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Flutter Libraries Utilized

Here are the Flutter libraries utilized in this project:

  • build_runner: Build Runner provides a way to generate code using code generation packages. You can use this library to run builders that can generate files, parse annotations, create JSON serializers, and more.

  • built_collection: Built Collection offers immutable collections that implement the standard Dart collection interfaces. You can use this library to create lists, sets, and maps that are persistent, type-safe, and compatible with built_value.

  • built_value: Built Value provides a way to create immutable value types that are easy to use, serialize, and test. You can use this library to generate boilerplate code for your classes, enums, and serializers using source_gen and build_runner.

  • built_value_generator: Built Value Generator provides a builder that generates code for built_value. You can use this library to automatically create the implementation classes and serializers for your value types.

  • carousel_slider: Carousel Slider offers a widget that displays multiple items horizontally or vertically with sliding animation. You can control the slider's behavior by using parameters such as auto-play, infinite scroll, reverse, and more.

  • cupertino_icons: Cupertino Icons provides icons that match the iOS design language, enabling you to make your app look more consistent with the iOS platform.

  • equatable: Equatable helps you create classes that can be easily compared based on their properties. This library is useful for optimizing your app's performance by avoiding unnecessary state updates.

  • flutter_bloc: Flutter Bloc is an implementation of the BLoC (Business Logic Component) architecture pattern for Flutter and Dart. This library helps you separate business logic from presentation by using streams and sinks.

  • flutter_svg: Flutter SVG allows you to display and manipulate Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) in your app. You can use this library to load SVG files from assets, network, or strings, and customize their color, size, alignment, and more.

  • google_fonts: Google Fonts enables you to use fonts from Google Fonts, a free service providing hundreds of high-quality fonts. You can dynamically download and apply these fonts without having to add font assets to your app.

  • http: HTTP offers a convenient way to make HTTP requests in Dart. You can use this library to send GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, and other types of requests with headers, body, encoding, and more.

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