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Deploying your own VDL server using helm

For ease of use, a Helm chart can be used to setup a complete VDL node on an existing Kubernetes cluster. This helm chart will deploy a StatefulSet which manages the VDL node, the services for connecting to it, a Kubernetes Secret for storing key material, and a persistent volume claim for storage. Optionally, a VPN client sidecar container will be deployed in the pod containing the VDL node, which can be used to connect the VDL node to any already existing OpenVPN server.

Due to the large number of values that need to be overwritten, we recomend deploying by running from the scripts directory instead of using helm commands directly.

With the following steps, you can setup your own VDL node:

  1. Add the Roseman Labs helm chart repository (replace REPO_NAME with any name you want): helm repo add REPO_NAME

  2. Receive from Roseman Labs the credentials needed for pulling the docker image (which will be used by the k8s/helm server).

  3. Acquire the needed key material (discuss with your Roseman Labs contact on how to do this) and store it all in a single directory.

  4. Create your override file based on the following template (see appendix 1 for details on the parameters):

      username: "USERNAME"
      password: "PASSWORD"
      nodeNr: "2"
      peerAHostname: "HOSTNAME"
      peerBHostname: "HOSTNAME"
      peerAPort: "6000"
      peerBPort: "6000"
      storageClassName: "standard"
        cpu: 1
        memory: 2Gi
        cpu: 1
        memory: 2Gi
  5. Run the script with the following format:

./ [-c <openvpn_file>] <namespace> <override_file> <override_secrets_dir>
  • -c <openvpn_file>: VPN configuration (optional)
  • <namespace>: Kubernetes namespace where the objects will be created
  • <override_file>: the name of the previously created override file
  • <override_secrets_dir>: the name of the directory that stores the generated (override) key material

appendix I: values you can configure in the helm chart

During install, the following values should be specified or can be overridden:

Name Required Default Explanation
image.repository Repository to pull the VDL image from
image.pullPolicy Always sets the pull policiy for all images
image.tag Overrides the default app version tag yes "name of the credentials used to pull the images
imageCredentials.registry Image registry the credentials belong to
imageCredentials.username yes Username needed for pulling the image
imageCredentials.password yes Password or PAT needed for pulling the image "" Email belonging to the image credentials
nameOverride "" Overrides part of the fully qualified app name with which to reach the node
fullnameOverride "" Overrides the default fully qualified app name with which to reach the node
core.nodeNR yes Number in range [0, 1, 2], nodes should be deployed in descending order
core.peerAHostname yes "tbd" Sets the hostname or URL at which peer A should be reachable
core.peerBHostname yes "tbd" Sets the hostname or URL at which peer B should be reachable
core.peerAPort yes "6000" Sets the port that peer A has opened for connecting to the others
core.peerBPort yes "6000" Sets the port that peer B has opened for connecting to the others
core.cores "1" Number of cores the VDL node can use
core.memory "900M" Number of Bytes of memory the VDL node can use
core.logLevel "debug" Sets the log level
core.persistenceMode "1" If set to "1" or "true", store tables to disk (data survives server reboots)
core.dynamicConfigMode "0" If set to "1" or "true", enable dynamic config mode (required for approvals)
core.scriptSignMode "0" (legacy) If set to "1" or "true", enforces script sign mode
core.scriptSignKeys (legacy) If core.scriptSignMode has been set, select which keys are used
secrets.selfsignedcaCrt yes The certificate authority used for each of the TLS keys
secrets.licenseKey yes License key necessary for using the Virtual Data Lake software
secrets.httpd0Crt yes
secrets.httpd0Key yes
secrets.httpd1Crt yes
secrets.httpd1Key yes
secrets.httpd2Crt yes
secrets.httpd2Key yes
secrets.server0Crt yes
secrets.server0Key yes
secrets.server0Pk yes
secrets.server0SkB64 yes
secrets.server1Crt yes
secrets.server1Key yes
secrets.server1Pk yes
secrets.server1SkB64 yes
secrets.server2Crt yes
secrets.server2Key yes
secrets.server2Pk yes
secrets.server2SkB64 yes
secrets.webAppPk yes
secrets.sign0PkB64 if core.scriptSignMode (legacy)
secrets.sign1PkB64 if core.scriptSignMode (legacy)
secrets.sign2PkB64 if core.scriptSignMode (legacy)
secrets.sign0Pk if core.scriptSignMode (legacy)
secrets.sign1Pk if core.scriptSignMode (legacy)
secrets.sign2Pk if core.scriptSignMode (legacy)
vpnEnabled false If true, a VPN client sidecar is created to connect the VDL node to a VPN
vpnLogLevel if vpnEnabled The verbosity of OpenVPN
vpnConfigFile if vpnEnabled Content of a .ovpn file, for connecting to an OpenVPN server
loggingEnabled false if true, a FileBeat sidecar is created to send the VDL logs to a Logbeat server
elasticCloudID if loggingEnabled Sets in the filebeat config for connecting to Elastic Cloud
elasticCloudAuth if loggingEnabled Sets cloud.auth in the filebeat config for connecting to Elastic Cloud
elasticIndex if loggingEnabled "onpremise" Sets the index name to which the filebeat will write its logs
logstashHost if loggingEnabled Host name/IP (add :port to override default 5044) of the logstash server to connect to
loggingCaCrt if loggingEnabled CA certificate for setting up a self signed TLS tunnel between Logstash and Filebeat
filebeatCrt if loggingEnabled TLS certificate authenticating Filebeat to the Logstash server
filebeatKey if loggingEnabled Secret key belonging to the filebeatCrt certificate
podAnnotations {} sets extra pod annotations
securityContext {} sets the securityContext
serviceN2n.type LoadBalancer sets the type of the service for node to node communication
serviceN2n.exposePort 6000 sets the port with which other nodes can contact this node
serviceCrandas.enabled true If true, enables users to connect their Crandas environment to this node
serviceCrandas.type LoadBalancer sets the type of the service for connecting with Crandas
serviceCrandas.exposePort 9820 sets the port with which Crandas can connect
pvc.storageClassName yes provide the name or the storace class, cloud dependent
ingress.enabled false TODO add explanation for the ingress
ingress.className ""
annotations {}

appendix II: values recognized by docker image

The docker image recognizes the following parameters. Not all of these values can be set via Helm; if you need to change those, you need to create a fork of our chart.

Required environmental variables:

Name Description
NODE_NR Number in range [0, 1, 2], nodes should be deployed in descending order
NODE_PEER_A_HOSTNAME Hostname or IP address of peer a; Node 0 uses this to connect to Node 1
NODE_PEER_B_HOSTNAME Hostname or IP address of peer b; Node 0 and Node 1 use this to connect to node 2

Optional environmental variables:

Name Description
NODE_PORT_OFFSET_MODE if set to 1, will add the node number to the port numbers; can be used for single-machine deployments
NODE_CORES determine the number of cores the node will use; if <= 0, then it will use all available cores
NODE_MEMORY determine the amount of memory the node will use; if unset, then will use all available memory
NODE_VDL_PORT Port number that can be used to connect to this VDL instance
NODE_PERSISTENCE_MODE [true|false], enables persistence mode
NODE_SCRIPT_SIGN_MODE [true|false], if set to true, only signed scripts can be executed
NODE_SCRIPT_SIGN_KEYS Filenames script approver public keys (NB: no chars from $IFS, such as spaces, are allowed in the filenames)
NODE_LOG_LEVEL Sets the log level [debug etc.]
NODE_AUX_FLAGS utility flag to add any flags not covered by the above