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Core classes and design

Roberto Prevato edited this page Dec 31, 2017 · 16 revisions

The DataEntry library is designed to clearly separate functions that do business logic from classes that read / write values and mark fields as valid or invalid. Below schema shows the relation between classes defined in the library. The word field here is used as a synonym of "property" and is conceptually abstracted from HTML elements.

Core classes and interfaces

Core classes

DataEntry, Validator and Formatter are core classes, providing Promise based validation of forms and fields, logic to format values and localize error messages. These classes are abstracted from DOM manipulation and must be coupled with other classes that implement methods to retrieve and set values from a source, and decorate objects with validation state. Since they are abstracted from DOM chores, these classes are suitable for web servers and desktop applications (Electron) implemented using Node.js. When used for client side web application code, the library offers built-in classes that handle DOM manipulation and other classes that operate on objects in memory (later called "context classes").

Class Description
DataEntry Coordinates validation, formatting and decoration of fields
Validator Provides methods to validate fields using validation chains and sets of rules
Formatter Provides methods to format values using sets of rules

Localizer interface

The Localizer interface is used to implement localization of error messages. Refer to the dedicated wiki page for more information.

DOM classes

Classes that provide built-in features that involve DOM manipulation, such as:

  • automatic decoration of valid and invalid fields with CSS classes and information displayed using HTML elements
  • automatic event handlers for validation of fields, on blur event
  • formatting of values on focus (before the user starts editing, such as removing leading zeroes from zero-filled values during editing)
  • constraints on keypress, to disallow certain kinds of input
  • validation criteria described in schema objects are applied to HTML elements by matching name attribute.
Class Description
DomHarvester Gets and sets values through DOM manipulations
DomDecorator Decorator
DomBinder Built-in event handlers

DOM classes

Context classes

Classes that provide built-in features to read and write values and store validation results inside objects, in-memory.

Class Description
ContextHarvester Gets and sets values inside objects
ContextDecorator Sets validation results inside objects

Context classes

About web applications and frameworks integration

Programmers who prefer to let other frameworks handle DOM manipulation (such as Vue.js, React or Knockout) should either:

  • use only core classes and implement their own classes for decorator and marker
  • or, evaluate and try to use the built-in dataentry-context.js file.

While programmers who don't mind having the library handling DOM manipulation and setting event handlers, can use built-in classes involving DOM manipulation. These built-in methods take care of many chores, such as firing validation of fields on blur, decorating HTML elements according to their state. Built-in classes support proper disposing of resources, removing event handlers and references to objects as necessary, and can be integrated with any framework.

The React demo

demonstrates that DataEntry can be used with React and similar libraries / frameworks.