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Nextflow run with conda run with docker run with singularity

ribomethseq-nf is a nextflow pipeline dedicated to RiboMethSeq data processing. It generates quality control data and counts, which can be directly used for further analyses using the rRMSAnalyzer package.


  • 1.0 : first release

Software requirements

Nextflow (21.04 or later) is required to run this pipeline.

Warning Older Nextflow versions before 20.10.0 will likely fail to run RiboMethSeq-nf.

The following software program/packages are also required to run this pipeline.

If you do not want to install them manually, you can use either docker/singularity or conda to build the required environment (see Installation section)

Note: Earlier version of samtools may work as well but will retain a few more SAM records due to an issue in expression handling in samtools view prior to version 1.15 (See this issue). In our case this is related to this filtering expression -d 'NM' -e '![XS]'given to samtools. This is expected to be really minor though.

General workflow description

The workflow is currently designed to process RiboMethSeq data generated in single-end mode on Illumina sequencers. For each detected fastq file (one per sample), quality control (FastQC) and reads trimming (Trimmomatic) steps are launched. Trimmed reads are then aligned on rRNA reference sequences (human or mouse, included in the pipeline) with Bowtie2 in end-to-end mode with --sensitive -L 17 parameters. Aligned files are then coordinate sorted and filtered with samtools to obtain uniquely mapped reads. From these, we generate count (coverage) files using bedtools. A MultiQC report gathering metrics from FastQC, Trimmomatic and Bowtie2 is provided as well as an HTML report with custom QC metrics computed on the full dataset (all detected fastq files).


To have the workflow installed you simply need to clone this repository.

git clone

Conda environment

Perhaps the easiest way to have a proper environment to run the pipeline is to use conda. Two YAML files are provided : docker/rms-processing.yml and docker/rms-report.yml corresponding to two distinct environments. The former contains requirements for the processing part of the pipeline (samtools, bowtie2, ...) and the latter is dedicated to the report generation. We chose to split the two environment because solving the full conda environment could take a really long time.

You can either directly use the conda profile provided in nextflow.config and the workflow will automatically build the environment at workflow initiation or you can build it in advance (recommended) with for instance the following command:

cd docker
conda env create -f rms-processing.yml
conda env create -f rms-report.yml

If you create the environment prior to running the workflow, you will then need to adapt the process.conda directives from the conda profile in nextflow.config as shown below :

conda {
	includeConfig "nf-config/exec.config"
	conda.enabled = true

	process {
		withName: 'fastqc|trim|bowtie2|filter|multiqc|counts' {
			conda = "/path/to/your/conda/envs/rms-processing"
		withName: 'split|report' {
			conda = "/path/to/your/conda/envs/rms-report"

Docker image

A docker image can also be built using the provided docker/ The image will be built upon a debian 11 (bullseye) base image.

To build the docker image :

cd docker
docker build -t ribomethseq-nf:1.0 -f .

If you need to mount specific path(s) of your infrastructure, adapt the docker profile in the configuration file (process.containerOptions).

More information on docker image content in the docker README.

Singularity image

There is no proper singularity recipe provided at the moment, but in the meantime you can convert the Docker image to a singularity image.

# first, create an archive of the docker image
docker save ribomethseq-nf:1.0 | gzip > ribomethseq-nf_1.0.tar.gz

# (... somewhere else ...)
# second, build a sif image from the archive
singularity build [--sandbox] ribomethseq-nf_1.0.sif docker-archive://ribomethseq-nf_1.0.tar.gz

If problems occur with the loop device, the option --sandbox can be used to build the singularity image.

The resulting ribomethseq-nf_1.0.sif must be in the directory specifed by singularity.cacheDir in the configuration file.

If you need to mount specific path(s) of your infrastructure, adapt the Singularity profile in the configuration file (process.containerOptions).

HPC environment

By default in nf-config/exec.config, the executor is set to slurm. You may need to adapt it to your own computing infrastructure (e.g. pbs, LSF, or other)

You can also set params.scheduler = 'local' if you plan to run locally on your computer but then pay attention to control the queue size with --qsize (set to 20 by default) to avoid launching to many jobs depending on your hardware capabilities.


Some tests are provided in the tests directory. Once you have set up your software environment :

cd tests

# Test with tools installed in PATH
make test

# Test with conda profile
make test-conda

# Test with docker profile on local machine
make test-docker SCHEDULER=local

# Test with singularity profile on HPC with pbs
make test-singularity SCHEDULER=pbs

# Test with your own created profile (e.g. `custom_profile`)
make test PROFILE=custom_profile

# Clean the tests directory
make clean

Running the workflow

Let's suppose that you have cloned the repository in the following directory: /path/to/ribomethseq-nf

To run the workflow, you will need to specify both your execution environment and your species (human or mouse) of interest. This is done here by combining nextflow profiles.

human and mouse profiles are already available. They gather for each species all the required reference data and the bowtie indexes to save you some time.

Run the workflow for human data with docker

nextflow run /path/to/ribomethseq-nf -profile human,docker \
    --fqdir $FastqDir \
    --outdir $OutDir

Run the workflow for mouse data with conda

nextflow run /path/to/ribomethseq-nf -profile mouse,conda \
    --fqdir $FastqDir \
    --outdir $OutDir

See Input parameters section for a description of all available parameters.


Easiest way to get you started for the non-bioinformatician

  1. You just need nextflow and conda available on your system.
  2. Find out what is your job scheduler. e.g. pbs


nextflow RibosomeCRCL/ribomethseq-nf -profile conda,human --scheduler 'pbs' --qsize 10 --fqdir '/path/to/fastq/files'

This will automatically retrieve the nextflow pipeline from GitHub, build the required conda environment and finally process your data. Output files will be located in current directory (default).

Reference data used by the pipeline

The following reference rRNA are used :



The associated fasta sequences for human and mouse organisms are stored in the data/fasta directory. It is possible to add other species, but it will be necessary to add a new profile in nextflow.config file for them.

Precomputed bowtie2 indexes are also already provided for both human and mouse in the folder data/bowtie. If you need to use your own index, you can specify it through the --bowtie_index parameter.

Input parameters

                            +  ribomethseq-nf help  +

--fqdir              DIR    Fastq files location                       Required
--fastq_pattern      STR    Pattern for fastq file selection           Optional (.fastq.gz)

--adapters           FILE   (Trimmomatic) Path to illumina adapters    Optional ($baseDir/data/adapters/TruSeq3-SE.fa)
--leading            INT    (Trimmomatic) LEADING parameter            Optional (30)
--trailing           INT    (Trimmomatic) TRAILING parameter           Optional (30)
--slidingwindow      STR    (Trimmomatic) SLIDINGWINDOW parameter      Optional (4:15)
--avgqual            INT    (Trimmomatic) AVGQUAL parameter            Optional (30)
--minlen             INT    (Trimmomatic) MINLEN parameter             Optional (8)

--bowtie_index       FILE   (Bowtie) Path to index                     Optional ($baseDir/data/bowtie/human/human_index)
--bowtie_opts        STR    (Bowtie) additional options                Optional (--sensitive -L 17)

--samtools_opts      STR    (samtools) options to view                 Optional (--no-PG -h -u -d 'NM' -e '![XS]')

--bowtie_threads     INT    Threads for bowtie                         Optional (7)
--fastqc_threads     INT    Threads for fastqc                         Optional (2)
--trimmo_threads     INT    Threads for trimmomatic                    Optional (3)
--samtools_threads   INT    Threads for samtools                       Optional (4)

--fastqcoutput       FLAG   Export fastqc logs (html and zip)          Optional (false)
--trimoutput         FLAG   Export trimmomatic logs and trimmed fastq  Optional (false)
--threeendcount      FLAG   Export 3'end read count                    Optional (false)
--bowtieoutput       FLAG   Export Bowtie's logs                       Optional (false)
--samtoolsoutput     FLAG   Export unique BAM files                    Optional (false)

--split              FLAG   Split count files by RNA                   Optional (false)
--scheduler          STR    Job scheduler                              Optional (slurm)
--qsize              INT    Max number of parallel jobs                Optional (20)
--outdir             DIR    Output directory                           Optional (.)
--logdir             DIR    Log directory                              Optional ($outdir)
--help               FLAG   Displays this help

Output files


By default, the pipeline will only copy 5' read-end count files (See Read-end count files and two quality control reports in the output directory :

  • multiqc_report.html : A RNA-seq report generated by MultiQC.
  • rms_report.html : A RiboMethSeq report generated (See RiboMethSeq (RMS) Report)

Example output :

├── counts
│   └── 5p
│       ├── sample1_R1_001.5_counts.csv
│       ├── sample2_R1_001.5_counts.csv
│       └── sample3_R1_001.5_counts.csv
├── multiqc_report.html
└── rms_report.html

Other directories can be copied by the pipeline in the output directory :

  • bowtie2 : BAM alignment files and logs from Bowtie 2. (--bowtieoutput)
  • counts/3p : 3' read-end count files. (--threeendcount)
  • trimmomatic : Trimmed fastq files and logs. (--trimoutput)
  • fastqc : fastqc report for each sample in both zip and html formats. (--fastqcoutput)

Read-end count files

The read-end count files represent the main output from this pipeline and are stored in the counts directory. By default, only the 5'end-read counts are exported (one file per sample). 3'end-read counts can also be exported alongside, using the --threeandcount parameter.

The files are in CSV format and have the following structure :

Ref RNA position on ref RNA 5/3' read en count
NR_046235.3_5.8S 1 735
NR_046235.3_5.8S 2 173
NR_046235.3_5.8S 3 59
NR_046235.3_5.8S 4 32
NR_046235.3_5.8S 5 21

The column headers have been added in the above example for clarity, but the real output files do not have them.

RiboMethSeq (RMS) quality control Report

The RiboMethSeq QC report is stored in rms_report.html, at the root of the output directory.

It currently contains the following analyses :

  • A end-read count boxplot and RLE for each samples.
  • A distance heatmap to compare coverage profiles between samples.
  • A correspondence analysis of the coverage profiles.