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Designing and analysing the Robot Coin Collection Algorithm using two methods by C#

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Robot Coin Collection Algorithm

We solved the problem by using Dynamic Programming and Brute Force algorithms in C#. After testing with different input sizes, we concluded that the Dynamic Programming algorithm is faster, with a time complexity of O(R*C), compared to the Brute Force algorithm with exponential time.


The problrm

Imagine a robot sitting at the upper left corner of a grid with r rows and c columns. The robot can only move in two directions, right and down, but certain cells are "off limits," meaning the robot cannot step on them. Design an algorithm to find a path for the robot from the top left to the bottom right.

The Movment Rules

Initial position is cell (0, 0) and initial direction is right. Following are rules for movements across cells. If face is Right, then we can move to below cells:

  • Move one step ahead, i.e., cell (i, j+1)
  • Move one step down and face left, i.e., cell (i+1, j)

Brute Force (Recursively)

To find a path from the origin, we just work backwards, starting from the last cell, we try to find a path to each of its adjacent cells.

The Recursive Algorithm

maxCoins(i, j, d): Maximum number of coins that can be
 collected if we begin at cell (i, j)
 and direction d.
 d can be either 0 (left) or 1 (right)
 // If this is a blocking cell, return 0. isValid() checks
 // if i and j are valid row and column indexes.
 If (arr[i][j] == '#' or isValid(i, j) == false)
 return 0
 // Initialize result
 If (arr[i][j] == 'C')
 result = 1;
 result = 0;
 return result + max(maxCoins(i+1, j, 1), // Down
 maxCoins(i, j+1, 0)); // Ahead in right

C# Implementation

public class MaxCollectByRec
 int R, C;
 public MaxCollectByRec(int arrsize ) {
 R = arrsize;
 C = arrsize;
 // to check whether current cell is out of the grid or not
 bool IsValid(int i, int j)
 return (i >= 0 && i < R && j >= 0 && j < C);
 public int MaxCoinRec(char[,] arr, int i, int j, int dir)
 if (IsValid(i, j) == false || arr[i, j] == '#')
 return 0;
 int result = (arr[i, j] == 'C') ? 1 : 0;

 return result + Math.Max(MaxCoinRec(arr, i +
1, j, 0), // Down
 MaxCoinRec(arr, i, j + 1, 1));
// Ahead in right



The time Complexity of the Recursive IS exponential, O( 2r+c ) image

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is mostly just a matter of taking a recursive algorithm and finding the overlapping subproblems (that is, the repeated calls). You then cache those results for future recursive calls. The time complexity of above solution recursive is exponential. We should look for a faster way. Often, we can optimize exponential algorithms by finding duplicate work. What work are we repeating? If we walk through the algorithm, we'll see that we are visiting squares multiple times. We can solve this problem in Polynomial Time using Dynamic Programming.

The Dynamic Programming Algorithm


C# Implementation

public class MaxCollectByDynamicP
 int R, C;
 public MaxCollectByDynamicP(int arrsize)
 R = arrsize;
 C = arrsize;
 // to check whether current cell is out of the grid or not
 bool IsValid(int i, int j)
 return (i >= 0 && i < R && j >= 0 && j < C);
 public int MaxCoinUtil(char[,] arr, int i, int j, int dir,
int[,,] dp)
 if (IsValid(i, j) == false || arr[i, j] == '#')
 return 0;
 else if (dp[i, j, dir] != -1)
 return dp[i, j, dir];
 dp[i, j, dir] = (arr[i, j] == 'C') ? 1 : 0;

 dp[i, j, dir] += Math.Max(MaxCoinUtil(arr, i + 1, j,
0, dp), MaxCoinUtil(arr, i, j + 1, 1, dp));
 return dp[i, j, dir];
 // This function mainly creates a lookup table and calls
 public int MaxCoinDP(char[,] arr)
 int[,,] dp = new int[R, C, 2];
 for (int i = 0; i < dp.GetLength(0); i++)
 for (int j = 0; j < dp.GetLength(1); j++)
 for (int k = 0; k < dp.GetLength(2); k++)
 dp[i, j, k] = -1;
 return MaxCoinUtil(arr, 0, 0, 1, dp);


The time complexity = O(R x C x d). Since d is 2 which is constant , time complexity can be written as O(R x C). image

The Algorithm Analysis's Outcome

The Dynamic programming O(R*C) method is much faster than the Brute Force O( 2r+c )

Input Size 8 16 32 64 128 256
Recursive 00.0004262 05.5861244 05.5861244 776.0468821 602248.7631 36.2703512111
Dynamic Programming 00.0013798 00.0022474 00.0048734 00.0037144 00.0068638 00.0184453

Time Chart



Designing and analysing the Robot Coin Collection Algorithm using two methods by C#






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