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Backend Project

Database Model Schema :-


This project is a backend application for a social media platform that combines features of YouTube and Twitter. It provides functionalities for users to upload, view, and interact with videos, as well as post and engage with tweets.
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Key Features

  • User Authentication and Authorization: Allows users to register, login, and manage their accounts securely. Authentication middleware ensures access control to specific routes based on user roles.
  • Video Management: Enables users to upload videos with titles, descriptions, and thumbnails. Tracks views and likes for each video.
  • Commenting and Interaction: Users can post comments on videos and tweets, as well as like them. Supports comment threads and replies for deeper interactions.
  • Tweeting and Timeline: Allows users to post tweets with text content, which can be viewed and liked by others. A timeline feature displays tweets from followed users.
  • Playlist Creation and Management: Users can create playlists to organize their favorite videos, with the ability to add or remove videos from playlists.
  • Cloudinary Integration: Media files such as videos, thumbnails, avatars, and other assets are stored on Cloudinary. Integration includes upload and delete functions for managing media files.
  • Error Handling and Logging: Implements error handling middleware to catch and handle errors throughout the application. Logging tracks application events and errors for debugging and monitoring purposes.

Technologies Used

  • Backend Framework: Node.js with Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB with Mongoose
  • Cloud Storage: Cloudinary
  • Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Hash and store passwords: Bcrypt
  • Middleware: Multer for file uploads, asyncHandler for error handling

Project Structure

  • temp/public: Public files directory.
  • src: Source code directory.
    • db: Code to connect to the database.
    • models: Database schema definitions using Mongoose.
    • controllers: Functionality implementations.
    • routes: Route definitions to call controllers.
    • middlewares: Validation middlewares, authentication, etc.
    • utils: Reusable utility functions.
  • index.js: Main entry point to connect to the database and start the server.
  • app.js: Configuration settings for the Express application.
  • constants.js: Enumerations, database name, etc.