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West Wind WebSurge Change Log

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Version 1.24

not released yet

Version 1.23

May 18th, 2021

  • Drag and Drop Request Moving in Request List
    You can now drag and drop requests into a new location by dragging an individual item to a new location in the list.

  • Double click to run Request
    You can now double click on a URL/Request to execute that request individually.

  • Processing Message on longer Requests
    When running requests that are not very quick, you'll now see a Processing... header when running individual requests. This helps prevent confusion whether a request is running or not which previously only showed in the status bar.

  • Copy Request Button
    There's now a Copy Request button in the Preview pane that copies the current request to an HTTP text trace on the clipboard. The text matches what the Preview displays, which can either be just the Request data or both Request and Response if a request has run.

  • Fix: Crash on no active Request Fix issue where WebSurge would crash when creating a new request without first using New Request. When no request is active one is now created and added to the list as soon as request data has been entered.

  • Fix: Overflow error on Test Run Reporting
    Fix issue where in some instances long test runs would overrun an integer size for report summaries and crash.

Version 1.19

March 25th, 2021

  • Add SiteBaseUrl Session Option to allow for Relative URLs in Requests
    You can now use relative URLs for requests if accessing a single site, and set the new SiteBaseUrl session configuration setting to specify a URL. This base URL is pre-fixed to any request URLs that don't include http:// or https:// protocol schemas. This gives another option - in addition to the ReplaceDomain setting - to quickly switch tests between different sites in one place.

  • Replace RequestTimeout with RequestTimeoutMs
    Fix issue with very small Request Timeouts causing WebSurge to fail to process the request. Changed behavior to use milliseconds rather than timeout seconds so it's now possible to use timeouts all the way down to 10ms.

  • Open link clicks in the System Default Browser
    When clicking on the HTTP link in the previewer, a new browser window is now opened instead of opening the document inline.

Version 1.17

February 17, 2021

  • Display Images in Previewer
    Image results are now displayed as images in the previewer. You can toggle between image and raw view which shows a base64 representation of the image data (usable as an image reference).

  • Fix Timing Issue
    Fix timing calculations for warmup and wind-down requests.

  • Fix: Crash on aborting Test Run
    Fix a bug that would crash WebSurge infrequently when cancelling an in progress test run.

Version 1.16

March 30th, 2020

  • Import and Export Postman Collections
    You can now use the File -> Import to import Postman collections into WebSurge and File -> Export to export WebSurge sessions into Postman Collections.

  • Allow editing Request Data in Previewer
    You can now interactively edit the request data in the preview window using rich JSON/XML and HTTP header editing to edit the content for POST content and the HTTP Headers for each request. Editing in the preview is quicker and provides a richer editing experience than using the request entry form. Requests still have to be created in the request editor, but once created updating and customization of requests can be done in the previewer.

  • Add Syntax Highlighting to pop-out Request Editor
    Added syntax highlighting to the popout editor available when double clicking on the request editor. The editor pops up with the appropriate syntax highlighting for HTTP headers or Request content in xml, json format. The editor is a full editor interface with better support for text spacing and re-alignment that makes it easier to edit text.

  • Update Report Summary Display Page
    Created a new more visual display for the Report Summary section. Shout out the request per seconds and failures at the top and group test stats vs. result stats using colored visual bars.

  • Add Total Bytes Sent and Total Bytes Posted to Summaries
    Added Total bytes send and posted to the WebSurge summary result screens of both the GUI and Console apps.

Version 1.14

April 22rd, 2019

  • Add New Session Button and Menu Item Added options to more obviously create a new session, rather than just closing. Create New Session closes the old session and creates a new and highlights a new request entry.

  • Fix New Request Focus Issues
    New requests now properly focus the new request tab and URL controls to avoid having to click or tab to the right field. Small thing but saves a few key strokes/mouse clicks.

  • Fix: Warmup Request Count Interference
    Fix warmup request count that was interfering with partial seconds adding to the total request count. Simplified request code to separate warm up and proper test operation.

Version 1.13

March 13th, 2019

  • Fix: Import WebSurge/Fiddler Session Files with LF only Formatting
    Fixed session import which didn't work with files using only LF instead of CRLF for line feeds. Refactored session importer completely to be more resilient various format issues.

  • Fix: Splash Screen Startup Issues
    Fix issue with the splash screen in some environments and especially on Remote instances where threading issues were causing WebSurge to quit on startup. Fixed by moving the splash screen inline and removing the fade out behavior.

  • Fix: Version Update Checks only for Minor Version Changes
    WebSurge no longer considers a build change when prompting for new version updates. Updates now only show on shutdown when the minor (or major) version changes.

Version 1.12

March 7, 2019

  • Add SortNoRandomize Option to Entry
    You can now specify that a URL should not randomize when all requests are randomized. This allows you to randomize all requests except those that are marked so they always run at the beginning. Useful for ensuring that login URLs are always fired before other requests.

  • Add Paste Raw HTTP Request to Request Entry Form
    You can now paste a raw HTTP request into an the Request entry form. You can now capture a raw request trace from tools like fiddler or a documentation form and simply paste it as is using a new link button on the request form. The request is automatically parsed and then displayed without having to separate out headers, verb and URL.

Version 1.10

July 6th, 2018

  • Word Wrap Checkbox on Headers Field on Request Form
    There's now a button on the Headers field to make it easier to view and edit header data. The default not wrapping to show 'raw' data which usually makes it easier to see the overall header content. Wrap mode makes it easier to view and edit long fields like cookies.

  • Fix: DataBinding Bug for Request Data Editing
    Fixed issue where request data was not properly saved after running a test as the active request was overwritten by newly created instance.

  • Fix: Cookie TrackSessions Tweaks
    Change TrackSessions behavior so if no Cookies are yet assigned the original cookies from the request are sent. Cookie Container is also cleared now when you turn TrackSessions to false.

Version 1.08

August 12th, 2017

  • Cookie Tracking in Interactive Session
    If TrackSessionCookies=true in the configuration, the interactive test session now tracks cookies created by a test and passes forward that same cookie on subsequent requests. This means you can run an authenticate link to get a cookie and then run subsequent requests that use that same cookie. Tracked cookies override both explicit cookies in the request header, as well as ReplaceCookieValue overrides.

Version 1.07

July 14th, 2017

  • Automatic Cookie Tracking via Configuration Option
    Cookies are now automatically tracked per session (group of URLs) when used in a test run. Each session runs on an isolated thread and cookies are reset as each session is restarted in a test run or individual test. Use the TrackSessionCookies configuration flag to enable or disable Cookie tracking. The default is true - set to false if you don't use Cookies that carry forward in your tests to improve test throughput.

  • UrlEncoded Form Request Data Formatting
    UrlEncoded form data with content type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded automatically displays formatted key value pairs rather than the raw UrlEncoded data. Raw View shows the original URL encoded data. This makes it easier to understand form encoded data.

  • Experimental: User Management
    You can now set up multiple users that are assigned to sessions by mapping login URLs and login form data to specific users. This feature is experimental and doesn't support UI at the moment and requires configuration via JSON text for a WebSurge configuration file. More info.

  • Add --output Command Line Switch to WebSurgeCli
    The --output flag sends the final Web Surge report output or --json response from the WebSurgeCli to the specified file.

  • Group Test Results by Verb + Url + Name
    Previously test results were grouped by Verb + URL only which caused problems for some scenarios like Web Services that are always using the same Url. Now the name is used in combination and combined with the Url and displayed on the test results page.

  • Fix: JSON Result Formatting
    Fix but with various values in the JSON result displaying as Milliseconds when they should display as seconds.

Version 1.02

February 30th, 2017

  • Add additional XML preview formats
    Added additional XML preview formats to shows as formatted XML.

  • Fix Request Editing Focus Issues
    Changed the request editing to not require explicit Save operations. New entries are now immediately added to the Request list and displayed in the list and any updates are immediately reflected in the request - no explicit save operation required.

Version 1.01

Oct. 10th, 2016

  • Code Signed Exe's and Installer
    The WebSurge installer file and main binary EXEs are now code-signed for verification purposes.

  • Byte Size Display on Response Pane
    The result Response pane now shows the byte size of the actual request. The actual size may differ from the Content-Length if the content is encoded, or if the content is chunked and there is no Content-Length sent from the server.

  • File Exports are not auto-opened
    Due to the large file size of exported reports exported test results are no longer opened, but simply shown in Explorer and highlighted. You can choose to open the files from Explorer.

Version 1.0

Sept. 2nd, 2015

  • Change licensing and remove limits on free version
    Remove limitations on the free version and change licensing to make free for personal use and paid for commercial use.

  • Plugin Support for Extensibility
    Initial plugin interface that allow hooking into request processing as requests are fired against the server. You can hook OnBeforeRequestSent and OnAfterRequestSent methods that allow you to manipulate inbound requests and capture result requests as they are completed for custom logging or live analytics.

  • First Byte Times Added to Results
    Result objects now contain a value to show milliseconds to first byte for more information on each request.

  • Add Name to the Request Entry
    Added a name field to make it easier to differentiate similar URLs when testing APIs. In the request list the name displays if it's provided, otherwise the URL displays.

  • Add Sorting to the Request List You can now sort the request list by using either a menu option or shortcut keys to move items up and down in the list. Useful to properly group requests together.

  • Add Test All Button to Session List
    Option allows you to run all selected tests in a session at once and see a summary result page, as well as a result list where you can check the output from requests and responses

  • DoubleClick on Session Request to Test Item
    You can now DoubleClick on a request in the Session list to fire that request and see the request and response displayed. Facilitates mouse only navigation and is in addition to using the toolbar button and the Alt-T shortcut.

  • Add .websurge Windows Extension for Request Files
    When you save request files the default extension is now .websurge, which is now a registered extension in Windows so you can just open a request file by double clicking. This also makes it easier to separate request files from saved result traces or .txt export stored in the AppData folder. Also added support for Most Recently Used (MRU) list so most recent files always show up on taskbar and desktop icons.

  • Share Session files on DropBox or OneDrive
    You can now open and save session files from DropBox and OneDrive using the Cloud Drives option from the File menu. This makes it easy to share your Session files across machines more easily and share them with others on your team.

  • Add requirement for Remote Server Safeguard files
    WebSurge now requires that any remote server tested has a websurge-allowed.txt file in the root folder, or a #Allow: WebSurge comment entry in robots.txt. Localhost URLs don't require these files and neither do single URL tests.

  • Change Update Download Location
    Change the download location to the system Downloads folder to avoid potential issues with Anti-virus software flagging the downloaded file as malicious.

  • Fix Content Encoding for Request Data
    Fixed content encoding to detect request encoding format properly when posting data to the server. Content is still captured and displayed as Unicoded (decoded) text for ease of editing, but content sent to server is encoded in the encoding specified in the request. If no content type encoding is specified UTF-8 is assumed.

  • Improve throughput for High Volume Testing
    Tweaked the per request yielding between requests to allow for faster request processing on very high volume sessions. Performance should improve 2-3 fold in some scenarios. Note that optimal thread configuration might involve less threads. In tests we found to maximize load best performance for very high load scenarios is often achieved with 1 thread per CPU Core.

Version 0.75b

January 20th, 2015

  • Syntax Coloring for Request and Response Content
    Both request and response content now allow for a 'Formatted' view that displays common display formats in prettified form. HTML, JSON, and XML are syntax colored. A 'Raw' view still exists to show the original content as well as a 'preview' mode that displays the content in your preferred browser which is useful for HTML content.

  • JSON Content can be Prettified
    JOSN content in either the request or response content is 'Formatted' request/response content viewer to make it easier to read JSON data. Raw view still shows the original raw response.

  • Show actual Response Headers for results
    You can now see the actual request headers instead of the headers that were entered for the request. You'll see things like calculated content-length, auth headers etc. that are injected by the HTTP client when the request runs.

  • Add support for Username and Password in Options
    You can now specify a username and password for authentication for NTLM and Basic Authentication that is applied to all requests in a test. You can also use 'AutoLogin' to login in to NTLM sites using your current Windows Credentials of the logged in user.

  • Encryption of Authentication Password
    The password is now saved with sessions and is encrypted for the local machine both in saved session files as well as the global configuration files.

  • Selectively enable and disable Requests from Test
    You can now use the Active flag on individual requests to enable or deactivate request to run. This option facilitates quickly enabling/disabling requests. Good for disabling all but one, or quickly excluding a failing URL from test runs.

  • Collapsible Panels for PreView Sections
    The Preview's Request and Repsonse header and context sections are now collapsible to allow easier navigation of long requests, especially those that have long request content. Plus/minus buttons let you collapse any panel to just the header to quickly hide large content.

  • Miscellaneous Fixes
    Add Content-Length: 0 to no body requests that POST or PUT requests (even though that's a bad idea - apparently this happens frequently). Show actual request headers sent rather than just the headers entered for requests. Fix 64 memory issue - memory usage is no longer limited to 1.5gig for large tests.

Version 0.72

Novemember 24th, 2014

  • Rework the Request Viewer HTML View The HTTP Request viewer for completed requests now seperates out Response headers and Response content. New option buttons allow you view html, json and xml in syntax formatted views as well as shell out to see in the native viewer/editor.

  • Add resizable Headers and Content Panel Splitter
    You can now resize the content and header panels when editing request input. This allows you to more easily edit this content. Last sizes of the panels are remembered between loads of the application.

  • Add double-click popup editor for Headers and Content
    You can now also double click on either the header or content panel to get a dedicated editing window for the header or content text. If you're dealing with large or unformatted content having a maximized view can make editing a bit easier.

Version 0.70b

October 8th, 2014

  • Store Configuration Settings with saved Session Files
    Configuration options are now stored as part of a Saved Session file and stored in the same text file that contains the raw HTTP header request info. This allows restoring the same configuration settings and storing it with the Session file.

  • Session Management Enhancements
    Tweaked the Session management features to make it easier to created edit and save URLs for testing manually. Hotkeys for most operations (especially Alt-T for testing selected URL) to improve URL testing and creation workflow.

  • Add ReplaceQueryStringValuePairs Option
    Added a new override option that can replace and add querystring values to all requests in a session. You can simple set key value pairs and those key value pairs are replaced or added on each request. Useful for adding ids or tokens required for user tracking.

Version 0.69b

September 4th, 2014

  • Add Export of Summary Results
    You can now export summary results to JSON so you can archive or otherwise store the summarized results from a test session. Use the Export button in the UI form, or the new --json option on the WebSurgeCli.exe command line to capture the summary results as JSON.

  • Add Copy Request Option
    You can now copy an existing request using a new Copy from Request shortcut menu option on the request tab. Facilitates creating similar requests more quickly.

  • Request Test, Edit, Preview shortcuts
    There are now shortcut keys to most request related operations. This makes it quicker to test and edit individual requests very quickly.

Version 0.68b

August 15th, 2014

  • Make URL Test Asynchronous
    When you click the Test button on a request URL the URL is now executed asynchronously and no longer locks up the UI. Statusbar shows checking and completion notice and Preview form pops up when done just as before. You can also use a Alt-T shortcut to test the current request quickly.

  • Support for Razor Templates Intellisense
    Added bin folder to the Razor templates folder so that Intellisense now works for the preview and result templates.

  • Fix Content Type Bug on Requests
    Content type would not properly display in the preview form. Reworked import and capture and display mechanisms to only display Content type from headers - not from ContentType property.

  • Additional Menu Options to Save Sessions
    You can now use Ctrl-S to save an open Sessions without having to reconfirm the file name to make it quicker to save Session changes. Save options added to File menu.

  • Save Session no longer prompts for File Overwrites
    When saving you are now no longer prompted whether you want to overwrite the file if it already exists. Also added short cut for Save operation.

Version 0.67b

August 7th, 2014

  • Add Authorization Header Override to Options
    You can now override the Authorization header for individual requests by setting an override in the Options. The override from options is applied only to existing requests that already include an Authorization header.

  • Optimize UI Status Updates
    Fixed several issues in the logic for the UI update routines that caused slow operation for 'console view' updates to the textbox. Fixed sizing bug that leaked memory. Performance of console view is now a lot closer to summary only view, but still slower as should be expected for the UI overhead.

  • Add Raw HTTP Export of Results
    You can now export results in raw format that simply exports the raw results from a test run as HTTP headers and content. The format is plain text and can be re-imported later (pending feature), so you can review a previously run test.

  • Updated Results View
    The results view now shows 404 and 401 responses with different icons rather than the error icon. Result pane also shows a bit more data, and shows total for the list displayed (All, Success, Errors)

  • Fix crash bug with short tests
    Fixed bug that would crash WebSurge when short tests were run, due to no results view. Results view now returns empty.

  • Fix Warmup Seconds parsing
    Warmup seconds weren't processed properly in previous builds as threads would start running before the flag was set. Warmup seconds now properly initialize immediately and are properly removed before summarizing results.

  • Add Installer Build Batch File
    Added a batch file to pull in all distribution files and run the InstallMate installer from the command line to copy files, and compile final distribution EXE in one step. WebSurge in one step.

###Version 0.65b August 1st, 2014

  • Add SSL Cert Installation for HTTP Capture
    Added support to install the required Fiddler SSL capture certificate directly from within the application. As before WebSurge works with existing Fiddler certificate installations, but if you don't have Fiddler installed you can now enable the interception certificate directly from within WebSurge's capture screen.

  • Additional Error Logging
    The application error handler now logs a number of additional errors including hard crash errors. Slight error log format updates to make errors easier to read.

Version 0.61b

July 21st, 2014

  • Preview HTML, XML and JSON output
    You can now preview HTML XML and JSON output using formatted output for individual requests. Use the new output-type hyperlink left of the Http Response header.

  • Redesigned Test Result and Preview Panes
    As a result of all of this view reshuffling the UI has been updated to look a bit better integrated into the application. Summaries are color coded for success and failure (green/red) and headers and layout have been made more.

  • Template Rendering for output
    All output is now rendered through Razor templates, which simplifies HTML layout and modifications.

Version 0.60

July 1st, 2014

  • Add Support/Feedback Links to Help Menu
    There are now links to the message board in the help menu to allow for feedback and support on our forums. We would like to hear from you, so please let us know what we're doing right, what you'd like to see improved or what's broken and not working for you.

  • Integrated New Version Check
    WebSurge now automatically checks for a new version periodically (configurable in config file). If a new version is available it can be optionally downloaded and be launched for install optionally.

  • Configuration Refactoring
    Refactored the configuration settings and storage mechanism to more logically reflect the structurue of settings. This minor update should have little to no impact on existing applications, but after updating check your settings on the options tab to make sure.

  • Open Settings and Templates Folder
    There's now a menu option that jumps to the settings and templates folder to allow you to directly edit the WebSurgeConfiguration.json file. You can also tweak the templates and CSS file used to render results.

###Version 0.50

  • Add Session Management UI
    You can now use the new Session menu buttons to manage creating, editing, deleting, capturing, saving and raw file editing of Sessions.

  • Added new Request Edit Pane
    New request editing pane lets you create and edit URL requests and headers as well as test them. Test button runs requests and shows results on the output pane.