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SOP for Publishing Reserbiz Online Documentation

Roi Larrence Amatong edited this page Jul 28, 2021 · 1 revision


Reserbiz application has its dedicated website for online documentation/reference. Below are the instructions for deploying the website to live.


  1. Open Visual Studio Code and open Reserbiz workspace.
  2. Switch to master branch and make sure that the branch is sync with the origin.
  3. From within the visual studio code, open terminal window and run the cli command below which basically navigates to the Reserbiz online documentation project directory and generates distribution files for the website which will be deployed later.
cd .\ReserbizOnlineDocumentation\
ng build --configuration production
  1. After running the script above, this will create the files on dist/ReserbizOnlineHelp directory.
  2. Open FileZilla application and connect to the hosting server. Use the FTP account found on KeePass.
  3. From the FileZilla application, on the Remote site panel, go to reserbiz-docs directory.
  4. On the Local Site panel, navigate to the ~/ReserbizOnlineDocumentatation/dist/ReserbizOnlineHelp folder and move modified files from local site to remote site. I suggest to transfer all files except the files inside the assets folder. Transfer only files that were updated or newly added inside the assets folder.
  5. After transferring, verify that the updates were deployed properly. Website can be accessed from this URL: