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Checkout Payment

Business & Non Function Requirement Assumptions

  1. Merchants should authenticate in Checkout Identity server and get a token prior to use the Gateway

  2. The Merchant would be of 2 types

  • Merchants Users - Authenticate using password
  • Merchant APIs - Authenticate using ClientId and ClientSecret
  1. High scalability of the services (each component should scale horizontally acording with the demand)
  2. Process the payment operation in an async manner
  3. Resilient payment requests, retry in the event of network instability or internal errors from Acquiring Bank API.
  4. Merchants can only see payments that they requested
  5. Maximum Expiry data validates to 20 years ahead.
  6. The Identity/Gateway APIs will be in Public Subnet
  7. CQRS Microservices and Resources will reside in Private Subnet

This project consist of:

  • Checkout.Payment.Identity - Solution containing a real identity server that Authenticates the Merchant and generates a valid JWT token with claims
  • Checkout.Payment.Gateway - Solution containing the logic to authenticate a merchant, send and check for payment status
  • Checkout.Payment.Command - Solution containing the CQRS Command logic to perform command actions (Payment Request)
  • Checkout.Payment.Processor - Solution contining lambda ready logic to process qeueud payment requests against an AcquiringBank API
  • Checkout.Payment.AcquiringBankMock - Solution containing logic to mock random payment results from an AcquiringBank API
  • Checkout.Payment.Query - Solution containing the CQRS Query logic to perform query actions (Check payment status)
  • LocalStack - AWS Mock container to simulate SNS, SQS and Lambda cloud behavior.
  • Redis - Redis container to simulate Redis Distributed Cache persistency across Command/Query.

Architecture Logical View

Architecture Logical View

Workflow Sequence Diagram

Workflow Sequence View

Getting Started

1. Go to the base directory of the repository and run the batch to build the docker images

	> build-containers.bat 

2. Run all the containers in docker-composer

	> docker-compose up -d

(Remove -d arg if you want to see the composer containers logs in the same window)

3. Wait for localstack Ready state and Run the batch to setup localstack services (SNS -> SQS -> Lambda (Processor)

	> setup-localstack.bat

4. Kibana Logging - Access http://localhost:5601

5. Access the Payment Gateway

Using the Payment Gateway:

1. Access Gateway Swagger at URL: http://localhost:8001/swagger

Valid Merchant User Password credentials follows the given pattern

Avaliable merchants: 100

The number of merchants and its details can be updated in (Checkout.Payment.Identity UserRepository logic)

id username password
1-100 merchant{id} merchant{id}password
3 merchant3 merchant3password

Valid Merchant API credentials follows the given pattern

Avaliable merchants: 100

The number of merchants and its details can be updated in (Checkout.Payment.Identity ApiKeyRepository and Client logic)

id Api Key Api Secret
1-100 merchant.api.{id}.key merchant.api.{id}.secret
3 merchant.api.3.key merchant.api.3.secret

2. Get a merchant token: (POST /v1/Authentication) using a valid credential

3. Set the JWT token in the Authorize Swagger button

4. Create a Payment in the Gateway - POST /v1/payment

5. Get a Payment Status in the Gateway - GET /v1/payment/{paymentId}

Code Payment StatusCode Description
100 Processing
200 Succeeded
400 Rejected - Incorrect
401 Rejected Insufficient Funds
402 Rejected Card Blocked
403 Rejected Custom
500 Unexpected


Improvements Backlog

  • Add domain validations (FluentValidation)
  • Implement UnitTests to all Solutions
  • CodeCoverage Check during image build
  • End-to-End Integatrion Tests
  • Performance Tests using tools like Locust
  • Transaction-Id header Middleware to map the transaction workflow across the APIs
  • Use of a Common Solution Nuget package for SeedWork / Extensions / HttpClients
  • Add dedicated Health Check endpoints for LoadBalancing check
  • Add Metrics UI for each API
  • Setup a full CICD script to deploy in the cloud

Tools / Swagger UIs

Useful commands

Manual setup for localstack (SNS + SQS + Subscription)

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:34566 sns create-topic --name payment-process-topic
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:payment-process"

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:34566 sqs create-queue --queue-name payment-process-queue
"QueueUrl": "http://localhost:34566/000000000000/payment-process-queue"

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:34566 sns subscribe --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:payment-process-topic --protocol sqs --notification-endpoint arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:payment-process-queue

Getting SQS Arn (Needed to subscribe Lambda into the SQS)

aws sqs get-queue-attributes --queue-url http://localhost:34566/000000000000/payment-process-queue --attribute-name QueueArn --endpoint-url http://localhost:34566

Generating .NET Core Processor Lambda Content to localstack

dotnet publish Checkout.Payment.Processor\Checkout.Payment.Processor.sln -c Release -o ZipLambda
powershell Compress-Archive ZipLambda\* -DestinationPath -Force

Create Processor lambda

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:34566 lambda create-function --function-name=checkout-payment-processor --runtime=dotnetcore3.1 --handler=Checkout.Payment.Processor::Checkout.Payment.Processor.Function::FunctionHandler --zip-file fileb:// --role=r1

Update Processor lambda code

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:34566 lambda update-function-code --function-name=checkout-payment-processor --zip-file fileb://

Subscribing Processor lambda to SQS

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:34566 lambda create-event-source-mapping --event-source-arn arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:000000000000:payment-process-queue --function-name checkout-payment-processor

Debug/Troubleshoot Lambda Logs

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:34566 logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name "/aws/lambda/checkout-payment-processor"
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:34566 logs get-log-events --log-group-name "/aws/lambda/checkout-payment-processor" --log-stream-name "yyyy/MM/dd/[LATEST]12345678"


ElasticSearch / Kibana does not start

For windows users a pre-config might be needed in wsl to allow elasticsearch container to start. Execute the 2 steps below if your elasticsearch container is not starting

Open command prompt to access access wsl bash

	C:\> wsl -d docker-desktop

Increase VM max map count to 262144:

	# sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Restart the elasticsearch container

	docker-compose up elasticsearch