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Biblioteca para auxiliar no envio de email, usando template com NVelocity e diferentes tipos de transport.


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Maile.NET is a library to help you to send emails. You can use templates and different transports like Mailgun and Smtp.

Install Mailer.NET via nuget

Install-Package Mailer.NET 

Add ConfigSection of Mailer.Net

    <section name="mailernet" type="Mailer.NET.Mailer.Internal.ConfigFile.MailerNetSection, Mailer.NET, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" requirePermission="false" />

Configure to use smtp

Put the following snippet on your app.config or web.config

    <defaultTransport type="Mailer.NET.Mailer.Transport.SmtpTransport, Mailer.NET">
        <parameter value="host"/>
        <parameter value="port" type="System.Int32"/>
        <parameter value="user"/>
        <parameter value="password"/>
        <parameter value="useOrNotSsl" type="System.Boolean"/>

Configure to use Mailgun

Put the following snippet on your app.config or web.config

    <defaultTransport type="Mailer.NET.Mailer.Transport.MailgunTransport, Mailer.NET">
        <parameter value="damain"/>
        <parameter value="apikey"/>

Send email with a simple message

Email email = new Email(EmailContentType.Text)
	From = new Contact() {Name = "sender", Email = "email_sender"}
email.AddTo("dest_email", "dest");
email.Subject = "subject";
email.Message = "simple message"
bool sent = email.Send();

Send email with template

Html template file should be locate in APP_DIR\Email\Template\template.html

Email email = new Email(EmailContentType.Html)
	From = new Contact() {Name = "sender", Email = "email_sender"}
email.AddTo("dest_email", "dest");
email.Subject = "subject";
email.Template = "template";
email.AddTemplateVar("person", "teste");
email.AddTemplateVar("number", "123");
bool sent = email.Send();

Template file

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <h4>Template Example</h4>
    <p>Hello $person, this is a example template</p>

the $person will be replaced to teste

Configure transport dinamically

MailgunTransport transport = new MailgunTransport("domain", "apikey");
Email email = new Email(transport,EmailContentType.Html)

How to add your custom transport

Create your class extending Mailer.NET.Transport.AbstractTransport and implement SendEmail method.

public class CustomTransport : AbstractTransport
    public override EmailResponse SendEmail(Email email)
        //your logic to send email here
        return new EmailResponse("Message", true);


Biblioteca para auxiliar no envio de email, usando template com NVelocity e diferentes tipos de transport.







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