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@RobertCraigie RobertCraigie released this 11 Feb 22:08
· 160 commits to main since this release

Support for selecting fields

This release adds support for selecting fields at the database level!

This currently only works for queries using model based access either by defining your own model classes or generating them using partial types.

Quick example:

from prisma.bases import BaseUser

class UserWithName(BaseUser):
  name: str

# this query will only select the `name` field at the database level!
user = await UserWithName.prisma().find_first(
    'country': 'Scotland',

For a more detailed guide see the docs.

Support for distinct filters

You can now pass in a distinct filter to find_first() and find_many() queries.

For example, the following query will find all Profile records that have a distinct, or unique, city field.

profiles = await db.profiles.find_many(
# [
#  { city: 'Paris' },
#  { city: 'Lyon' },
# ]

You can also filter by distinct combinations, for example the following query will return all records that have a distinct city and country combination.

profiles = await db.profiles.find_many(
    distinct=['city', 'country'],
# [
#  { city: 'Paris', country: 'France' },
#  { city: 'Paris', country: 'Denmark' },
#  { city: 'Lyon', country: 'France' },
# ]

CLI support for specifying the generator to use

Thanks to @yukukotani's great work on the CLI you can now ergonomically share the same schema between multiple languages, for example with the following schema:

datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url      = "file:./dev.db"

generator node {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

generator python {
  provider = "prisma-client-py"

model User {
  id   Int    @id
  name String

You can now skip the generation of the Node client with the --generator argument:

prisma generate --generator=python

See the generate documentation for more details.

Bug fixes

Prisma updates

This release bumps the internal Prisma version from v4.8.0 to v4.10.1

For the full release notes, see the v4.9.0 release notes and the v4.10.0 release notes.

Minimum required type checker version

Before this release there were no explicit compatibility requirements for type checkers. From now on we will only support the latest versions of Mypy and Pyright.

In the next release the mypy plugin will be deprecated and later removed entirely. There is a bug in the plugin API in the latest versions of mypy that completely breaks the plugin and seems impossible to fix. See #683 for more information.


Massive thank you to @prisma, @techied, @exponential-hq and @danburonline for their continued support! Thank you to @paudrow for becoming a sponsor!
