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Rich Harris edited this page Apr 21, 2013 · 14 revisions


Statesman.js - state management made straightforward

Statesman.js is a general purpose observable model, to help you keep track of your application state.


Our webapps are getting richer and more complex. One consequence of this is that managing state is exponentially harder than it used to be. Different parts of an app have different responsibilities and may be split across many different files, but they all need to reflect the same underlying state.

Statesman.js gives you a convenient way to model your app state, derive computed values from it, and monitor it for changes. It holds no opinions about how you structure your app, and plays nicely with whatever libraries you happen to be using. It has no dependencies and weighs less than 2kb minifed and gzipped.

An example

Suppose you're creating a game, and your state model looks like this:

// ignore the fact that we're hard-coding our user's data, rather than loading it from somewhere...
var state = new Statesman({
    user: {
        name: 'Alice',
        avatar: 'alice.jpg',
        score: 120,
        friends: [ 'Bob', 'Charles' ]

Maybe you have a view of the user's score somewhere in the app, with markup that looks like this:

<span id='score'></span>

When Alice's score changes, update the model:

state.set( 'user.score', currentScore );

When the model changes, we can update the view:

scoreView = $( '#score' );

state.observe( 'user.score', function ( newScore, oldScore ) {
	scoreView.text( newScore );

In this way it's very easy to keep your state model, views, and application logic neatly separated from each other.

So is this like Backbone models or [insert MV* framework here]?

Yeah, I suppose, insofar as it helps you keep you maintain separation of concerns. This is a little more 'informal' - rather than having lots of models representing specific entities, the idea with Statesman.js is that you only have a single model to worry about (though you can have as many instances as you like, of course).

But wait! There's more

In the example above, we're observing user.score. But let's say Alice logs out and someone else logs in:

state.set( 'user', newUser );

The user.score observer will still be notified, even though it's not observing user directly.

Conversely, if something is observing user and user.score (or, for that matter, user.avatar, or user.friends[0] or any other descendant of user) changes, that observer will be notified.

This is very handy.

We can also define computed values, which will update when their triggers change:

// start a new level
state.set( 'level', {
	title: 'The dungeon of contrived examples',
	baddies: 20,
	scoreToWin: 200

// define our victory conditions
state.compute( 'user.hasWon', {
	triggers: [ 'user.score', 'level.scoreToWin' ],
	fn: function ( score, scoreToWin ) {
		return ( score >= scoreToWin ); // returns true if the user's score is high enough

// when the user wins, congratulate them with an alert box
state.observe( 'user.hasWon', function ( hasWon ) {
	if ( hasWon ) {
		alert( 'Congratulations! You have won the game' );

All the examples above are overly simplistic, of course. But hopefully they give you some idea of what Statesman.js is and how to use it. For more info consult the API Reference or the pages on basic usage, observers and computed values.


Issues and pull requests are welcome. Or you can reach me on Twitter at @rich_harris.
