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rcli 🔧

rcli is a powerful C++ library that simplifies the creation of CLI applications. It provides convenient user input functions and efficiently manages command-line options and subcommands.

With rcli, you can effortlessly handle user interactions, process input, and implement features like help commands (your_cli -h).

For the color, rcli use TColor

Installation 🌱

  • Archlinux
yay -Sy rcli 

For the moment, you have to build rcli to use it if you use another system (not archlinux)

  • Dependancies

    • CMake (Version 3.27 or later)
    • C++ Compiler with C++17 support
bash <(curl -s
  • Build manually
git clone -b v1.5.2

cd rcli

mkdir build

cd build

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S .. -B .

sudo make install

cd ../..

rm -rf rcli 

⚠️ If some libs are not found after building manually

Identify the installation path of the missing library. For example, let's assume the library is installed in /usr/local/lib (on linux it should be there).

If you are using Linux, add the following code to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc based on what you use (replacing /usr/local/lib with the actual installation path):

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • You can also simply use rcli as a submodule.

Gettting started

Step 1: Include rcli in your Project

Include the rcli library in your project by adding the following include statements at the beginning of your source file:

#include <rcli/rcli.hpp>
#include <iostream>

Step 2: Create and Configure Your CLI Application

Create an instance of the App class, specifying the application name, version, and a brief description.

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]){
    ColorConfig::key = TColor::B_RED; // rcli use TColor
    App example("example", "1.9.5", "cool application");
    // ...
    // (Your application logic will be added in the following steps), argv);
    return 0;

Step 3: Define Commands and Options

Define commands and options within your application. For example, you can create an "init" command and a "hello" command. Specify options for user input, such as the file name and user's name:

Command init("init", "Initialize a new project", [](Command* _init){
    std::cout << "File value: " << _init->get_option_value("file") << std::endl;

init.add_option("-f,--file", "Specify file name", "file");

Command hello("hello", "Say hello", [&](Command* _hello){
    std::string name = _hello->get_option_value("name");
    if (name.empty()) {
        // If name is not provided as an option, ask the user for input
        name = ask_input_value("What is your name");
    std::cout << "Hello, " << name << "!" << std::endl;

hello.add_option("-n,--name", "Specify your name", "name");

Step 4: Run Your CLI Application

Add the commands to your App object, and run your CLI application by calling the run method:

templi.add_subcommand(&hello);, argv);

Another features

Automatically Added Options 💡

rcli automatically adds help options (-h and --help) to all commands, and version options (-v and --version) to the main App object. Users can use these options to get information about your application.

Use Various Input Types in rcli 🎃

rcli provides various input types:

#ifndef __RCLI_INPUTS__
#define __RCLI_INPUTS__
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>

    namespace rcli {

        // one simple value
        std::string ask_input_value(InputConfig config);

        // multiples values
        std::vector<std::string> ask_inputs_values(std::vector<InputConfig> configs);

        // ask the value in list without showing the list
        std::string ask_value_in_list(InputConfig config, std::vector<std::string> options, bool ignore_case = false);

        // ask single one boolean
        bool ask_boolean(std::string text, bool default_value = true);

        // ask in value list of options
        std::string ask_value_in_list_as_number(std::string text, std::vector<std::string> options);

    } // namespace rcli


Default color




Some output





This project is licensed under the MIT License.