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Short Description

MySQL High-Availability Cluster for Docker Swarm with Consul for service discovery and Minio for backup.


This repository contains a Docker Compose file to deploy a highly available MySQL cluster with Consul and Minio in a Docker Swarm environment. It provides a robust solution for ensuring the continuity of your databases, with an automatic failover mechanism in case of any disruptions.


  1. High Availability: The repository offers a solution for providing highly available MySQL, resistant to failures.

  2. Service Discovery with Consul: Consul is used for service discovery and health checks.

  3. Backup with Minio: Minio is used for storing MySQL backups.

  4. Docker Swarm: All components are deployed in Docker Swarm, ensuring ease and simplicity of scaling.

  5. Automatic Recovery: In case of primary node failure, the system automatically switches to the standby, minimizing downtime.

  6. Ease of Use: The whole process from deployment to management and monitoring is simple and understandable, thanks to comprehensive documentation.

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the directory: cd mysql-ha-swarm
  3. Deploy the stack: docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml mysql

Detailed instructions for usage and deployment can be found in the repository. Follow the steps in the documentation to get started with mysql-ha-swarm.


  • Docker and Docker Swarm are required for the use of mysql-ha-swarm.
  • You need to replace all environment variables in the docker-compose file with your own settings.


If you have any questions or issues, please create an issue in this repository.


Detailed information about the license can be found in the LICENSE file in this repository.