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Large Scale Visual ObjecT DIscovery Through Text attention using StAble DiffusioN

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TITAN: Large-Scale Visual ObjecT DIscovery Through Text Attention using StAble DiffusioN

TITAN is an All-In-One destination if you are willing to create a synthetic segmentation/object annotated dataset if you have access to only prompts! The entire pipeline is very intuitive and you can have your dataset ready with less than 30 lines of code!

It relies on Stable Diffusion/Diffusion Models and Diffusion Attentive Attribution Map.

child annotation chairlift annotation
child annotation chairlift annotation

Getting Started

First, install PyTorch for your platform. You may also check the Colab Tutorial.


The following steps are required for setting up the titan package. The instructions are made keeping in mind the Colab environment for ease of understanding. Feel free to adapt it to work on your local machine/cloud server.

pip install daam==0.0.12
pip install git+

Using TITAN as a Library

Import and use TITAN as follows:

# For Stable Diffusion
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline

# For Heatmap Generation
import daam

# For TITAN workflow
from titan import *

The several parts of a Data Generation Pipeline supported by TITAN:

  • Detect Objects from List of Prompts.

    # List of prompts
    prompts = [
    "snowsports children on chairlift",
    "A mother and three children collecting garbage from a blue and white garbage can on the street.",
    # Load PromptHandler from TITAN
    prompt_handler = PromptHandler()
    # Filter out the objects from the prompts to be used for annotations
    processed_prompts = prompt_handler.clean_prompt(prompts)
  • Object Detected Images using processed_prompts. We will use stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-base as our Diffusion Model here.

    # Diffusion Model Setup
    DIFFUSION_MODEL_PATH = 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-base'
    DEVICE = 'cuda' # device
    NUM_IMAGES_PER_PROMPT = 1 # Number of images to be generated per prompt
    NUM_INFERENCE_STEPS = 50 # Number of inference steps to the Diffusion Model
    SAVE_AFTER_NUM_IMAGES = 1 # Number of images after which the annotation and caption files will be saved
    # Load Model
    model = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(DIFFUSION_MODEL_PATH)
    model = # Set it to something else if needed, make sure DAAM supports that

    Now coming to Annotations. We will need a dataset which will store all the results from time to time on the disk and keep track of all the internal variables while generation.

    # The TITAN Dataset
    titan_dataset = TITANDataset()
    # Generating and Annotating Generated Images
      # Iterating over the processed_prompts
      for i, processed_prompt in enumerate(processed_prompts):
        # Generating images for these processed prompts and annotating them
        for j in range(NUM_IMAGES_PER_PROMPT):
          # traversing the processed prompts
          prompt, _, _ = processed_prompt
          print(f'Prompt No.: {i+1}/{len(processed_prompts)}')
          print(f'Image No.: {j+1}/{NUM_IMAGES_PER_PROMPT}')
          print('Generating Image...')
          # generating images. keeping track of the attention heatmaps
          with daam.trace(model) as trc:
            output_image = model(prompt, num_inference_steps=NUM_INFERENCE_STEPS).images[0]
            global_heat_map = trc.compute_global_heat_map()
          # Saving Generated Image
, f'{i}_{j}.png'))
          print(f'Saved Generated Image... {i}_{j}.png')
          # Object Annotate Generated Image using the attention heatmaps
          print(f'Adding Annotation for {i}_{j}.png')
          titan_dataset.annotate(output_image, f'{i}_{j}.png', global_heat_map, processed_prompt)
          if len(titan_dataset.images) % SAVE_AFTER_NUM_IMAGES == 0:
            # Saving Annotations on Disk
            # Freeing up Memory
      if len(titan_dataset.annotations):
    except KeyboardInterrupt: # In case of KeyboardInterrupt save the annotations and captions
    # merge annotation and caption files
  • Interactive Annotation Visualizer

    # Load the Visualizer
    titan_visualizer = TITANViz()
    # Interactive Annotation Visualizer
    titan_visualizer.visualize_annotation(image_id = 1)
  • More Features and Workflow Helpers to come soon!


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Large Scale Visual ObjecT DIscovery Through Text attention using StAble DiffusioN






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