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GSoC 2022 Alumni Summit

Past due by over 2 years 0% complete

We will be holding a GSoC Alumni Summit - where former Rocket.Chat GSoC participants (mostly now working in the industry, in academia, running their own startup, and some continued with open source companies) will share their experience and tips with this year's GSoC students, in a 1 day "live" format with talks in both AM and PM - and lots of networking …

We will be holding a GSoC Alumni Summit - where former Rocket.Chat GSoC participants (mostly now working in the industry, in academia, running their own startup, and some continued with open source companies) will share their experience and tips with this year's GSoC students, in a 1 day "live" format with talks in both AM and PM - and lots of networking opportunities.

And we want to promote and handle this virtual conference ENTIRELY on - using actual real RC4Community code, this year.

Achieving this milestone, we will have a new set of components (and sample layout/routes) that any community builder can use to promote and handle their own virtual conferences (and remote training) scalably, using RC4Community moving forward.