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KaamKaro: Bridging Gaps, Building Lives


Problem Statement

In a world riddled with unemployment and economic disparities, connecting skilled workers to those in need of their services remains a significant challenge. The lack of a centralized platform results in missed opportunities for daily-wage workers such as plumbers, carpenters, electricians, and laborers. Poverty and unemployment persist due to the absence of an efficient system that can bridge the gap between job seekers and job providers in local communities.


Introducing KaamKaro, a revolutionary platform designed to address the global issues of poverty and work-related economic growth. KaamKaro leverages cutting-edge technologies such as Google Geolocator, Geocoding, Firebase, Flutter, and Dart to create a seamless and efficient connection between daily workers and those in need of their services.


  • Localized Job Matching: KaamKaro utilizes Google Geolocator and Geocoding to match job seekers with nearby service providers, ensuring quick and convenient access to skilled workers.

  • Real-Time Notifications: Users receive real-time notifications about available jobs and skilled workers in their vicinity, promoting immediate responses to work opportunities.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The Flutter and Dart technologies contribute to a visually appealing and user-friendly mobile application, ensuring a smooth experience for both job seekers and providers.

  • Secure Communication: The platform ensures secure communication between users, allowing them to discuss job details, negotiate terms, and finalize agreements within the app.

  • Profile Management: Both workers and service seekers can maintain detailed profiles, showcasing their skills, experience, and previous work, facilitating informed decision-making.


1. Login Screen

Screenshot 1

The login screen allows users to sign in to their accounts.

2. Signup Screen

Screenshot 2

Users can create a new account by providing necessary details.

3. Recruiter Profile Screen

Screenshot 3

Recruiter profile screen displays information about the recruiter, such as name, contact details, and role.

4. Worker Profile Screen

Screenshot 4

Worker profile screen showcases details about the worker, including their profession, name, and contact information.

5. Choose Nearby Worker

Screenshot 5

Users can browse and select workers available nearby.

6. Choose Location

Screenshot 9

Users have the option to select a worker's current location or manually enter a location.

7. Select Desired Worker

Screenshot 6

A list of available workers is presented, and users can choose the desired worker.

8. Request Worker

Screenshot 7

Users can send a work request to the selected worker and call them once the request is accepted.

9. Worker Notification

Screenshot 8

Workers receive notifications about incoming work requests. If accepted, location and contact details are exchanged.

10. Rate Worker

Screenshot 8

After the job is completed, users can rate the worker's performance on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.


  • Ensure you have Flutter installed on your system. If not, follow the instructions on the official Flutter website to install Flutter.
  • Make sure you have a compatible IDE installed, such as Visual Studio Code or Android Studio, with the Flutter and Dart plugins/extensions installed.

Steps to Run the Code

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the KaamKaro repository to your local machine using Git or download the source code as a ZIP file and extract it.

  2. Open the Project in your IDE: Open the cloned/downloaded KaamKaro project folder in your preferred IDE.

  3. Install Dependencies: Open a terminal/command prompt window in the project directory and run the following command to install the project dependencies specified in the pubspec.yaml file:

  4. Configure Firebase:

  • Make sure to configure Firebase for both Android and iOS platforms by following the steps outlined in the Firebase documentation.
  1. Run the App:
  • Connect a device/emulator to your computer.
  • Run the following command in the terminal/command prompt to build and launch the KaamKaro app on your connected device/emulator:
    flutter run

This command will compile the Flutter code and deploy the app to your device/emulator. Ensure that the device/emulator is configured and running properly.

  1. Explore the App: Once the app is successfully deployed, you can explore its features, screens, and functionalities directly on your device/emulator.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that your Flutter and Dart SDK versions are compatible with the dependencies specified in the pubspec.yaml file.
  • If you encounter any issues during the setup or execution process, refer to the Flutter documentation, GitHub issues, or relevant online forums for assistance and troubleshooting.
  • Make sure to replace any placeholder values (such as Firebase configuration details) with your actual credentials and configuration settings as needed for your project.

By following these instructions, you should be able to run the KaamKaro Flutter Dart code and explore its features successfully.


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