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npm i @rollinsafary/mvc@latest


Based on standard Model-View-Controller architecture with extended functionality in TypeScript.

Added functionalities.

  1. Mediator have sleep():void and wake():void functions, which give ability to stop and start mediator from listening notifications dynamically.
  2. Mediator have subscribeToNotifications(...notificationNames: string[]):void and unsubscribeToNotification(notificationName: string):void functions, which give ability to dynamically subscribe and unsubscribe listening notifications. listenNotificationInterests: string[] now is a getter not a function.
  3. Now it's allowed to have same mediator-view pairs, so for every mediator instance unique id will be generated, which is available in mediator in id: number | string property.
  4. Now mediator has setMediatorId(id: number| string):void function to set id manually to sync mediator with object in VO and getMediatorId(): number | string to get it;
  5. Now facade.retrieveMediator(mediatorName: string, id?: number| string):Mediator function has optional second property id: number | string. It's for cases where you have multiple instances of same mediator-view pairs. Using retrieveMediator function without giving id: number | string argument, it will return first mediator from mediators with given name.
  6. Now Facade has methods hasMediatorWithName(mediatorName: string):boolean, which will check if there is at least one mediator with given name, and method retrieveMediators(mediatorName:string): Mediator[], which will return all mediators with given name.
  7. Now facade has new function getMediatorsCount(mediatorName: string): number which returns count of Mediator with same name. It's for cases, when you want to write you own logic based on Mediator count.
  8. Mediator have index:number property which shows the index in the same name mediators' list.
  9. Same notification can call multiple commands. Functions are added to remove commands from notification's call queue. To remove single command from call queue call removeCommand(notificationName:string, command:SimpleCommand):void on facade, and to remove all commands from notification's queue call removeCommands(notificationName: string):void on facade.
  10. To register command to work once use registerCommandOnce(notificationName, command):void on facade. It will be called only once, then it will be removed from commands queue.
  11. Added Guard for command, it can be used to make checks before command will execute, it has reference to Facade too. Guard has abstract approve(notificationName: string, ...args: any[]):boolean | Promise<boolean> function which must be overridden. Async usage of approve function is possible.
  12. Added addGuard(...guardClassRefs: Guard[]):void, Guard classes (not their instances) need to be given as arguments.
  13. Added onAnyGuardApproved(notificationName: string, ...args: any[]):void, onAnyGuardDenied(notificationName, ...args: any[]):void and onAllGuardsDenied(notificationName, ...args: any[]):void functions for handling guards approving cases.
  14. Command has protected method prepare():void, which is provided to add guards.
  15. Command execution is being done in following sequence,
    prepare -> checkGuards -> execute || onAnyGuardDenied && onAllGuardDenied
  16. MacroCommands now can add exclusiveSubCommands, so if on of added subCommands is approved, others won't event checked. To add exclusiveSubCommand call addExclusiveSubCommand(command, ...guards). Note that exclusiveSubCommand's check is checking subCommand's self guards too. Even if you've added duplicate guards, exclusiveSubCommand checker will check only unique guards.
  17. Added registerMediators and removeMediators functions.
  18. Mediator has new method subscribeToNotification not to use subscribeToNotifications when subcribing to one notification.


MVC design pattern with extended features



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