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Move to Earn Campaign Smart Contract

GoArt's Move To Earn Campaign Smart Contract to give away MATIC tokens to users playing the GoArt game and collecting the collectible items placed in different time portals inside the game.

Development Instructions

  • $ npm install - Install all dependencies
  • $ cp .env.example .env - Create .env file and fill in MNEMONIC and POLYGON_TESTNET_URL
  • $ truffle compile - Compile all contracts
  • $ truffle test - Run all tests
  • $ truffle deploy --network matic - Deploy on the Polygon Tesnet Mumbai
  • $ truffle run verify GoArtCampaign --network matic - Verify contract on the Polygonscan Tesnet Mumbai

GoArtCampaign Contract

  • Deployed to Polygon Testnet Mumbai
  • Contract address: 0x845c8c3d99ea69129bc87D256246337Ea6be4c46