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xpath errors

Rob edited this page Jul 2, 2019 · 1 revision

xpath errors occur when the app cannot locate the the element within the browser using the predefined xpath. This can happen for a number of reasons, the main ones being a slight change in the way the website is presented on each machine, or an update to tradingview's site. Whatever the reason, most errors can be fixed by overriding the xpath.

First, you must find the xpath for the element in question. Look for the element with the broken xpath, for example the "reply button." Hit F12 on your browser, it should bring up the inspect elements tool. Hit ctrl + shift + c, click on the element and then navigate back to the inspect elements window. You should see a section of code highlighted. Click the three ... to the left of the code. Click Copy then Copy xpath.

Once you have the xpath, paste it into the app via the settings window or config file for each broken element. If you still need help with this, feel free to contact me on twitter or github and I can do my best to help!

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