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RokuHodo edited this page Jun 16, 2024 · 18 revisions

About TwitchNet

TwitchNet is a general use library for all of the client sided Twitch development tools, written for the C# .NET Framework. The emphasis of this library will be on the client side, with some support given to the server side. This includes complete functionality for the new Helix API, IRC (chat), and PubSub. The library will also include limited utility functions for more server sided features such as WebHooks, Extensions, and Drops. Priority will be given to the client sided features first, and then limited server sided functionality will be added at a later date.


Feature Status Notes
Helix API Implemented All endpoints are implemented as of 2019/11/06.
IRC Implemented All core/documented IRC functionality is implemented as of 2019/11/06
PubSub Not Started On deck.
WebHooks Not Started TBA
Extensions Not Started TBA
Drops Not Started TBA

Language and Environment

DLL's Used

About the Developer

Hi I'm Roku. I’m a third party developer who codes as a hobby in my spare time.

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