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Animated action menu with rubber band effect built with Flutter

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Flutter Action Menu

Animated action menu built with Flutter. Includes effects like the rubber band effect, different gesture handling, and haptic feedback that come together for a great interactive feel.

🔗 Original concept

The Rubber Band Effect

The pull and stretch effect in the menu is similar to the sound & brightness sliders in the iOS control center.

The effect can be achieved by adjusting the scaling and positioning by the amount of stretch value, with a logarithmic function applied to it. With #Flutter this was done with a Transform.scale widget that increases scaleY, decreases scaleX, and switches the alignment between top and bottom based on the direction of the stretching.

🔗 The standalone widget for this rubber band slider.

Overlay Menu

The overlay menu is achieved using an OverlayPortal widget with a combination of CompositedTransformTarget and CompositedTransformFollower widgets to correctly position the overlay

class _OverlayPortalSkeletonState extends State<OverlayPortalSkeleton> {
  final _overlayController = OverlayPortalController();
  final _link = LayerLink();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return OverlayPortal(
      controller: _overlayController,
      overlayChildBuilder: (context) {
        return CompositedTransformFollower(
          link: _link,
          targetAnchor: Alignment.topCenter,
          followerAnchor: Alignment.bottomCenter,
          child: const Align(
            alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
            child: ActionMenu(),
      child: CompositedTransformTarget(
        link: _link,
        child: const ActionMenuButton(),

Gestures and Haptics

With different handling of gestures, using a Listener and a GestureDetector widget, both swapping up and long pressing on the action button open the overlay, with a spring effect on the long press gesture.

With those gestures, different levels of #HapticFeedback impacts are applied for an enhanced feel of responsiveness to user touch ✨ (highly recommend you run it and experience it yourself!)

import 'package: flutter/services.dart';

// Very light vibration

// Light vibration

// Medium vibration
// Long and high vibration

// Very short and light vibration
// Used to indicate UI changes, for example, in a Slider widget


Animated action menu with rubber band effect built with Flutter






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