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Rico Suter edited this page Nov 11, 2020 · 16 revisions

List of setting properties


  • TypeScriptVersion (default: 1.8): Specifies the target TypeScript version (controls whether to generate readonly keywords and additional typings for strict null-checks).
  • TypeStyle:
    • Interface: Generates interfaces
    • Class (default): Generates classes (lower camel cased fields, correct date handling, default values, extendable)
    • KoObservableClass: Generates classes with KnockoutJS observable fields (same advantages as with the Class type style)
  • ClassTypes (list of class/type names): The type names which always generate plain TypeScript classes (i.e. force a TypeStyle of Class)
  • MarkOptionalProperties
  • ModuleName
  • Namespace
  • DateTimeType: Date, MomentJS or String
  • ExtendedClasses: Defines classes which are extendend in the generated TypeScript classes (same functionality as partial classes in C#). More information...
  • ExtensionCode: Specifies additional code which is appended (used in conjunction with ExtendedClasses). Can be the TypeScript code or a file path to a TypeScript file, when used as parameter in the NSwag command line
  • NullValue (Undefined|Null)
  • HandleReferences: (default: false)
  • GenerateCloneMethod: (default: false)
  • GenerateConstructorInterface: (default: true, only applies for TypeStyle Class)
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