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Python Quasi-Classical Atom-Molecule Scattering


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Python Quasi-Classical Atom-Molecule Scattering, a Python package for atom-molecule scattering within the quasi-classical trajectory approach.


To install, navigate into the root directory of the repository and run

pip install . 


The example folder contains a full example for simulating the reaction H2 + Ca. To run a trajectory, an input dictionary is required containing the following keywords:

  1. m1, m2, m3: Atomic masses (a.u.)
  2. E0: Collision energy (K)
  3. b0: Impact parameter (Bohr)
  4. R0: Initial distance (Bohr)
  5. seed: Random number generator seed (default: None)
  6. mol_12, mol_23, mol_31: Molecule class objects. mol_12 assumed to be initial bound molecule.
  7. Vt, dVtdr12, dVtdr23, dVtdr31: Three-body interaction term (Hartree) and associated partial derivatives.
  8. integ[t_stop, r_stop, r_tol, a_tol, econs, lcons]: Integration parameters. Respectively, stopping condition for time as a multiple of collision timescale, stopping condition for distance as a multiple of initial distance, relative and absolute error tolerance for integrator, energy and momentum conservation in atomic units.

The Molecule class is used to generate the three possible molecules, where the two-particle interactions are defined. Create three molecules to place in the input dictionary. For example, an $H_2$ molecule is generated:

m1 = 1.008*constants.u2me
m2 = 1.008*constants.u2me
v12, dv12 = potentials.morse(de = 0.16, re = 1.4, alpha = 1.06)
mol12 = qct.Molecule(mi = m1, mj = m2, Vij = v12, dVij = dv12, vi = 0, ji = 0,
                     xmin = .5, xmax = 30, npts=1000)

where mi,mj are the masses (a.u.), vi,ji represent the initial rovibrational state, and Vij, dVij represent the two-body interaction and its derivative. xmax, xmin represent the region of interaction, and npts is the number of grid points used in the DVR to calculate the energy spectrum. To bypass the DVR step, the internal energy can be added using the argument Ei.


The collision energy is reported in Kelvin. All other attributes are in atomic units. The default long output for a tractory is:

  1. Initial state (vi, ji, E, b) representing initial vibrational state, vi, rotational state, ji, collision energy, E, and impact parameter, b.
  2. Product count (n12, n23, n31, nd, nc), where n is either 0 or 1. nij represents a bound molecule between atoms i and j, nd represents dissociation, and nc represents a three-atom intermediate complex at the end of the calculation.
  3. Final state (v, vw, j, jw), where xw is the Gaussian weight of the state. For trajectories yielding nd = 1 or nc = 1, the final state outputs (0, 0, 0, 0).


We provide an analysis library with functions to calculate opacity, cross section, and rate coefficients of an outcome. They take the long output file as input. These have options for state-specific and non state-specific results. The opacity function is a unitless probability, the cross section is in $\mathrm{cm^2}$, and the reaction rate coefficient is in $\mathrm{cm^3/s}$.


A sample dataset to reproduce the figures in the example notebook can be found at


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
