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Nathanael Burchill edited this page Oct 18, 2016 · 1 revision

SDK methods related to transactions.

Get list of transactions

List of transactions matched by provided parameters.

risesdk.api.transactions.getList(blockId: "<blockId>", senderId: "<senderId>", recipientId: "<recipientId>", limit: <limit>, offset: <offset>, orderBy: "<field>")
  • blockId: Block id of transaction.
  • senderId: Sender address of transaction.
  • recipientId: Recipient of transaction.
  • limit: Limit of transaction to send in response. Default is 20.
  • offset: Offset to load.
  • orderBy: Name of column to order. After column name must go "desc" or "acs" to choose order type, prefix for column name is t_. Example: orderBy=t_timestamp:desc

All parameters are optional and joined by "OR".

Send transaction

Send transaction to broadcast network.

risesdk.api.transactions.send("<secret key of account>", <amount>, "<public key of sender>", secondSecret: "<secret key from second transaction>")
  • The amount is the amount of the transaction * 10^8. Example: to send 1.1234 Rise, use 112340000 as the amount.
  • Secret key from second transaction, required only if user uses second signature.

Get transaction

Get transaction that matches the provided id.

risesdk.api.transactions.get("<id of transaction>")

Get unconfirmed transaction

Get unconfirmed transaction that matches the provided id.

risesdk.api.transactions.getUnconfirmed("<id of transaction>")

Get list of unconfirmed transactions

Gets a list of unconfirmed transactions.

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