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Ahmed Castro edited this page Aug 20, 2020 · 1 revision
Attribute Type Required Description
path file path Path to the .ttf file
red integer Amount of red color from 0 to 255
green integer Amount of green color from 0 to 255
blue integer Amount of blue color from 0 to 255
size integer Font size

XML Legend

  • Bold represents the Tags.
  • Italic represents the attributes.
  • [allows multiple] : The engine recognizes multiple sibling tags declarations.
  • [integer] : The attribute is a numeric integer value. (examples: "128", "24", "53")
  • [string] : The attribute is a text string value. (example: "Basic bullet", "misc/winner/1.png", "Chuy")
  • [yes/no] : The attribute is a boolean "yes" or "no" vaule. (example: "yes", "no").
  • [mandatory] : The attribute is mandatory and has to be defined.
  • [default=X] : If the attribute is not defined, it will take the X value as default.
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