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Documentation of the Flutter Client for Askless.

Click here to check examples and introduction to Askless or here to access the server side in Node.js.



This doc uses the following pattern for getting and passing values:

Getting values

What you can obtain is represented by nametype

Setting values

Functions that require params contain 3 dots between parenthesis, like functionName (...)

Those params are described under the function name, they are represented by type param

Starting Askless in the Flutter Client

start(...) → void

Init and start Askless. This method should be called before making any operations using Askless.


void main() {
      serverUrl: 'ws://',
      debugLogs: false,
      onAutoReauthenticationFails: (String credentialErrorCode, void Function() clearAuthentication) {
        // Add your logic to handle when the user credential
        // is no longer valid
        if (credentialErrorCode == "EXPIRED_ACCESS_TOKEN") {
        } else {
      // Only in case you want to use video and/or audio calls:
      getWebRTCParams: (userId) => Future.value(
           configuration: {
             'iceServers': [
                 "urls": [
                 // setting up TURN servers are important for Apps behind symmetric nat
                 "urls": "",
                 "username": "turn.username",
                 "credential": "turn.password",
                 "urls": "",
                 "username": "turn.username",
                 "credential": "turn.password",

   runApp(const MyApp());

🔸 String serverUrl

The server URL, must start with ws:// or wss://. Example: ws:// You can also access the myAsklessServer.localUrl attribute on your server-side in node.js to discover what the local URL of your server is.

🔸 bool? debugLogs

Show Askless internal logs for debugging.

🔸 void Function(String credentialErrorCode, void Function() clearAuthentication) onAutoReauthenticationFails

onAutoReauthenticationFails is a callback that is triggered once the automatic re-authentication attempt fails. This happens when the user loses the internet connection and Askless tries to reconnect, but the previous credential is no longer valid. This is a good place to handle the logic of refreshing the Access Token or moving the user to the logout page.

onAutoReauthenticationFails is NOT called after AsklessClient.instance.authenticate(..) is finished.

🔸 Future<WebRTCParams> Function(userId) getWebRTCParams

For video and audio calls only. (optional)

⚠️ Requires configuration, click here to proceed

A function that returns a future object of type WebRTCParams which allows you to set configuration and constraints Map objects from WebRTC, it's recommended to set your TURN servers in the configuration field.


All routes that are added in the backend with addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers do require authentication.

authenticate (...) → Future<AuthenticateResponse>

Performs an authentication attempt to the server side. Useful for the login page or to authenticate with tokens automatically in the startup of your App.

Important: authenticate(..) will be called automatically by using the same credential when the user loses the internet connection and connects again, but if it fails onAutoReauthenticationFails(...) will be triggered

If AuthenticateResponse.success is true: the current user will be able to interact with routes on the server side created with addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers

🔹 Map<String,dynamic> credential

Customized data you will use in the backend side to validate the authentication request

🔹 bool neverTimeout

Default: false (optional). If true: the request attempt will live as long as possible.

If false: if the request doesn't receive a response within the time limit, it will be canceled. The field requestTimeoutInMs defined on the server side will be the time limit.


final authenticateResponse = await AsklessClient.instance.authenticate(credential: { "accessToken": accessToken });
if (authenticateResponse.success) {
  log("user has been authenticated successfully");
} else {
  log("connectWithAccessToken error: ${authenticateResponse.errorCode}");
  if (authenticateResponse.isCredentialError) {
    log("got an error: access token is invalid");
  } else {
    log("got an error with code ${authenticateResponse.errorCode}: ${authenticateResponse.errorDescription}");


The result of the authentication attempt, if success is true: the current user will be able to interact with routes on the server side created with addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers.

🔸 dynamic userId

The authenticated user ID, or null

🔸 List<String>? claims

The claims the authenticated user has, or null

🔸 bool success

Returns true if the authentication is a success

Authenticate error, is never null in cases where success == false

clearAuthentication() → Future

Clears the authentication, you may want to call this in case the user clicks in a logout button for example.

After calling clearAuthentication the user will NOT be able to interact anymore with routes created with addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers on the server side


Interacting with the routes

read(...) → Future<AsklessResponse>

Performs a request attempt for a read route added on the server side

Similar to readStream, but doesn't stream changes.

🔹 route

The path of the route.

🔹 params

Additional data (optional), here can be added a filter to indicate to the server which data will be received.

🔹 neverTimeout

Default: false (optional). If true: the request attempt will live as long as possible.

If false: if the request doesn't receive a response within the time limit, it will be canceled. The field requestTimeoutInMs defined on the server side will be the time limit.

🔹 persevere

Default: false (optional). If persevere is true and this route was created in the server with addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers (requires authentication) but clearAuthentication() is called, then this route will wait for the authentication to come back.

In case of false the route will be canceled right after clearAuthentication() is called (only if this route requires authentication).

This is no-op in case this route doesn't require authentication (addRoute.forAllUsers).


    .read(route: 'allProducts',
       params: {
         'nameContains' : 'game'
       neverTimeout: true
    ).then((res) {
      for (final product in List.from(res.output)) {

readStream(...) → Stream

Get realtime data using stream.

Similar to read and it does stream changes.

Returns a Stream.

🔸 String route

The path of the route.

🔸 Map<String, dynamic> params

Additional data (optional), here can be added a filter to indicate to the server which data will be received.

🔸 persevere

Default: true (optional). If persevere is true and this route was created in the server with addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers (requires authentication) but clearAuthentication() is called, then this route will wait for the authentication to come back.

In case of false the route will be canceled right after clearAuthentication() is called (only if this route requires authentication).

This is no-op in case this route doesn't require authentication (addRoute.forAllUsers).

🔸 StreamSource source (optional)

Default: StreamSource.remoteOnly.

If StreamSource.remoteOnly shows only realtime events from the server (recommended).

If StreamSource.cacheAndRemote Uses the last emitted event (from another stream with same route and params) as the first event, only in case it's available.


late StreamSubscription myTextMessagesSubscription;

void initState() {
    myTextMessagesSubscription = AsklessClient.instance.readStream(
      route: "my-text-messages",
      params: { "contains" : "thanks" },
      source: StreamSource.remoteOnly,
      persevere: true,
    ).listen((event) {

void dispose() {
    /// remember to cancel() on dispose()

create(...) → Future<AsklessResponse>

Performs a request attempt for a create route added on the server side

🔹 body

The data that will be created.

🔹 route

The path of the route.

🔹 params

Additional data (optional).

🔹 neverTimeout

Default: false (optional). If true: the request attempt will live as long as possible.

If false: if the request doesn't receive a response within the time limit, it will be canceled. The field requestTimeoutInMs defined on the server side will be the time limit.

🔹 persevere

Default: false (optional). If persevere is true and this route was created in the server with addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers (requires authentication) but clearAuthentication() is called, then this route will wait for the authentication to come back.

In case of false the route will be canceled right after clearAuthentication() is called (only if this route requires authentication).

This is no-op in case this route doesn't require authentication (addRoute.forAllUsers).


  .create(route: 'product',
    body: {
       'name' : 'Video Game',
       'price' : 500,
       'discount' : 0.1
  ).then((res) => print(res.success ? 'Success' : res.error!.code));

update(...) → Future<AsklessResponse>

Performs a request attempt for a update route added on the server side

🔸 body

The entire data or field(s) that will be updated.

🔸 route

The path of the route.

🔸 params

Additional data (optional).

🔸 neverTimeout

Default: false (optional). If true: the request attempt will live as long as possible.

If false: if the request doesn't receive a response within the time limit, it will be canceled. The field requestTimeoutInMs defined on the server side will be the time limit.

🔸 persevere

Default: false (optional). If persevere is true and this route was created in the server with addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers (requires authentication) but clearAuthentication() is called, then this route will wait for the authentication to come back.

In case of false the route will be canceled right after clearAuthentication() is called (only if this route requires authentication).

This is no-op in case this route doesn't require authentication (addRoute.forAllUsers).


        route: 'allProducts',
        params: {
          'nameContains' : 'game'
        body: {
          'discount' : 0.8
    ).then((res) => print(res.success ? 'Success' : res.error!.code));

delete(...) → Future<AsklessResponse>

Performs a request attempt for a delete route added on the server side.

🔹 route

The path of the route.

🔹 params

Additional data, indicate here which data will be removed.

🔹 neverTimeout

Default: false (optional). If true: the request attempt will live as long as possible.

If false: if the request doesn't receive a response within the time limit, it will be canceled. The field requestTimeoutInMs defined on the server side will be the time limit.

🔹 persevere

Default: false (optional). If persevere is true and this route was created in the server with addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers (requires authentication) but clearAuthentication() is called, then this route will wait for the authentication to come back.

In case of false the route will be canceled right after clearAuthentication() is called (only if this route requires authentication).

This is no-op in case this route doesn't require authentication (addRoute.forAllUsers).

        route: 'product',
        params: { 'id': 1 },
    ).then((res) => print(res.success ? 'Success' : res.error!.code));


Result of request attempt to the server.

🔸 output → dynamic

The output the server sent, or null.

⚠️ Do NOT use output to check if the operation failed (because it can be null even in case of success)

🔸 success → bool

Indicates whether the request attempt is a success

🔸 error → AsklessError?

Error details in case where success == false


Error details of a failed request attempt

🔹 code → String

The error code. Can be either a field of AsklessErrorCode, or a custom error code sent by the server

🔹 description → String

The error description



An unknown error occurred on the server side


The App is disconnected from the internet or/and the server is offline


The requested operation is already in progress


The authenticated user doesn't have permission to modify or/and access the requested resource


credential wasn't accepted in the authenticate function on the server side. Example: accessToken is invalid, invalid email, invalid password, etc.


The request could not proceed because the informed route requires authentication by the client.

To fix this, choose to either:

  • call AsklessClient.instance.authenticate(...) in the client side before performing this request


  • change the route on the server side from addRouteFor.authenticatedUsers to addRoute.forAllUsers


The server didn't give a response to the authentication(..) function on the server side, to fix this, make sure to call either accept.asAuthenticatedUser(..), accept.asUnauthenticatedUser() or reject(..) callbacks in the authentication(..) function on the server side.


Error details of a failed request attempt

🔹 code → String

The error code. Can be either a field of AsklessErrorCode, or a custom error code sent by the server

🔹 description → String

The error description

🔹 isCredentialError → bool

Returns true if the error is a credential error, which means that could not authenticate because of an error like: invalid email, invalid password, invalid access token, etc.

Returns false in case the error is not related to credential, like no connection error.


connection → ConnectionDetails

Current connection status to the server with details


Stream changes of the connection status to the server.

🔸 bool immediately

Default true. If true, emits the first event immediately with the current connection status, otherwise it will wait to emit until the connection status changes.


late StreamSubscription<ConnectionDetails> connectionChangesSubscription;

void initState() {
    connectionChangesSubscription = AsklessClient.instance
        .streamConnectionChanges(immediately: true)
        .listen((connectionDetails) {
          print("Connection status is ${connectionDetails.status} ${connectionDetails.disconnectionReason == null ? "" : " disconnected because ${connectionDetails.disconnectionReason}"}")

void dispose() {


Adds a listener that will be triggered every time the status of the connection to the server changes.

🔹 OnConnectionChange listener

The listener that will be triggered every time the status of the connection to the server changes.

🔹 bool immediately

Default true. If true, emits the first event immediately with the current connection status, otherwise it will wait to emit until the connection status changes.


connectionChanged(ConnectionDetails connectionDetails) {
    print("Connection status is ${connectionDetails.status} ${connectionDetails.disconnectionReason == null ? "" : " disconnected because ${connectionDetails.disconnectionReason}"}")

void initState() {
    AsklessClient.instance.addOnConnectionChangeListener(connectionChanged, immediately: true);


Removes the listener which is triggered every time the status of the connection to the server changes.

🔸 OnConnectionChange listener

The listener previously added


connectionChanged(ConnectionDetails connectionDetails) {
    print("Connection status is ${connectionDetails.status} ${connectionDetails.disconnectionReason == null ? "" : " disconnected because ${connectionDetails.disconnectionReason}"}")

void dispose() {


typedef OnConnectionChange = dynamic Function(ConnectionDetails connectionDetails);

A function that will be triggered every time the status of the connection to the server changes.

🔹 connectionDetails → ConnectionDetails

Connection status to the server with details


Connection status to the server with details

🔸 ConnectionStatus status;

The connection status to the server: ConnectionStatus.connected, ConnectionStatus.inProgress or ConnectionStatus.disconnected

🔸 DisconnectionReason? disconnectionReason

Disconnection reason only in case where status equals Connection.disconnected

Video and Audio Calls

You can skip this section if you don't want to use video and audio calls.

Askless imports the Flutter-WebRTC implementation to help you easily implement your audio and video calls in Flutter with WebRTC and WebSockets.

⚠️ Configuration

Requires configuration: Follow the steps of Flutter-WebRTC to configure it on Android and iOS.


Avoid using Android emulator and iOS simulators when testing video and audio calls, because WebRTC doesn't work well on them.

Symmetric NAT

By default, everything should work well in most cases, but if some users are behind symmetric NAT the video/audio calls won't work without setting up TURN servers, so make sure to add TURN servers along with STUN before releasing your App to production. You can create your own TURN server and host it yourself, or choose an external service like

⬆️ Requesting Calls

requestCallToUser(...) → RequestCallToUserInstance

Request a call to a remote user. Returns a RequestCallToUserInstance.

🔹 MediaStream localStream

The MediaStream for the local user, so the remote user will be able to receive video and/or audio. You can get it with navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(...)

🔹 dynamic userId

Refers to the remote user the local user want talk to.

🔹 Map<String,dynamic> additionalData

Add custom data here (optional)

RequestCallToUserInstance object

The return of requesting a call to a remote user, call dispose() once the widget showing the call disposes.

🔸 dispose() → void

Call dispose() once the widget showing the call disposes

🔸 response() → RequestCallResult

The response to the call request.

RequestCallResult object

The response received from a request call

🔸🔹 liveCall → LiveCall?

Refers to a running video/audio call. Is null in case of error. Call liveCall.dispose() once the widget showing the call disposes

🔸🔹 callAccepted → bool

Indicates whether the call has been accepted or not

🔸🔹 error → String

Error info, is null in cases where success is true

🔸🔹 additionalData → Map<String,dynamic>

Custom data

Requesting Call Example
final localVideoRenderer = RTCVideoRenderer();
final remoteVideoRenderer = RTCVideoRenderer();
RequestCallToUserInstance? callInstance;

requestCall() async {
    'audio': true,
    'video': {
      'facingMode': 'user',
  }).then((localUserStream) {
    setState(() {
      localVideoRenderer.srcObject = localUserStream;
      callInstance = AsklessClient.instance.requestCallToUser(
        userId: 2,
        localStream: localUserStream,
        additionalData: {
          "videoCall": true // add your custom data here, I'm sending whether is a video call or not
      callInstance!.response().then((response) {
        if (!response.callAccepted) {
          print("Call has not been accepted");

        setState(() {
          remoteVideoRenderer.srcObject = response.liveCall!.remoteStream;
          liveCall!.addOnCallClosesListener(listener: () {
            // to handle when the call has been closed
  }, onError: (error) {
    print("Could not get access to camera and/or microphone ${error.toString()}");

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Stack(
    children: [
        bottom: 4,
        right: 0,
        child: SizedBox(
          height: 125,
          width: 75,
          child: RTCVideoView(localVideoRenderer),

void dispose() {

⬇️ Receiving new call requests from remote users

🔸 addOnReceiveCallListener(void Function (ReceivingCall receivingCall)) → ReceivingCallsInstance

Adds a listener that handles call requests coming from any remote user. Returns a ReceivingCall object where you can call cancel() to stop receiving new call requests.

ReceivingCallsInstance object

🔸🔹 void cancel()

Use cancel() to stop receiving new call requests from remote users

Receiving new call requests from remote users Example

bool _receivingCallHasBeenConfigured = false;
final navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      if (!_receivingCallHasBeenConfigured) {
       _receivingCallHasBeenConfigured = true;
       AsklessClient.instance.addOnReceiveCallListener((ReceivingCall receivingCall) {
          print("receiving call");
          Navigator.of(navigatorKey.currentContext!).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => AcceptOrRejectCallPage(receivingCall: receivingCall)));

      return MaterialApp(
         title: 'Flutter with Mysql',
         navigatorKey: navigatorKey,

ReceivingCall object

A call request received from a remote user, the local user should choose between acceptCall(...) or rejectCall(...). Call dispose() once the widget showing the call (e.g. call page) disposes before user accepting/rejecting the call.

🔹 addOnCanceledListener(void Function() listener) → void

Adds a listener that will be triggered in case the call request is canceled

🔹 removeOnCanceledListener(void Function() listener) → void

Removes the listener previously added

🔹 acceptCall(...) → Future<AcceptingCallResult>

Accepts the call request from the remote user.

🔹🔸 MediaStream localStream

The MediaStream for the local user, so the remote user will be able to receive video and/or audio. You can get it with navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(...)

🔹🔸 Map<String, dynamic>? additionalData

Add custom data here (optional)

receivingCall!.acceptCall(localStream: localUserStream!, additionalData: {})
    .then((AcceptingCallResult result) {
        print("call accepted by me: ${result.liveCall != null}");
        if (result.success){
        } else {
            handleCallFailed(error: result.error, message: "Ops, sorry, an error occurred when accepting the call, please try again later");

🔹 rejectCall() → void

Rejects the call request from the remote user


AcceptingCallResult object

The result of accepting the call

🔸 success → bool

Indicates whether the call started successfully

🔸 error → String?

Error info, is null in cases where success is true

🔸 liveCall → LiveCall?

Refers to a running video/audio call. Is null in case of error. Call liveCall.dispose() once the widget showing the call disposes

🔃 LiveCall object

Refers to a running video/audio call

🔹 dispose() → void

Call dispose() once the widget showing the call disposes

🔹 closeCall() → void

Closes the running call

🔹 remoteStream → MediaStream?

MediaStream for the remote user from the Flutter-WebRTC library

🔹 addOnCallClosesListener(void Function() listener) → void

Adds a listener that will be triggered once the call closes

🔹 removeOnCallClosesListener(void Function() listener) → void

Removes the listener previously added

🔹 addOnConnectionChangedForRemoteUserListener(void Function (bool connected) listener) → void

Adds a listener function that will be triggered when the connection of the remote user changes. You may want to call closeCall() if the remote user is disconnected for a long time.

🔹 removeOnConnectionChangedForRemoteUserListener(listener) → void

Removes the listener previously added