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Markdown Book

This is modified from gatsby-default-starter. Support some features I required for lots of my markdown key note files.

  • $\LaTeX$ (with $\KaTeX$ and gatsby-remark-mathjax, no server rendering thougth)
  • Graphviz (via gatsby-transformer-graphviz)
  • Using Typography.js Themes (
  • Code Highlight (.md via gatsby-remark-vscode, .mdx via primjs)
  • GeoGeBra Component to load and show GeoGeBra graphic much faster than iframe.
  • A simple filter to find the markdown pages by keyword. It's important for ppl like me who got tons of markdown files as notes.

Demo Site :

GitHub Source

Screen Shots

Code Highlight

Screen Shot - Code Hightlight


Screen Shot - Graphviz


Screen Shot - LaTeX

Netlify Deployment

Netlify Status

  1. Fork this repository ( to your own account.
  2. Goto and click on the New Site from Git button.
  3. Choose your forked respository and deploy it. (All default setting is good. nothing to change.)
  4. Wait for 2min and 32 seconds, your site would be alive just like my demo site.

Local Installation

You can see this as another gatsby starter project with the features listed above, so u don't need to start from scratch.

npm install -g gatsby-cli

gatsby new gatsby-markbook
# It is even better to use the forked repository on your account.

cd gatsby-markbook

gatsby develop

# or production build

gatsby build
gatsby serve


  1. Browse http://localhost:8000/
  2. Click on Test page (which is src/pages/
  3. Check src/pages/ for the usage example for $\LaTeX$, Graphviz, code highlight and more.
  4. Put your .md files to src/pages/ and they would be presented right away.

Commit and Auto Publish to Netlify

If you had your Netlify deployed on the forked repository, any time you add/modify .md files to src/pages/, commit and push, Netlify will get notified, update and publish automatically. So, push your commit means publish to Netlify automatically. 100% Focus on the content writing feels really good.

Enjoy it.