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ROS2 For Unity bridge by

Custom ROS2 bridge plugin for SVL simulator version 2021.3+ with native C# implementation.

This plugin relies on binaries included in this repository releases page.

Developer guide

To start developing ROS2ForUnitySVLBridge with Unity Editor:

  1. Make sure you have LGSVL simulatior version 2021.3 (see for more instructions about getting and launching SVL project).
  2. Copy contents of this repository into Assets/External/Bridges/ROS2ForUnitySVLBridge folder of SVL simulator Unity project.
  3. Unzip required binaries from releases to Assets/Plugins - you can use script to do that for you:
cd Assets/External/Bridges/ROS2ForUnitySVLBridge

Use ROS2ForUnitySVLBridgeInstance and ROS2ForUnitySVLBridgeFactory classes to implement or change interface and ROS2ForUnitySVLBridgeConversions to add or modify existing conversions between SVL sensors and ROS2 messages.

Building plugin

Building a simulator release with ROS2ForUnitySVLBridge plugin:

  1. Source ROS2 foxy:
. /opr/ros/foxy/setup.bash
  1. Set RMW middleware to cyclonedds:
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
  1. Update LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include plugins directory (this is due to Unity Editor limitation in linking certain libraries), please note OS subfolder Linux/Windows:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<SVL_PROJECT_PATH>/Assets/Plugins/<Linux/Windows>/x86_64
  1. Launch Unity Editor directly:
  1. Simulator -> Build and check ROS2ForUnitySVLBridge under Bridges.
  2. Click Build.

Using ROS2ForUnitySVLBridge plugin:

SVL uses cloud-based web user interface for handling assets and simulations:

  1. Find ROS2ForUnitySVLBridge under and add it to your library.
  2. install required binaries from github releases page into SVL simulator application:
    1. libraries from release archive Plugins/x86_64/* goes into simulator_Data/Plugins of svl simulator directory,
    2. libraries from release archive Plugins/*.dll goes into simulator_Data/Managed of svl simulator directory.

Then you can just use SVL web interface to set up bridge. See for more informations on how to set up an SVL simulation.

IMPORTANT After building an app from editor, you must manually copy soversion files (ending with library version .so.X.Y.Z) from editor Plugins/<OS>/x86_64 to simulator_Data/Plugins folder. This is due to Unity for some reason doesn't copy them while deploying application.