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World Setup Types

RonanCraft edited this page Jan 1, 2024 · 3 revisions

There are three primary ways of setting up a teleporting sequence. Priority of setups are ascending up this ladder

Setup Types

  • Default: Basic values every RTP attempt will use no matter what - config.yml
  • Custom World: Only a specific world will use this setup - config.yml
  • Locations: Used when a player executes '/rtp location <loc_name>' or when "UseLocationIfAvailable" is enabled - locations.yml
  • Permission Group: Specific players setups when they have a<group_name> permission - config.yml

This ladder works by when a higher priority does not have a value set or is invalid, the next lower setup information will be used

Example: If a Custom World for the world names overworld has everything setup but is missing "MaxRadius", the value for the setup type Default will be used

Available Values

Set values an RTP attempt will use, these can be used in any Setup Type

  • UseWorldBorder

    Use the vanilla worldborder of a world? (Must set worldborder with the vanilla '/worldborder' command!)
  • Biomes

    Set a list of biomes you'd like to limit rtp to teleport to, view more biomes here
    Caution: Limiting the amount of biomes allowed to rtp into will use up significant amount of more CPU and more attempts.
  • MaxRadius

    Maximum allowed radius from the center X/Z
    Specifics: If useworldborder is true, this value will be capped at the worldborders radius
  • MinRadius

    Minimum allowed radius from the centers X/Z
  • CenterX

    Center X/Z position that you'd like BetterRTP to function in any world, if useworldborder is true, this will be set to the vanilla worldborder center
  • Shape

    Type of shape a random location should be found, supported: square, circle
    Default: Square
  • MinY

    Minimum Y to find a safe location, cannot be higher than 0
    Default: 0
  • MaxY

    Maximum Y to find a safe location, cannot be lower than 64 (water level)
    Default: 320
  • RTPOnDeath (Added in 3.6.12)

    When true, when a player dies and has access to this rtp configuration when executing /rtp, they will be randomly teleported when they respawn (Delays CancelOnMove will be ignored)
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