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Create isometric heightmaps from images using @jdan's excellent Isomer library.


Check out the demo

An example

How to use

  1. Head over to the Isomer repository and grab the isomer.min.js
  2. Include isomer.min.js & isomer-heightmap.js in your html
<script src="./vendor/isomer.js"></script>
<script src="./isomer-heigthmap.js"></script>
  1. create a canvas element
  2. Create IsomerHeightMap instance, load image and display.

Here is a simple example. See live.

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<title>My Kitten Heightmap</title>
		<!-- load libraries -->
		<script src="../vendor/isomer.js"></script>
		<script src="../isomer-heigthmap.js"></script>
		<!-- my Heightmap -->
			var IHM;
			document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {

				// Init: image
				var img = new Image();
				img.src = './example.jpg';
				// Init: render
				img.onload = function() {
					// Init: IHM instance
                    // (!) define canvas and the relative path from your html document to the isomer library
					IHM = new IsomerHeightMap('#IsomerHeightMap', '../');
					// load image
					//render and display
		<!-- IsomerHeightMap canvas -->
        <canvas id="IsomerHeightMap"></canvas>


Simple. There are three main functions and their options to keep in mind:

  • this.image
  • this.render
  • this.heightMap

Listed in order of execution. Note that render shortcuts to heightmap.


var IHM = new IsomerHeightMap(<canvas selector>, <path to isomer-heightmap folder>);

Constructor. Creates a new IsomerHeightMap instance and links it to a <canvas> element.

[!] The webworker requires a valid path to the library, seen from the html document (e.g. './js/vendor/isomer-heightmap/')


IHM.image(<Image object>, <options>);

Reads image into an off canvas and stores ImageData.

<options> (object):

  • scaleTo (object: width, height): down-scales larger images to a certain width or height (performance!)

See also defaults.image.


IHM.render(<grid options>, <isomer options>, <shape filters>);

Rasterises the ImageData and stores a grid with average color values.

<grid options> (object):

  • scale (number): The w/h size of a raster element (tile). The lower the size the more detailed the heightmap will be. (Performance penalty!).

See also defaults.grid.

<isomer options>, <shape filters>: See below, they are just passed on to IHM.heightMap()


IHM.heightMap(<isomer options>, <shape filters>);

Renders and displays the IsomerHeightmap into the canvas. This is where the Isomer library comes into play.

You can chain the transformations by repeatedly calling heightmap(), see the example on the project page. Reset them to defaults via IHM.reset()

<isomer options> (object):

  • scale: scales the heightmap

See also defaults.isomer.

<shape filters> (object):

  • shape (string): the Isomer shape to be rendered per tile ('Prism', 'Pyramid', 'Cylinder')
  • greyscale (bool)
  • invert (bool): when false then the height of the shapes will be proportional to the darkness of the color, opposite when true
  • size (number): unit size of a shape
  • yScale (number): scale height of tiles
  • gap (number): size of the gaps between the tiles

See also defaults.shape.

this.import, this.export

A crude json import/export in case you want to save your heightmap. It doesn't saves the image data, so you can only apply this.heightmap() after importing.


IHM-Render-Finished: fired when this.heightmap() has finished with drawing to the canvas.


Create isometric heightmaps from images. Based on jdan's excellent Isomer library.








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