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turnip-support is the tool that support testing features of Rails applications.

Table of contents:


For using turnip-support, the Rails application must be installed all below gems:


Run below command:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

How to use

Initialize environment

At the first time, you must run below command to initialize the enviroment:

ruby lib/turnip_support.rb --init

This command will append below config to YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER/spec/turnip_helper.rb file:

require "turnip"
require "turnip/capybara"
require "turnip/rspec"
require "capybara"
require "capybara-screenshot/rspec"
require "pry"
require "capybara/poltergeist"
require "rails_helper"

# turnip_support configuration
Dir.glob("spec/steps/**/*steps.rb"){|f| load f, true}

Capybara::Screenshot.class_eval do
    register_driver(:poltergeist) do |driver, path|
      driver.render(path, :full => true)

Capybara::Screenshot.autosave_on_failure = true

Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist do |app|
    app, js_errors: true, default_wait_time: 30, timeout: 100,
    phantomjs_logger: STDOUT,
    phantomjs_options: [
      '--load-images=no', '--ignore-ssl-errors=yes', '--ssl-protocol=any'

Capybara.configure do |config|
  config.default_driver = :poltergeist
  config.javascript_driver = :poltergeist
  config.ignore_hidden_elements = true
  config.default_wait_time = 20

Capybara.run_server = true
Capybara.server_port = 3000
Capybara.app_host = ""

class ActiveRecord::Base
  mattr_accessor :shared_connection
  @@shared_connection = nil

  def self.connection
    @@shared_connection || retrieve_connection

# Forces all threads to share the same connection. This works on
# Capybara because it starts the web server in a thread.
ActiveRecord::Base.shared_connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection

If the dependency gems is not installed, please install.

Generate feature file

For test a feature of your app, you must:

cd [YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER] ruby lib/turnip_support.rb [feature_name] [yml_config_file]

## Test pattern spread sheet template

First, you must create a test pattern spread sheet has template like below link: [Test pattern template](

I will show you the structure of the test case you must create:

The test case's structure has 3 main parts as below:
- [Feature information part](#feature-information-part)
- [Initial data information part](#initial-data-information-part)
- [Test procedure and expectation result information part](#test-procedures-and-expectation-results-information-part)

Parts must be seperated by **1 blank line**.

<img src="./images/main_structure.png" alt="Main structure of test case" title="Main structure">

### Feature information part

The feature information part contains first 3 lines. You must set value for 3 cells:
- **B1** : Name of feature.
- **B2** : Link of task.
- **B3** : Status

<img src="./images/feature_structure.png" alt="Feature information structure" title="Feature information structure">

### Initial data information part
The initial data information part must be start from line 5. The structure is:
- Column **B** : Model name.
- Column **D** : Object ID. This is the id that will be set to the object when creating object.
- Column **E** ~ last column: Object's attributes. This informations will be set to object as attributes when creating object.

The objects list should be grouped by model name. When you want to create objects of a new model, please input to the start line below informations:
- column **B**: The model name. Example: Company
- column **E** ~ : The model attributes name you want to change.

<img src="./images/init_data_structure.png" alt="Initial data information structure" title="Initial data information">

In above sample, I want to:
- create objects of model `Company` and custom `name` attribute of each object.
- create object of model `Role` and custom `name` attribute of each object.
- create object of model `AdminUser` and custom `loginid`, `password`, `password_confirmation`, `role_id` and `company_id` of each object. ...

### Test procedures and expectation results information part
The test procedures and expectation results information part must be start from line that distances the initial data information part by 1 line.
- This part can contains many procedures that are seperated by 1 blank line.

<img src="./images/procedures_structure.png" alt="procedures structure" title="Procedures structure">

- The structure of each action part:
  - Column **A** : Procedure order number (ID).
  - Column **B** : Scenario name.
  - Column **C** : Branching ID.
  - Column **D** : Action name. See [All support actions](#all-support-actions).
  - Column **E** ~ last column: The params corresponding with each action.

- The structure of each expectation result part:
  - Column **C** : Branching ID.
  - Column **D** : Expectation method name. See [All support expectation methods](#all-support-expectation-methods)
  - Column **E** ~ last column: The params corresponding with each expectation method.
  - Column **I** : The default column of test result.
  - Column **J** : The default column of test image.

<img src="./images/each_proc_structure.png" alt="Each procedure structure" title="Each procedure information">

## Configuration

For each feature, you must create new *.yml* file with below contents and put it to folder `PROJECT_FOLDER/spec/configs`.
You should set name of this file for easily understanding the feature name.

Sample: `system_user_scenario.yml`

spreadsheet_key: YOUR_SPREADSHEET_KEY # required config_file: YOUR_CONFIG_FILE # required worksheet_order_number: SPECIFICED_WORKSHEET_NUMBER # required model_name_col: B # optional obj_id_col: D # optional obj_attr_start_col: E # optional action_name_col: D # optional action_params_start_col: E # optional expect_method_name: D # optional expect_params_start_col: E # optional result_col: I # optional image_col: J # optional result_message: # optional ok: "good" # optional ng: "not good" # optional

- **spreadsheet_key**: You can find spreadsheet_key from the link of spreadsheet. This attribute is **required**!


Spreadsheet link: `1es49-XMXjFLLKxtm1Te0kUTWxGGbbQPliaSq-6ku2RI`/edit#gid=244159565

→ spreadsheet_key: `1es49-XMXjFLLKxtm1Te0kUTWxGGbbQPliaSq-6ku2RI`

- **config_file**: Please reference [google-drive-ruby: Authorization](
  The config_file must be placed into `PROJECT_FOLDER/spec/configs` folder.
  This attribute is **required**!

- **worksheet_order_number**: the order number of worksheet in spreadsheet, is counted from 0. This attribute is **required**!

- **model_name_col**: The model name column.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Defaut value is **B**. If you not set, default value is setted.

- **obj_id_col**: The object id column.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Defaut value is **D**. If you not set, default value is setted.

- **obj_attr_start_col**: The start column to define object attributes.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Defaut value is **E**. If you not set, default value is setted.

- **action_name_col**: The action name column.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Defaut value is **D**. If you not set, default value is setted.

- **action_params_start_col**: The start column of params for actions.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Defaut value is **E**. If you not set, default value is setted.

- **expect_method_name**: The expectation method name column.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Defaut value is **D**. If you not set, default value is setted.

- **expect_params_start_col**: The start column of params for expectation methods.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Defaut value is **E**. If you not set, default value is setted.

- **result_col**: The result column.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Defaut value is **I**. If you not set, default value is setted.

- **image_col**: The image link column.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Defaut value is **J**. If you not set, default value is setted.

- **result_message**: The messsage of each result, contains 2 values: **ok** and **ng**.
  This is the message displayed in the spreadsheet after running test.
  This attribute is **optional**!
  Default value is: **OK** and **NG**. If you not set, default value is setted.

## All support actions

The basic action is same with the action what is proviced by [capybara]( Params for each actions is same too.

- [visit](
- [click_link](
- [click_button](
- [click_on](
- [fill_in](
- [choose](
- [check](
- [uncheck](
- [attack_file](
- [select](
- [execute_script](
- custom_action: For the `custom_action` action, you must provide below params:
  - step name
  - params for corresponding step

Your custom step should be placed in `PROJECT_FOLDER/spec/steps` folder. Reference [turnip]( to write your custom step.

## All support expectation methods

- have_current_path:

page.current_url == data[0]

- have_selector:

if data[1].present? expect(find("#{data[0]}")).to have_content data[1] else expect(page).to have_selector data[0] end

- have_xpath

expect(page).to have_xpath data[0]

- have_css

expect(page).to have_css data[0]

- have_content

expect(page).to have_content data[0]

- no_have_current_path:

page.current_url != data[0]

- no_have_selector

if data[1].present? expect(find("#{data[0]}")).not_to have_content data[1] else expect(page).not_to have_selector data[0] end

- no_have_xpath

expect(page).not_to have_xpath data[0]

- no_have_css

expect(page).not_to have_css data[0]

- no_have_content

expect(page).not_to have_content data[0]

- raise_error

expect(page).to have_selector "section.backtrace"

- no_raise_error

expect(page).not_to have_selector "section.backtrace"

- custom_expect: For the `custom_expect` method, you must provide below params:
  - step name
  - params for corresponding step

Your custom step should be placed in `PROJECT_FOLDER/spec/steps` folder. Reference [turnip]( to write your custom step.



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