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jenkins-github-helpers CLI

A CLI for jenkins-github-helpers.



Adding a comment to a PR:

npx -p @richicoder1/jenkins-github-helpers jgh comment --body "Hello World!"

Options are:

Flag Description
--body <string> The body of the comment. Either --body or --bodyFile is required.
--bodyFile <fileName> A file containing the body of the comment. Either --body or --bodyFile is required.
--deleteBodyFile If this flag is specified, jgh will delete the specified bodyFile after it has run.
--once [key] Specify this to only post a comment to a PR once. If a key is specified, it use that as a unique id. Otherwise it uses the comment body.

NOTE: This command assumes the presence of a GH_TOKEN that has permissions to add comments to a link. It also assumes the presense of either a CHANGE_URL, or a GIT_URL formatted as an https git link and a CHANGE_ID. The former should be provided in a standard jenkins environment.

Files Changed

Helper command for detecting if a glob of files has changed

npx -p @richicoder1/jenkins-github-helpers jgh changed src/**

with a return result of 0 meaning a match was found, and a return result of 1 meaning no matches were found.

Alternatively, if you want to parse the output and consume it from javascript, you can pass the --json flag.

npx -p @richicoder1/jenkins-github-helpers jgh changed package* --json

The output would look something like:


	"error": false,
	"result": { "matched": ["package-lock.json", "package.json"] }




{ "error": true, "message": "something bad happened" }


Flag Description
--json Output results to stdout as json. Always returns 0.
--verbose Outputs the changed files in addition the the matched files. In --json mode, this means there will be a changed array in the result.

NOTE: This command assumes the presence of GIT_COMMIT and the very least. This, however, only gets the changed files for the current commit. To get the full set of changes since a previous build, you should also provide one of GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT, GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT, or CHANGE_TARGET.
