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The goal is to produce a standalone JavaScript file that contains all the code needed for splink comparison viewer and splink cluster studio to runn completely offline.

The splink_vis_utils library includes three separate things when it's rolled up:

  • The splink_vis_utils library of utility functions
  • The code in two Observable notebooks containing the reactive code for the Cluster Studio and Comparison Viewer
  • All their dependencies

Note that observable notebooks are themselves javascript libraries so can be npm added as dependencies to the splink_vis_utils library.

This enables Splink version 3 to output a single HTML file that can work offline, containing all the JavaScript code needed for these dashboards.

Development Process

Serving the Rolled-up Code

Run the following commands in the splink_vis_utils directory:

npx http-server --cors

and in s separate terminal

./node_modules/.bin/rollup -c -w

Developing the Observable Notebooks

Edit the Observable notebooks via their respective GUIs:

For development, the live rolled-up code is passed in at localUrl = "" at the bottom of these notebooks.

Symlinking for Easier Splink Development

If you're working on Splink. create a symlink to the rolled-up JS file in your Splink directory to avoid manual copying of changes. Navigate to your Splink directory and run:

cd splink/files/splink_vis_utils/
ln -s /path/to/dist/splink_vis_utils.js splink_vis_utils.js

Refreshing Changes in Observable

To see the changes you've made in Observable, manually refresh the library by clicking the viewof refresh = Inputs.button("refresh splink_vis_utils javascript lib") button in the notebook.

Persisting Edits

After editing the notebooks, you need this code to make its way back into the rolled up library

update the version number in update pkg based on the number obtained from Observable's export -> download code -> view the download URL, or just npm install what's on the clipboard

If you encounter issues, you can reset everything with:

rm -rf node_modules/
npm install

Running Code

Tests using Test Explorer should be operational, including breakpoints. If they are not, run tests with the debugger:

node --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js

Clarification on how notebook code gets rolled up

One thing that’s a bit confusing is the 'chicken-and-egg' nature of the splink_vis_utils.

it's rolled up and then requireed in the observable notebooks, but the notebooks themselves have to be present in splink_vis_utils (as a dependency)

This isn't actually as confusing as it looks: the notebooks only use the splink_vis_utils library functinos, they don't import the notebooks, so there's no circular import problem