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Class References

Romulion edited this page Feb 8, 2019 · 7 revisions
  • Scene
    Scene data container
    _Contain _
    List GameObject
    List rendable - objects for camera rendering
    Camera - main rendering camera
    Light - light sources
    UI - elements for ui rendering

  • GameObject
    Contains node Hierarchy tree information
    Required for positioning objects
    automatically added to GameObject class on adding to scene
    all transformation perfoming thru this class
    Object Name
    Transformation position
    GameObject parent = link to parent (root object for objects without parent)
    List childs = link to childs

  • Transformation
    Contain and perform object transformation
    localTransform - writeble local transformation matrix
    globalTransform - readonly; recalculated on local change; used in rendering

  • Camera
    Represent rendering perspective
    Used to render scene
    Inherit GameObject
    Only one can by main(ontput to display)
    Contain projection type
    Render resolution
    projection matrix
    viev matrix

  • Logger
    designed to log internas processes
    log file cleared on start if Output.File choosen

static constructor instalize class
non static constructor used for creating modules instances

Output [Console File None]
levels [ 2.warning 1.error 0.critical]
All data storage in array where LogEntry { sender, time, severenety, message, from }

log = new Logger(sender);

  • Settings
    singleton class
    require ini-parser to parse ini config
    program contain default config file
    uses external config for custom settings
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