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Akka EC2, ECS, Terraform, Packr, Ansible, Gradle Example

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The objective is just to create a simple Akka EC2 example. The example is about Terraform, Packr, EC2, Docker, ECS, Docker Compose, etc.


  • IA will be Terraform
  • Build tool will be gradle
  • Packr will be used to create docker images and EC2 AMIs
  • Local deployment will be possible with Docker compose
  • Ansible playbooks will be used to provision
  • Deployment images with be CentOS
  • MySQL / Amaon RDS
  • Memcached / AWS


  • Terraform
  • Packr
  • EC2
  • ECS
  • Amazon ELB / Amazon ALB
  • Docker
  • Scala/Akka


Build a simple Akka application that uses Akka remoting, memcache and MySQL. The application is more about the deployment than Akka per se. I could have used Spring Boot or Vert.x or QBit (and may in the future). The focuse is more on DevOps support and dev flow.

There will be a database, an Akka remote service, an Akka microservice. The Akka microservice will talk to a remote service to look up tags associated with a user, and a user alias. It is a completely fictional application. The Akka microservice will live behind a load balancer. The Akka remote service will run on another server (or another docker instance). The Akka remote service will look up tags associated with the user and save them.

Let's call the microservice the UserService. Let's call the remote service the UserTagService.

Simple Diagram

+-----------------+             +----------------+
|                 |             |                |
|                 |             |                |
|  UserTagService |             | UserService    |
|                 <----+--------+                |
|                 |    ^        |                |
|                 |    |        |                |                  +---------------------+
|                 |    |        |                |                  |                     |
+-----------------+    |        +--------------^-+                  |                     |
                       |                       +--------------------+                     |
+------------------+   |                                            |     ELB             |
|                  |   |        +----------------+                  |                     |
|                  |   |        |                |                  |                     |
|   Memcached      |   |        |                |                  |                     |
|                  |   |        |  UserService   ^                  |                     |
|                  |   <--------+                |                  |                     |
|                  |   |        |                |                  |                     |
|                  |   |        |                +------------------+                     |
+------------------+   |        +----------------+                  |                     |
                       |                                            |                     |
                       |                                            +-----+---------------+
 +---------------+     |        +----------------+                        |
 |               |     |        |                |                        |
 |               |     |        |                |                        |
 |  MySQL        |     |        |  UserService   |                        |
 |               |     |        |                |                        |
 |               |     +--------+                <------------------------+
 |               |              |                |
 +---------------+              |                |


Creates aliases and saves them in MySQL and Memcached.

  • findTagsByUserId (UserId) returns UserAlias and List[Tags]
  • findTagsByUserAlias (UserAlias) returns UserAlias and List[Tags]
  • Available via REST
  • Stateless

The findTagsByUserId will check memcached for tags (List[Tags]) and an UserAlias based on UserId. If data not found, it will call UserTagService to get tags (List[Tag]) by user id. The findTagsByUserId will be represented as a POST in Akka HTTP because if not found, it can create tags (using UserTagService) and create a user alias (UserAlias). It is responsible for storing the user alias, and it is responsible for storing data in memcached by UserId and by UserAlias. The tags should be available for two weeks. If the tags were not found by UserTagService than the tags are available in the cache for two hours. Memcache will store UserAlias -> UserId, List[Tag]. If the user alias is not found in memcached, it is checked for in MySQL before being created.

The getTagsByUserAlias will check memcached for data (UserAlias, List[Tags]) in memcached by alias. If found the UserAlias key in memcached will result in the UserId. If the list of tags is empty, then getTagsByUserAlias will call UserTagService.

SQL Pseudocode for UserID to UserAlias mapping

create table UserAlias (
  userId varchar[30] Primary Key, 
  userAlias varchar[255] Index

JSON Pseudocode stored in Memcached

    "userId" : "12345",
    "userAlias" :  "5678",
    "tags" : ["Blue", "Fish", "California"]

Amazon specs (Terraform)

  • Needs to be behind a load balancer (Amazon ELB or ALB).
  • Needs to be in an autoscale group (3 min, 3 max).
  • Stateless.
  • Can benefit from ECS deployment
  • Example will support ECS and EC2
  • Future: replicate logs to CloudWatch
  • Should be in same subnet as 1 UserTagService
  • Needs Elastic Cache for Memcached
  • Needs RDS for MySQL

Docker compose

  • Needs to run with 1 instance of UserTagService
  • Needs 1 memcached instance
  • Needs 1 MySQL instance
  • Need to be able to connect to UserService


The UserTagService will randomly generate tags. It will use Akka Actor scheduling to randomly generate tags after a few minutes. It will talk to an internal actor async using Akka Futures.

It will store the tags locally in memory in rocksDB, in MySQL and in Memcache. It only knows about UserIds (not UserAlias).

SQL Pseudocode for UserID to Tags mapping

create table UserTags (
  userId varchar[30] Primary Key, 
  tags varchar[1024] 

JSON Pseudocode stored in Memcached

    "userId" : "12345",
    "tags" : ["Blue", "Fish", "California"]

Docker compose

  • Needs 1 memcache instance
  • Needs 1 mysql instance


Phase 0 Tasks

  • Create gradle project for UserService, configure gradle plugin for scala
  • Create Akka HTTP REST endpoints for two POST operations.
  • Hardcode UserService to return different results for three different Users
  • Create DSL based test
  • Create Gatling test (maybe)
  • Use Gradle application plugin to generate application
  • Use Packr to create UserService docker image
  • Test against docker image
  • Have UserService actor delegate to UserAlias actor to look up alias and/or create an alias and store (pretend store) it if not found

Phase 1 Tasks

  • Create MockUserTagService Actor, given a JSON config file can return different hardcoded responses (with a slight delay)
  • Create MySQL code to store and lookup generated alias.
  • Create code to async store in cache.
  • Create docker compose file to deploy MySQL, UserService and Memcached.

Phase 2 Tasks

  • Create gradle project for UserTagService
  • Create gradle parent project for UserService and UserTagService
  • Move MockUserTagService Actor to UserTagService and expose via Akka remoting
  • Configure UserService to use remote UserTagService
  • Use Packr to create UserTagService docker image
  • Modify docker compose file to deploy UserTagService as well as MySQL, UserService and Memcached.

Phase 4 Tasks

  • Create RDS DB
  • Create scripts to popualte schema
  • Create scripts to create memcached
  • Use Packr to create UserService docker image
  • Use Packr to create UserTagService docker image
  • Manually deploy UserService and UserTagService and configure in EC2

Phase 5 Tasks

  • Setup autoscale groups
  • Setup ELB and/or ALB

Phase 6 Tasks

  • Terraform
  • Automate all IA

Phase 7 Tasks

  • Ansible
  • Use ansible for all provisioning
  • Setup .ssh keys for EC2 instances
  • Connect to instances with .ssh keys and setup .ssh config to give images aliases in ssh
  • Setup ansible to run ansible playbooks against instances

Phase 8 Tasks

  • Add RocksDB, MySQL and Memcached support to UserTagService
  • Update docker compose for local integration testing
  • Update Terraform for AWS EC2 testing

Phase 9 Tasks

  • Use ECS instead of EC2


Create Simple Akka EC2 Examples






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