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Games made with Godot like 2D platformer, Top-Down Stealth, 3D Local Multiplayer, Advanced 3D

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Godot Game Development

Currently In HULT

Games made with Godot Engine, free and open-source game engine.

Note: While playing online, mouse click on the screen for the first time, if something feels off.

Loony Lips - Discovering GDScript

  • Theme

A Word game,Ask for a word based on type(nouns, verb, etc)Then plug the words into expandable template for stories

  • Basics and Arrays

Godot is comprised of nodes. Nodes can have children. It's just like Widgets of Flutter. NodeName are named like this: LoonyLips;

# inherits properties of Control node (class), it get automatically added when attaching script to a node (Control in this case)
extends Control

# _ready() function run at start like a main() fxn in C++

func _ready():
	var person = "Yann"
	print("Hello " + person)

	person = "Someone else"
	print("Hello World!" + person)

	var prompts = ["Yann", "Minions", "Greatest"]
	var story = "Once upon a time %s watched %s and thought is was the %s movie of the past two decades"
	print(story % prompts)

	prompts = ["Izabella", "Dune", "Biggest"]
	print(story % prompts)

	# Here in story %s will be replaced by each element of prompts one by one
	# %s should occur exactly 3times as prompts have 3 element or error will be thrown
# Output

Hello Yann
Hello Someone else
Once upon a time Yann watched Minions and thought is was the Greatest movie of the past two decades
Once upon a time Izabella watched Dune and thought is was the Biggest movie of the past two
  • Inspector Tab

We can manage the property of nodes in it. All these property can be accessed and changed with script.

Rect to change position, size, minSize.

Custom Font to add a new dynamic font where custom font can be added. Use settings to change font size, use filter to make edges blurry instead of pixilated. Custom Color to give font color and so on.

Size Flags to expand, fill, shrink,cent, shrink,e nd used with HBoxContainer and VboxContainer children

Transform for position, rotation and scale of the node.

Visibility -> Modulate to change color of node and also children. Self Modulate to change color of own.

  • Node Tab

Signals\Listeners can be added to a certain node. When certain thing happens on one node, it sends signals to the connected node where we can do things related to that specific signal through script attached to receiving node.

  • TextureRect, Label

TextureRect node for background Drag background to Texture in Inspector. Press play, when resizing the window, it looks like the background is cutting but not expanding. So go back and click on expand. Changes won't be reflected on the editor, so add a new scene and come back to the previous scene, changes will be reflected and the background will look small.

Click on the node -> Layout -> Anchors only -> Full rect to measure the bounding rectangle(screen) so it knows where to expand. Now click node -> Layout -> Full Rect. Now the texture will cover the full rectangle and will shrink and expand on changing screen sizes.

Change default size of the window, Project -> Project Setting -> General -> Window -> Under Size

label node is used display something on the screen Custom fonts can be added by creating new dynamic font from inspector, margin, auto-wrap etc can be done.

# Access the child node
# Hover over the Properties of Node in Inspector to know the property name of it, so we can access them using . operator
# We can also drag Node to script to access the path along its name (Label in this case)
get_node("Label").text = "Changed Text"
$Label.text = "Another Changed Text"

# Use "" to access node with space in its name
# However its not a convention to do so
$"Label Name".text = "Text for label name"

# Showing Story to screen
var prompts = ["Yann", "Minions", "Greatest"]
var story = "Once upon a time %s watched %s and thought is was the %s movie of the past two decades"

$DisplayText.text = story % prompts

There's RichLabelText which is like Label but we can make certain part of text underlined, bold etc.(Bb code) And It is scrollable, if it doesn't fit

  • LineEdit, VBoxContainer, HBoxContainer, TextureButton

Getting text from Player LineEdit is for single line input and TextEdit for multi line input

# shift focus to the LineEdit, so that we can start typing immediately
func _ready():

VBoxContainer to align nodes in row and HBoxContainer to align nodes in column We can change alignment, margins etc

Select LineEdit, In node tab, click text_entered and connect to first node where script is attached

# This fxn will get automatically added
func _on_PlayerText_text_entered(new_text):
	pass # Replace with function body.
	$Label.text = new_text
	# entered text will be shown in the screen
	LineEdit.clear() # to clear the entered text from LineEdit

TextureButton to make a button with textures Here TextureButton and LineEdit are placed in HBoxContainer. LineEdit -> Size Flags -> Expand (so it will expand to available space).

TextureButton -> Rect -> Set the proper size to match the look of LineEdit. This will set the size of Node not the texture. TextureButton -> Turn expand on (it will vanish) , now go to Rect and give the node a minimum size. Everything will work now.

HBoxContainer and VBoxContainer has Custom Constants -> Separation property to set the spacing between child nodes.

# Changing screen's text when button is pressed
func _on_TextureButton_pressed():
	var new_text = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/LineEdit.text
  • array methods and if-else

func add_to_player_words():
	# Add new elements in the array

func is_story_done():
	return player_words.size() == prompts.size()
	# .size() returns length of array

func check_player_words_length():
	if is_story_done():
	elif not is_story_done():
# onready means the variable will be assigned after nodes are loaded completely
onready var SomeNode = $Label
  • Node methods

# changing node visibility
PlayerText.visible = false # true to show
# or
PlayerText.hide() # .show() to show
# getting rid of node from memory
# get entire scene tree

# Reloads the currently active scene.
  • Dictionary

Key-value pairs.

var template ={
		"prompts": ["a name", "a noun", "adverb", "adjective"],
		"story": "Once upon a time someone called %s ate a %s flavored sandwich which made him feel %s inside. It was a %s day.",
  • Dynamic and Typed gdscript

In dynamic gdscript, variable can change. variable can be string at one time, array at another and so on. Typed gdscript is opposite of dynamic gdscript.

# : PoolStringArray we are making gdscript typed, so that only String will be stored in the array
export var prompts : PoolStringArray
export var story : String # Accepts string only

# export is for making the variable available in inspector tab, So even if script is same, the variable's value for each node can be different
func set_current_story():
	randomize() # shuffle the random number using time
	var stories = $StoryBook.get_child_count() # getting number of children
	var selected_story = randi() % stories # randi() returns random integer
	current_story.prompts = $StoryBook.get_child(selected_story).prompts # Accessing child based on index
	current_story.story = $StoryBook.get_child(selected_story).story

We can make a Storybook with 'Node' node which doesn't have much properties to add children nodes 'Node' which will contain each story.However, its not quite efficient if player wants to add a new story and also its a lot of work to add each variable values one by one.

  • JSON

JavaScript Object notation, like a dictionary. It can't be opened in godot, so other editors are required. Pros of JSON: Good code Easy to mod game

# Reading file from json
func get_from_json(filename):
	var file = # new file object, File.READ) # open in read mode
	var text = file.get_as_text() # get the file text
	var data = parse_json(text) # change text to json
	file.close() # close the file
	return data
  • Exporting the game

Project -> Export -> Add -> Windows Desktop If export template not available already, Click Manage Export Template -> Download -> Click on the lick provided. Download will start now.

Now click close it and click Project -> Export -> Add -> Windows Desktop -> choose location and export

Hoppy Days - Discovering the Engine

  • Theme

2d Platformer, Get bunny to the destination. Essential Experience:

  1. Cute
  2. Speed and Agility
  3. Dangerous world

GamePlay Factors:

  1. No player attacks
  2. Limited Lives
  3. Fast Movement, high jumps
  4. can get more lives with enough coins
  • PhysicsBody2D

Object that interacts with physics engine.
StaticBody2D -> No movement, simple velocity applied. Example: walls, floors, platforms etc.
RigidBody2D -> Controlled by 2D engine, built-in behaviors like gravity, friction. Example: football. Not Controlled directly, forces are applied to it.
KinematicBody2D -> Controlled by player, not affected by 2D physics engine, can be moved directly with control. Example: Player.

  1. KinematicBody2D

Needs a CollisionShape2D, so it knows the outline of the shape. We can add a Sprite to it, so that we can add a CollisionShape2D around it, to make it a KineticBody.

Tip: Select a parent node, select 'make sure the object's children are not selectable' located next to lock icon. So now we can move the whole KineticBody2D.

Map keys from Project -> Project Settings -> Input Map.
We can add a action and then add keys or any input to trigger that action.
Suppose, we add 'left' action and mapped it to 'A' key.
Now hitting 'A' will trigger 'left' action which can be used in script as if Input.is_action_pressed("left"):

# Players Movement
extends KinematicBody2D

var motion = Vector2() # 2D array with x and y values, used for positions

const SPEED = 500

# _physics_process is a fxn to run code for every frame, and also to do physics stuffs
# delta is the time in seconds between frames
# multiplying by delta means that the values will be same even if the frame rate changes
func _physics_process(delta):
	if Input.is_action_pressed("left") and not Input.is_action_pressed("right"):
		motion.x = -SPEED # -ve x-axis
	elif Input.is_action_pressed("right") and not Input.is_action_pressed("left"):
		motion.x = SPEED # +ve x-axis
		motion.x = 0 # stop
	move_and_slide(motion) # move and slide the Player by given position

move_and_collide() -> when you hit something, stop | can get collision info whenever it hits | doesn't automatically use delta
move_and_slide() -> when you hit something, try and move it | can detect floors, ceilings and walls | automatically use delta

Making CollisionShape2D cover up whole sprite

  • CollisionShape2D => If we have a sprite of 32x32 size and we scaled it by 10x10, then the total size of sprite will be 320x320 in pixel. Now For CollisionShape2D, we should have scale or extents of 320x320, so to cover up the sprite.

Axis in Godot

  • In godot, the center of axis is at top-left corner. So downwards is +ve y, upwards is -ve y, left is +ve x and right is -ve x.

Adding a scene as an instance in another scene

Create a new scene, Press ctrl+shift+a to choose any saved scene as an instance. So, now instantiated scene's properties can be used. Also everything is reflected to the instantiated scene if any changes is made in the original scene.

Make bunny jump and apply gravity

extends KinematicBody2D

var motion = Vector2() # Defining a 2D vector, to access position of sprite

const SPEED = 1000
const GRAVITY = 300
const UP = Vector2(0, -1) # To determine what is a floor, Vector2(0,0) is default which tells everything is a wall
const JUMP_SPEED = 3000

func _physics_process(delta):
	move_and_slide(motion, UP) # Second argument is used to trigger is_on_floor()

# Keep on increasing down position(gravity or down speed), only if the sprite is not on the floor
func apply_gravity():
	if is_on_floor():
		motion.y = 0
		motion.y += GRAVITY

func jump():
	if Input.is_action_pressed("jump") and is_on_floor():
		# is_action_just_pressed will trigger only once, even if we hold jump key for too long
		# is_action_pressed, will work fine here, cause we are checking if it is in floor, before applying jump
		motion.y -= JUMP_SPEED

Animated Sprite

Add AnimatedSprite -> In inspector Tab -> Create New SpriteFrames under Frames property -> Click on it -> Animation Panel will appear at bottom

Under Animations: There will be a default animation, change the name as you will.
You can add new animations and name them as you will. By selecting the animation, drag animation frames(sprites) to Animation Frames:
In Inspector tab, turn on Playing, now the animation will happen.

# We can reference those animations we created with their names
func animate():
	if motion.y < 0:
		$'jump') # play jump when moving up
	elif motion.x > 0:
		$AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false
	elif motion.x < 0:
		$AnimatedSprite.flip_h = true # flip horizontally when moving to left

func _physics_process(delta):

Tips for Elegant Code

- easy to read by human
- do not have multiple scripts working on the same thing
- do not have one script doing multiple things
- Encapsulate: If a node or function is missing, the game should work just fine

Even if we remove a piece of code, or a node, the game should work fine without causing any errors. This can be achieved by encapsulating each node with its own script.
It means if we add some functionalities to a particular node, its better to make its own scene with a separate script attached to it where functionalities are defined.


PlayerAnimation(AnimatedSprite) is child of Player. Right click on it -> Save Branch as Scene. Now, PlayerAnimation becomes a separate scene. Attach a script to it

signal animate

func _physics_process(delta):

func animate():
	# emitting signal called animate (which will be available in node tab when player is selected)
	emit_signal("animate", motion) # emitting signal animate and passing motion(position of player)

Connect animate() to

# Using that motion to play different animation
func _on_Player_animate(motion):
	if motion.y < 0:
	elif motion.x > 0:
		flip_h = false
	elif motion.x < 0:
		flip_h = true # flips the sprite horizontally

Now, PlayerAnimation and Player are encapsulated.


Create a new scene and add a node2d to group all sprites. Drag and drop sprites needed. In each sprite add a StaticBody2D with CollisionPolygon2D(to get the exact size of tiles).

Click on Scene -> Covert to -> Tileset -> save it as .tres file
Also save the scene.

Now we can use these tileset on any scenes, just add a TileMaps node, and load this file.


The layers are like enum, we can name them thorough Project -> Project Settings -> General -> 2D physics

Collision Layers: which layers we exist on Collision Masks: which layers we can interact with


Current -> If enabled, camera will follow the moving object
Drag Margin H Enabled -> If enabled, the camera will follow after a while when moving left and right
Drag Margin V Enabled -> same but for up and down
Smoothing -> Smooth transition of camera
Limit -> Set Limit to which the camera/player can move


This is updated every time move_and_slide() is called. Just like is_on_floor(), we are telling that if player touches the ceiling, set the y position to 1 i.e. 1px below ceiling.

if is_on_ceiling():
	motion.y = 1 # To make Player bouncing, if the ceiling is hit rather than hovering
	# It takes the Player and move it down to 1 px, if ceiling is hit

Parallax Backgrounds

Closer layer is faster, and the faster the layer moves, the faster the player will feel like they're going.

So we create it like this, Camera2D > ParallaxBackground > ParallaxLayer > TextureRect(contains texture for background). ParallaxBackground contains all ParallaxLayers.

To repeat the layer:
Find the size of the texture used, then under ParallaxLayer -> motion -> mirroring -> paste the size of texture. Now the texture will be repeated. Now select ParallaxBackground and turn on ignore camera zoom. This will make sure that every layer is completely covering the screen.

We can also offset the ParallaxLayers and turn of mirroring by using value 0.
Scale is used for changing speed of the layers.
We can also manage these whole things under ParallaxBackground which will affect all.


To center any child node inside it.




Part of game world that can detect when things are entering and leaving. It always has a CollisionShape.
Connect signal body_entered to the script. Now the generated function will execute whenever any particular node touches Area2D.
We can setup collision layers and masks to detect any interaction.

# Detect collision to Area2D, if collision layers and masks are setup
extends Area2D

func _on_Area2D_body_entered(body):
	print('Player hit the spikes')
# Detect collision to Area2D, if collision layers and masks are not setup
extends Area2D

func _on_Area2D_body_entered(body):
	if == "Player": # or if body is Kinematic2D
		print('Player touched Area2D')
# Execute method of the body that touched Area2D
func _on_Area2D_body_entered(body):
	if body.has_method("hurt"): # To check if the body already has a method, necessary only if collision layers are not setup


yield(get_tree(),"idle_frame") # wait for a frame


AudioStreamPlayer plays throughout the game.
AudioStreamPlayer2D plays as you get closer.
AudioStreamPlayer3D plays as you get closer but in 3D.

# Load audio through script and play
$ = load("res://SFX/pain.ogg")

# Same node can be used to play different sounds
$ = load("res://SFX/jump.ogg")


AnimationPlayer helps in creating animation that can be customized with keyframes and can be executed through script. We can create an animation and name it. Then we can add tracks which deals with animating certain aspects of a particular node. Property track is most common. We need to select which node we want to animate then which property of it. Then we can insert keys by right clicking on the track.
Any property in inspector can be animated.

# Controlling Animation of AnimatedSprite
# In the inspector tab we can set which animation from AnimatedSprite to animate or make it a key
# Play animation named boost

We can also add Method track which helps in calling certain methods defined in script at certain point.

Group vs Signal

Signal is predetermined message from a known sender to a known recipient. Group is a broadcast to anyone who might be interested in listening to it.
Signal is like one-to-one communication. Group is like one-to-many communication.

func _ready():
	add_to_group("Gamestate") # It adds any node that has this script attached will be added to group name Gamestate

This can also be done through the UI. Select the node, go to node tab then under groups name and add a group.

get_tree().call_group("Gamestate", "hurt") # Executes hurt() method in any node of group Gamestate, ignores if not found.

# To pass arguments with the method, lives is being passed as argument
get_tree().call_group("Gamestate", "hurt", lives)

CanvasLayer | GUI

Elements stay at fix one place. Can be used to put some node together that display life or points while game is running.


Its like a transparent beam of light, which when falls on certain node can throw signals like body_entered.
It won't work if enabled is off. We can change cast to length. Also we have to define a collision mask, to define what it will interact with.

add_child | set_as_toplevel

# Add child node through script
func _ready():
	set_as_toplevel(true) # won't inherit transform property of parent


$Timer.start() to start the timer.


It can be used to check the visibility of the whole scene.

func _on_VisibilityNotifier2D_screen_exited():
	queue_free() # Removing this scene when it doesn't appear on the screen


func _process(delta):
	position.y += SPEED  * delta # increases the down position
	# We didn't use delta in move_and_collide cause it automatically uses delta

Getting overlapping bodies

func _process(delta):
	var collider = $Area2D.get_overlapping_bodies() # get a list of all bodies that are touching Area2D
		for object in collider:
			if == "Player":
				get_tree().call_group("Gamestate", "hurt")


To add particles in the system. Click on Process material and choose a new ParticlesMaterial and and play around with the values.

Heist Meisters - Top-Down-Stealth


  1. Player: Expert thief who sneaks through dark and dangerous location to steal valuables and get out undetected.
  2. Top-Down game
  3. Guard or camera can detect briefly
  4. Dark themed - switch from normal vision to night vision with penalties
  5. Splash screen with Tutorial, Level 1-2-3 and Quit

Inherited Screen/Script

We can create a Character scene and a script attached to it. Now if we want ot create Player or Enemy, we can inherit scene and script from Character. This will helps in maintaining and writing code efficiently.

To create a inherited scene: Click on Scene -> New Inherited Scene. A new scene will be created which can be modified as needed. Anything that is greyed out is inherited node.
To create a inherited scene: Detach the script -> Attach new script -> In the prompt Choose path of script to be inherited -> Create

# Instead of extends with a node, the new script will extend the inherited script.
extends "res://Scripts/"

Player's Movement

func _process(delta):

func update_motion(delta):
	look_at(get_global_mouse_position()) # The character will face to mouse cursor

	if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up") and not Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"):
		motion.y = clamp((motion.y - SPEED), -MAX_SPEED, 0) # clamp(preferred_value, minimum, maximum)
	elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down") and not Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
		motion.y = clamp((motion.y + SPEED), 0, MAX_SPEED)
		motion.y = lerp(motion.y, 0, FRICTION) # Linearly interpolate the motion from 0 to FRICTION(0.1) when stopped, To give a sensation of friction

	if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left") and not Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
		motion.x = clamp((motion.x - SPEED), -MAX_SPEED, 0)
	elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right") and not Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
		motion.x = clamp((motion.x + SPEED), 0, MAX_SPEED)
		motion.x = lerp(motion.x, 0, FRICTION)



  • Make it easier to make levels
  • Very easy to tweak levels
  • Can set up collision, occlusion and navigation in one place


Create a new scene add a Node2D and add child Sprite. Add tilesheet sprite to texture of Sprite node. Click Scene -> Covert to -> Tileset and save it as .tres.
Now In scene where you want to use the tileset add a TileMap node and load that saved tileset.

Click on the tileset name, bottom panel will show up. Click on the icon appeared in the left panel. Click on New Autotile and select a region for it.
You can select the region of tileset with snapping and also configure the snap from inspector.
Under selected tile in inspector, name the tile as you want. Under Tile Mode, select AUTO_TILE id not selected. And set the size of Autotile Bitmask, 3x3(minimal) is a great choice as it grabs many details.

Chnage Subtle size to the size of the tile you're using.

Click on Bitmask on bottom panel and start painting the tiles with left click, right click to erase. For eg: For walls, paint the area where excluding walls itself.
Now Select TileMap node and start painting on the Levels. All the walls will now be painted nicely.

Now to add collision for walls made by this process. Click on Collision and start selecting all walls used in the bitmask using square or poligon icons.

It defines what part should not let the light pass through it.Making it work is same as making Collision.


It needs a lightmap texture, a picture with a beam of light. Light is blocked by occlusion(just like layers in collision). Change the offset of the texture to change the point. To apply shadow, you have to Enable it in inspector.


It makes the whole scene's color as defined, only Light2D can avoid the effect. Can be used to make dark night environment.

Make a node block light

Add LightOccluder2D as a child. Click on Occluder proerty -> New OccluderPloygon2D. Now cover the node/sprite with polygon points, like collisionShape. Now the node/sprite will cast shadows. Click on the name of Occluder in inspector and choose cull mode as clockwise or counter-clockwise, so that the node/sprite will be seen when light is applied to it.

Toggle torch on and off

# This function executes whenever a input is provided
func _input(event):
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_select"):

func toggle_torch():
	if $Torch.enabled: # $Torch is Light2D node
		$Torch.enabled = false
		$Torch.enabled = true

Player Detection

const FOV_TOLERANCE = 20 # Field of View angle, half-angle
const RED = Color(1, .25, .25)
const WHITE = Color(1, 1, 1)

onready var Player = get_node("/root/Level1/Player")

func _process(delta):
	if Player_is_in_FOV_TOLERANCE() and Player_is_in_LOS():
		$Torch.color = RED # Changing color of Light2D node
		$Torch.color = WHITE

# Detecting Player if in Field of View
func Player_is_in_FOV_TOLERANCE():
	var NPC_facing_direction = Vector2(1,0).rotated(global_rotation) # Get NPC facing direction
	var direction_to_Player = (Player.position - global_position).normalized() # Subtract position between Player to NPC to get the dostance between them

	if abs(direction_to_Player.angle_to(NPC_facing_direction)) < deg2rad(FOV_TOLERANCE):
		return true
		return false

# Detecting Player if in Line of Sight
func Player_is_in_LOS():
	var space = get_world_2d().direct_space_state # get the 2d space
	var LOS_obstacle = space.intersect_ray(global_position, Player.global_position, [self]) # cast a ray from NPC/Enemy/SecurityCamera to Player and exclude self

	var distance_to_Player = Player.global_position.distance_to(global_position)
	var Player_in_range = distance_to_Player < MAX_DETECTION_RANGE

	if LOS_obstacle.collider == Player and Player_in_range:
		return true
		return false


Games made with Godot like 2D platformer, Top-Down Stealth, 3D Local Multiplayer, Advanced 3D







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