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Alex "Archcannon" Chen edited this page Jul 24, 2022 · 11 revisions

The United Constellation

The Constellation is a loose federation of large city-stations.

Amethyst, Inc

Amethyst, Inc is a high-tech company that sells expensive starships and gear. As a parody of tech startups, Amethyst, Inc. can be described as the Apple, Inc. of starships. The corporation has a vaguely spiritual vibe and the founder may or may not possess godly powers.

The Amethyst Club is the customer rewards program of Amethyst, Inc. Members get discounts on purchases of various products from Amethyst, Inc. Amethyst Stores show up near other stations.

Beowulf Club

The Beowulf Club is a paramilitary organization of people who fly combat-oriented spacecraft (particularly the Beowulf-class and Ulysses-class). They like to exchange high-power weapons outside of the law. Above all else, they believe in delivering justice via any means necessary. Entry into the Beowulf Club requires passing an initiation test.

Campers Collective

The Campers Collective provides Tinker services / survival supplies for freighter pilots

The Constellation Fleet

The purpose of the Constellation Fleet is to seek and destroy anything that the Constellation designates as an enemy. Those who join the Constellation Fleet must pledge full undying allegiance to the Fleet.

The Daughters of the Orator

The Daughters of the Orator are a community of those who have received The Orator’s call but refused to leave for the Celestial Center, believing that they could find the answer without venturing into an active war zone. Those who live at Daughters Outposts tend to prefer very quiet lives. Daughters Outposts have several Silence Rooms where one can hear mysterious whispers while surrounded in silence.

The Orion Warlords

Orion Warlords are known for their special bow-like weapons, which usually build up charge in capacitors. A fully charged Orion Bolter can fire a fast strong projectile, while an uncharged Orion Bolter fires a weak, slow projectile.

Arnold Kirvantos

Arnold is the leader of the Orion Warlords.

Iron Pirates

The Iron Pirates hunt down poorly armed freighters. The Blockade-glass gunboat attacks with the Iron Driver (close-range kinetic weapon) while the Embargo-class missileship attacks with the Iron Cannon (kinetic missiles)

Royal Shade

The Royal Shade is a high-tech criminal organization. Their main ship, the Royal Guard, features the Dark cannon (high-velocity kinetic weapon) and the Thorn missile system (which mounts laser turrets on warheads).


NRobots are who strongly believe in perfection of the self via augmentation with advanced weaponry. At least half of the average NRobot's brain is permanently replaced with electronics. The NRobot's embedded weapon is capable of launching cyberattacks and discharging electrical blasts on command. A face-to-face altercation involving the weapon could be deadly. Given the unreliable state of robotic medicine and the extreme danger posed by crude-level cyborg surgery, NRobots live in relatively small groups.

The Flawless-class gunship uses an EMP cannon (which can paralyze ships), Shining Armor plate (which partially regenerates in response to damage), and a DEFLECT Device (which hijacks tracking missiles and returns them to sender).


Errorists are descendants of those who survived a Martian nuclear detonation. They seek to irradiate those who had irradiated them before. Errorists use makeshift radiation-based weapons. The Toxin-class raider fires clouds of radioactive sand, while the Mutant-class fighter fires armor-melting radioactive sludge.


The Silentians are violent followers of The Dictator.


The Quietus is the leader of the Silentians.