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RodionKulin edited this page May 27, 2019 · 9 revisions

What is Sanatana.Notifications?

-It is a backend C# library to send various type of notifications. It uses a pipeline that receives event data to construct and send dispatches to subscribers.
-Supported types of dispatches are Email, SMS, stored in database notification, http call, you name it. Any custom type can be supported as extension.
-Can be embedded as a library to existing application or run hosted as a service.
-NET standard 2.0 version, so it can be used in both NET versions: Full, Core.
-Available on nuget

Database structure

Sanatana.Notifications provide following database structure:
-Subscribers settings;
-Templates used to create dispatches;
-Events and dispatches queued to send.


To configure Sanatana.Notifications Sender and start receiving events follow these guides:
-Dependency injection

End to end configured demo

To check out configured examples run following projects:
-Sender server that runs WCF host from console application to receive events and send dispatches.
-Client application that triggers notifications remotely from different console application.