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 BIP: ???
  Layer: Applications
  Title: Taro Asset Universes
  Author: Olaoluwa Osuntokun <>
  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
  Comments-URI: https://git
  Status: Draft
  Type: Standards Track
  Created: 2021-12-10
  License: BSD-2-Clause

Table of Contents


Taro asset provenance is defined by the lineage of an asset all the way back to the genesis point, which is the outpoint that the unique asset identifier is derived from. A Taro Universe is proposed as a way for users/holders of an asset to easily bootstrap their recognition of a given genesis point as the root of an asset. A Universe is an MS-SMT that indexes into the set of spent outpoints that track asset movement/transfer. A Universe can contain only the set of genesis outpoints for an asset, several assets, track individual transactions, and also be used as an aggregation layer.


This document is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.


In order to give users/holders of an asset an easy way to bootstrap provenance, as well as track the total amount of units issued for a given asset, an on-chain merkalized indexing structure is necessary. Further, if we define constraints w.r.t how a "canonical" Universe can be updated, then users are able to watch a set of on-chain outputs to be notified of further chain issuance. Continuing to build off this structure, if users are able to maintain a trust relationship with the issuer of an asset (say the asset belongs to a closed source game), then they can delegate update rights to a single or federated set of parties, allowing them to bundle several asset updates in a single transaction, thereby scaling on-chain transfers.


A Taro asset Universe MS-SMT differs from the normal MS-SMT in that the key index of the lowest tree is an outpoint rather than an asset script key as given an outpoint where an asset was present, the asset Universe maps to the Taro transaction+spending meta data. Given this outpoint indexing structure, if we create a new "re genesis" outpoint, then we can construct a new virtual Taro transaction graph which provably tracks the movement of assets in an off-chain manner, relying on a single or federated party to handle updates.


Asset Universes

An Asset Universe is a publicly audit able merkle-sum sparse merkle tree (MS-SMT) over one or several assets. Unlike the normal Taro asset tree, a Universe doesn't itself live within a solely controlled output. Instead a Universe may exist on its own as a distinct output. A close analogue to a public Universe is a block explorer. A Universe can be used to:

  • bootstrap proof verification by committing to the set of genesis outputs
  • generate more compact proofs w/ an additional trust assumption
  • audit to the total amount of units in existence for a given asset
  • track new asset issuance for a given asset ID
Universes can also be used to essentially compress the history of a series of transfers into a single on-chain transaction. From this PoV, a Universe can be seen as a sort of Taro asset channel wherein one party (or a consortium/threshold of them) can batch update a tree to clear countless transfers in a single on-chain transaction. Such a Universe can also be created over multiple assets, effectively becoming a Universe of Universes, or a Multiverse.

During asset creation, the party creating the asset (identified by it's all zero prev_asset_id value) MAY also specify a cannonical_universe field which specifies additional constraints on the set of outputs produced. Namely, if this field is specified during asset creation, then the second output of the next spend after the genesis outpoint MUST commit to an updated base Universe that indexes into the prior genesis outpoint spend (asset creation). In addition, the internal key used for the output MUST be the asset_key_family filed specified during asset creation. After each subsequent asset issuance event, this output SHOULD be updated to commit to the new updated base Universe that indexes into all asset issuance transactions on chain.

Specifying a key effectively blesses a public key on-chain, allowing it to be used to commit to the "canonical" history of an asset. In addition, those wishing to be "notified" of new asset issuance can watch this output on-chain to track any modifications.

Primordial Universes & Genesis Asset Verification

Unlike a normal Taro asset tree, a base Universe for a given asset only commits to the set of genesis outpoints for an asset. As this type of Universe only commits to the set of constituent assets present at the Beginning, that all other transfers depend on, we call this a Primordial Universe.

Such a Universe can be used to bootstrap provenance and proof verification, as assuming a party knows which Universe to query, they're able to verify the provenance of a purported valid asset. In addition to bootstrapping provenance verification, as Universe trees are themselves an MS-SMT, they can be used to audit the total amount of a given asset in existence.

A Primordial Universe, is an MS-SMT with the following structure:

  • The MS-SMT root commits to the sum of the total set of issued assets for a given genesisAssetID
  • key: an outpoint, serialized in a txid:vout structure as we find in Bitcoin.
  • value: the initial Taro asset leaf created by that outpoint (which will always be a genesisOutpoint) along with a merkle-proof which proves the existence a transaction that spent that output.
  • sum_value: the value of the leaf itself.
As the Primordial Universe for a given asset can be known at the initial asset creation time, based on the referenced universeKey those wishing to track any new asset issuance related to a given genesisAssetID can watch the output on chain. Each time the output is spent indicates a new minting event. As a result, clients are able to watch a select set of outputs on-chain, one for each genesisAssetID they care about, effectively using the blockchain to be notified each time the total amount of issued assets changes.

As the MS-SMT is keyed by the genesisOutpoint, it can be used to bootstrap any proof verification of a purported asset, as the initial linkage is dependent on the provenance of the referenced genesisOutpoint (verification starts at the Beginning and works backwards).

Asset Multiverses

An Asset Multiverse is a Universe of Universes. Rather than just storing the set of constituent assets (the set of genesisOutpoints), a Multiverse commits to several root assetIDs, as well as additional proofs of asset transfers (including splits+merges). A Multiverse is therefore effectively a commitment to every asset transfer that may have ever happened. Importantly, one cannot prove that a Multiverse has complete history, as a Multiverse can only commit to what it directly observed, or was shown to it.

A Multiverse has the following structure:

  • The MS-SMT root commits to the sum, of the sum of the total number of asset units committed to.
    • Notice that this will commit to the same sum as the set of Primordial Universes for each given asset (if no additional history is included).
  • The top-level key for the MS-SMT is the asset_id, with the value being the MS-SMT root for the given asset root.
    • The sum value here is the sum value carried up from the sub-tree.
    • The key of this sub MS-SMT is similar to that of a Primordial Universe: a txid:vout outpoint.
      • The value stored is the asset leaf, along with a merkle-proof that proves the existence of the transaction that spent that output.
With this structure, it's possible for the maintainers of the Multiverse to also store subjectively complete history of the set of transfers. In addition, this structure can be used to trace the set of transfers/lineage for a given asset. Notice that we effectively commit to the set of all spent outputs associated with an asset, with the very first spend being the genesisOutpoint spend. As a result, a full proof of an asset's provenance is simply a series of keys stored at the lowest level of an SMT, with verifies following the transfer from outpoint to outpoint within a tree.

Using the trait presented above, one can create a flat file that proves the provenance of an asset simply by extracting select branches from a Multiverse tree, and enumerating the set of keys one needs to assert for validation.

Pocket Universes: Off-Chain Taro Transfer Compression

All leaves within a Multiverse are themselves a commitment to an event that happened on chain: A Taro asset transfer. Proofs for unique assets have a nice property that they scale linearly in the number of asset transfers (you can't split/merge so the same unit is being transferred to a differing set of owners). Normal assets give a greater degree of flexibility, but scale worse as a single asset held might actually be the merging of several Taro asset UTXOs, thereby increasing proofs size as a function of the number of splits/merges in an asset's history. Pocket Universes are an off-chain transfer compression system that allows a consortium to stamp asset transfers that take place in an "imaginary" universe.

To further reduce validation costs, verifiers can chose to only verify a single input split all the way back to the genesis outpoint. This implements a naive form of probabilistic validation, as the probability that each unverified split

A Pocket Universe is similar to a commit chain. A single party, or a set of parties, commits to a set of transfers within the main chain, which themselves are anchored to an initial verifiable genesisOutpoint. A Pocket Universe is therefore a scaling tool, as with a single new commitment on-chain, an essentially unbounded amount of transfers can be timestamped within the chain. Pocket Universes may be useful in cases where a party has issued assets, that can only be used with the aide of the issuer, for example in-game assets.

Taro Virtual Transaction Graphs

Assets can be moved into a pocket Universe which is another commitment in the main Tapscript tree by "sending" the set of outpoints to a special NUMs asset key which is derived from the genesisOutpoint of the given asset. The traditional "hash and increment" approach to generating NUMs points can be used, or any other variant. As performance isn't a concern, the naive approach will likely be used in practice.

Once the assets have been from the PoV of the base Universe, a new parallel pocket Universe commitment can be created, which uses the new outpoint created as a result of the above transfer transaction as the very first spending input. From here, new transfers can be created, refreezing the created outpoints of the virtual Taro VM validation transaction. The result is an effective freezing of assets anchored in the main chain, which then permits them to be batched and transferred in the maintained Pocket Universe.

Asset Universe APIs & Federated Sync

Test Vectors


Backwards Compatibility

Reference Implementation