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Python Installation

Rob edited this page Jul 4, 2019 · 1 revision

To install the python version of tv-trainer, you will first need python (shocking!)

To get python, you can visit the python download page(s) below. Find the latest release for your operating system. Make sure to include/allow python a PATH during the download.

Downloads for operating systems

Once python is downloaded, you can now clone this repository. To do this, you can either use git (which I would recommend if you intend to update or fool around with different projects in the future) or simply by grabbing a .zip file.

Here is a link to a tutorial for cloning repositories with git (scroll to bottom of page)

Here is a link to download the repository as a .zip file, no git required. Just be sure to un-zip into a empty folder!

Once you have the repository. Open the folder app. Open a command-line window (shortcut for windows users) Type python The app will run, as a bonus you will get to see a bunch of dirty debugging code in the command line window!

Clone this wiki locally