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RZAssert adds ease of implementation and clarity of intent to your assertions. RZAssert defines macros which—like comments—express intent, but they never go out of date because they are checked by the compiler. RZ_ASSERT_TRUE, RZ_ASSERT_FALSE, RZASSERT_NOT_NIL, and RZASSERT_NONEMPTY_STRING all do exactly what you think they do, and they pass helpful messages along to NSAssert.

RZAssert also includes more exciting assertions that come in handy in a variety of contexts. Some examples:

  1. You define a method on a class, but you want that method to ONLY be called by subclasses. Use RZASSERT_SUBCLASSES_MUST_OVERRIDE to throw an exception if the method is called from the base class directly:

    @implementation RZSuperclass
    - (void)aMethodThatShouldBeCalledFromSubclassesOnly
  2. You define a switch statement with a case that should never occur. Use RZASSERT_SHOULD_NEVER_GET_HERE to throw an exception if your program passes the undesired case to the switch statement:

    typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RZAwesomeMode) {
        ABCAwesomeModeNotSet = 0,
    @implementation RZMyClass
    - (void)configureThingsForAwesomeMode:(RZAwesomeMode)awesomeMode
          switch ( awesomeMode ) {
                case ABCAwesomeModeNotSet: {
                case ABCAwesomeModeIsAwesome: {
                    [self doAwesomeStuff];
  3. You define a method which takes an object as one of its arguments, and you want to confirm that the object conforms to a specific protocol. Use RZASSERT_CONFORMS_PROTOCOL to throw an exception if the program passes a nonconformant instance to the method:

    - (void)configureWithDictionary:(RZMyViewController *)myViewController
        RZASSERT_CONFORMS_PROTOCOL(myViewController, @protocol(RZMyDelegate));

Custom Logging

It is generally recommend that you disable assertions in your production builds. However, this means that code paths that would have thrown a useful assertion in testing are silently run on your users’ devices, potentially resulting in unknown crashes. It can be frustrating to receive crash logs that are missing a crucial piece of information that an assertion would have provided.

RZAssert fixes this by providing a facility to run custom logging code in production where you would have hit an assertion in testing. Run this code once, somewhere like in -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions::

[RZAssert configureWithLoggingHandler:^(NSString *message) {
   [MyCoolLoggingHandler logMessage:@"Hit assertion: %@", message];

Once you have configured a logging handler block, if the code is compiled with assertions disabled, all your calls to the RZAssert macros will automatically log to your own logging handler instead. This is great to use with a breadcrumb system, so you can get clues about what happened that may have led to a later crash.


You may have some code like this:

    MyClass *foo =; // This is unused if the next is gone
    RZASSERT_NOT_NIL(foo); // This line is gone when assertions are disabled

This is to avoid the compiler complaining that foo is unused when you compile with assertions disabled. However, if you want your RZAssert calls to be turned into logs in release builds, don’t wrap any assertions in checks for NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS, because you always want them to run. Save NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS checks for expensive tests that you really only want to run at debug time.

Custom Assertion Messages

There are many cases where you might like to specify the assertion failure message in more detail (for example, this can be very useful when running in production with custom logging, as described above). RZAssert macros that assert always or assert true allow you to specify a custom message by using the _WITH_MESSAGE format:

RZ_ASSERT_TRUE_WITH_MESSAGE(foo != nil, @"foo is nil!");


To run the example project, type pod try RZAssert and then run the example project. There are two different behaviors of assertions:

  1. Throw an exception (and therefore crash) on assert.
  2. Log the assertion with the logger of your choice, and don’t crash.

To see both of these behaviors, go into the example project's build settings, and try changing Enable Foundation Assertions to YES or NO for Debug builds. Then, run the example app and click any of the buttons. With assertions enabled, the app will crash. With assertions disabled, you will see a message logged to the console.


RZAssert is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod RZAssert


Michael Gorbach,


See the LICENSE file for more info.