provided a simplified creation of code tags (for code generator plugins).
  • Bugfix: LongString and Binary properties were limited to 8000 bytes.
  • DSL packages may contain custom web service registration.
  • Implicit transactions with NHibernatePersistenceTransaction allow late query evaluation that is required for OData service.
  • Removed TypeFactory, AspectFactory, InterceptorFactory and DynamicProxyFactory. TypeFactory was a wrapper around Autofac, but it did not provide a useful abstraction layer. Other components were planned for AOP, but they were not used in practice. AOP principles are already fully supported by code generators for the final application. These features were not used for internal framework components.
  • More flexible plugins registration using PluginsUtility and PluginsContainer.
  • Removed backing fields for properties in server object model.
  • FullHistory data structure implementation changed to SqlQueryable instead of generated view and legacy entity, so that other concepts may use the SqlQueryable with SqlDependsOn.
  • Computed data structure is now available through REST interface.
  • Better handling of null values and derived property types in MinLength, MinValue, MaxLength and MaxValue.
  • Enabled use of UseExecutionContext concept on Action.
  • Bugfix: Recursive updates with KeepSynchronized could cause infinite loop even if there is nothing to update.
  • CreationTime implementation moved from database to object model (data import should not change the migrated creation time even if the value is not specified).

0.9.7 (2013-08-02)

New features

  • New concept: Deactivatable allows records to be deactivated instead of deleted.
  • Improved History concept: ActiveUntil property computed for each history record. FullHistory available through REST interface. Better validations.

Internal improvements

  • Added ability to extend Rhetos with custom file generators.
  • Removed end-of-line normalization of git repository.

0.9.6 (2013-07-12)

Breaking changes

  • REST error result was previously a JSON string. Now the result is an object with string properties UserMessage and SystemMessage. UserMessage should be reported to the end user. SystemMessage contains additional system information, such as entity or property that caused an error.
  • REST method for inserting an entity record (POST) previously returned the generated ID as a string. Now the command returns an object with GUID property named ID.

New features

  • New concepts for simplified validations: MaxLength, MinLength, MaxValue, MinValue, RegExMatch, Range, IntegerRange, DateRange and DateTimeRange.
  • New version of concepts DenySave, LockItems and LockProperty with additional reference to the property that is being validated. That property will be reported to the client in case of an error during Save.

Internal improvements

  • New concept: ComputedFrom is a more flexible version of Persisted. It allows a property-level recomputing instead of entity-level. It is intended to be used as an internal concept for building simpler macro concepts.
  • Better handling of plugins: allowed non-default constructors for all plugins, simplified plugin registration and retrieval.
  • Bugfix: Set default git repository configuration to use CRLF for end-of-line.
  • Bugfix: Using AllPropertiesFrom to copy properties with an SqlIndex to a data structure that does not support SqlIndex will throw an error.
  • Bugfix: NHibernate mapping for properties did not apply to derivations of the existing property types.
  • An IMacroConcept may create an IAlternativeInitializationConcept without setting non-parsable properties.

0.9.5 (2013-06-28)

Breaking changes

  • Changed SOAP interface of the server: ServerProcessingResult property enum State changed to bool Success.

New features

  • Rhetos is an open source software under AGPL license!
  • New concept: SimpleReferencePropertyInfo simplifies writing a DSL script when a reference property name is the same as the referenced entity.
  • Improved DSL parser: IAlternativeInitializationConcept allows a DSL concept to simplify its syntax or its internal design when depending on other automatically created concepts.

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Added buffering in FilterByReferenced concept.
  • Refactoring of unit tests: private accessors are no longer used.

0.9.4 (2013-06-18)

Breaking changes

  • Concept Snowflake renamed to Browse.

New features

  • New concept: Take, for easier modelling of the Snowflake.
  • Improved error handling on Snowflake.

0.9.3 (2013-06-13)

Internal improvements

  • Bugfix: Filtering by ID (Guid[]) could not load more than 1000 items.
  • Bugfix: Local admin override did not work correctly while UAC is enabled and VisualStudio is not started as Administrator.
  • Bugfix: Fixed Rhetos project dependencies needed for GetServerFiles.bat.
  • Bugfix: Snowflake returned 0 records when used on a QueryableExtension.
  • Bugfix: Filter by DateTime did not work on an Entity with partial History (subset of it's properties).
  • Bugfix: Creating _FullHistory view sometimes failed because of undefined dependencies.

0.9.2 (2013-06-13)

Breaking changes

  • Renamed concept All to AllProperties (used with Logging).

New features

  • New concept: History, for automatic management of older versions of a record (some or all properties). It also provides a functions for retrieving the record's state at a given time.
  • Detail concept automatically includes SqlIndex.
  • New concepts for copying properties from another data structure: PropertyFrom and AllPropertiesWithCascadeDeleteFrom. Existing AllPropertiesFrom modified to not include cloning CascadeDelete concepts.

Internal improvements

  • Modifies DSL parser to allow disambiguation of similar concepts with the same name (AllProperties, e.g.) depending on the context (Logging, Persisted, History, e.g.).

0.9.1 (2013-06-05)

Breaking changes

  • Removed obsolete SOAP command VerifyAuthorizationCommand.

New features

  • New concept: ModificationTimeOf. It automatically updates the modification time of the given property.
  • New concept: CreationTime. It automatically sets the record's creation time.
  • New concept: SqlObject, for clean creation and deletion of any type for SQL object (such as an SQL Server job) through a DSL script. Use SqlDependsOn to set dependencies to other entities or properties. Use SqlDependsOnSqlObject to set dependencies of other DSL objects to an SqlObject.
  • New concept: ComputeForNewBaseItemsWithFilterInfo, similar to KeepSynchronizedWithFilteredSaveInfo.

Internal improvements

  • Better performance of permission checking.
  • Bugfix: Installation package did not contain Global.asax.
  • Bugfix: KeepSynchronizedInfo sometimes caused redundant updates for new items.