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This component have been created by Viette Roxanne, with React.js.

All Depedencies


  • @babel/core: "^7.18.6",
  • @babel/preset-react: "^7.18.6",
  • @rollup/plugin-node-resolve: "^13.3.0",
  • @storybook/addon-actions: "^6.5.9",
  • @storybook/addon-essentials: "^6.5.9",
  • @storybook/addon-interactions: "^6.5.9",
  • @storybook/addon-links: "^6.5.9",
  • @storybook/builder-webpack4: "^6.5.9",
  • @storybook/manager-webpack4: "^6.5.9",
  • @storybook/react: "^6.5.9",
  • @storybook/testing-library: "^0.0.13",
  • babel-loader: "^8.2.5",
  • prop-types: "^15.8.1",
  • react: "^18.2.0",
  • react-dom: "^18.2.0",
  • rollup: "^2.75.7",
  • rollup-plugin-babel: "^4.4.0",
  • rollup-plugin-peer-deps-external: "^2.2.4",
  • rollup-plugin-postcss: "^4.0.2",
  • rollup-plugin-terser: "^7.0.2"


If you want to ...

...Clone his repository... have to go there


git clone nameOfYourFolder

cd nameOfYourFolder

To install all dependencies you have to do (on your command line):

npm install or yarn (if you're using yarn)

If that is necessary, to install all DevDepedencies ...:

npm install --only=dev

...Install the component on your own App/project...

you have to enter command line bellow on your terminal:

npm i react-calendar-library


The Documentation

Netlify Status

Have a look to the documentation using Storybook, here

You can also see the behavior of the component in simulation with an input type text, here

All possibilities

Currently the component react-calendar-library can only be used as a date picker but...

...soon we are considering the possibility of adding the period picker functionality to it.

With react-calendar-library you will be able to...:

  • change the type of the input value:

    ex: 20/06/2022 or 2022/06/20or 06/20/2022

  • change your mode:

    ex: blue modeor red mode

    have a look here

  • change language:

    These are availables:

    french, english, spanish, deutch, portuguese

  • customize your arrows backgrounds buttons in order to add or remove a year,
  • customize your arrows,
  • customize numbers,
  • customize your invalid numbers (these out of month),
  • customize year and month color,
  • customize your selected day,
  • customize your current day,
  • customize Sundays if you valid sunday highlighted.
  • choose if you want or not let days out of month allowed,
  • choose if you want or not let Sundays allowed,
  • choose if you want or not Sundays highlighted allowed.

Implement the component in my App...

How to implement my component in my App/project ?

  1. First of all you have to install it into your own project.
  • Do on your terminal:

npm i react-calendar-library

  1. Then I will show you a typical example, for a react app, to implement it:
import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react";
import { DatePicker } from "react-calendar-library"; //this is our component!:)

export default function myComponent() {
  let inputRef = useRef(null); //to get our input dom element to link with our calendar.

  let pattern =
  // This pattern is for our input value, you can customize your own pattern for on change event.
  const [validValue, setValidValue] = useState(null);
  // this is for handle our input value

  const handleOnchange = (e) => {
    let value =; //let's obtain our value!
    let isItValidValue = pattern.test(value); //Let's test our current value with our pattern!

    if (isItValidValue) {
      //if it's true ..
      if (validValue === null || validValue !== value) {
        // let's check if our state is currently null or not equal to value!...
        if (
          value.split("/")[0].length === 2 &&
          value.split("/")[2].length === 2
        ) {

        if (
          value.split("/")[0].length === 3 &&
          value.split("/")[2].length === 3
        ) {
        //...else ... let set validValue!

  return (
            ref={inputRef} //we have linked our input as ref.
            onChangeInputValue={validValue} // !important, in order to link on change event to your component!
            myInputRef={inputRef} //!important, in order to link your input to your component!
            mode={"red"} //... if you want the red mode.By default is neutral mode.
            language={"fr"} //... you have chosen "french" language,  by default is "en" i.e "english".
            valueCustom={"1"} //... the value, on click event, will be return as "01/02/2020"

let see the result: Here

You have also the possibility to choose more quiclky your year!...:

year Input

...But you can also allow days outside the month in addition to Sundays...:

days out of month allowed

...Or not allow sundays...:

only sundays are not allowed

To see more example and testing this component, let's go there

For more visuals of the component in action go to the asset folder, Here

...and now customize some elements!

you can customize some elements from your css!

Let's take a closer look at the classes you will have to apply and what they are supposed to modify:

Note: If you see ${mode} this refers to the "mode" prop which is used to select a color mode for your component.

If you have not entered it by default, the mode is "neutral". You will therefore have to replace "mode" with your mode if you have selected one, otherwise replace it with "neutral"

  • .day_in--${mode}--custom


.day_in--neutral--custom {
  color: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */

This class will allow you to modify the css of the calendar numbers, only those included in the current month.

  • .day_out--${mode}--custom


.day_out--neutral--custom {
  color: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */

This class will allow you to modify the css of the calendar numbers, only those out of month.

  • .currentDay--${mode}--custom


.currentDay--neutral--custom {
  color: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */

This class will allow you to modify the current day.

  • .day_selected--${mode}--custom


.day_selected--neutral--custom {
  color: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */
  border: green solid 2px !important;

This class will allow you to modify the day selected.

  • .sund_highli--${mode}--custom


.sund_highli--neutral--custom {
  color: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */
  background: white !important;

This class will allow you to modify sundays if you have pass the props areSundaysHighlighted to true.

  • .buttons_container--${mode}_year--custom


.buttons_container--neutral_year--custom {
  background: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */

This class will allow you to modify background buttons of double arrows.

  • .arrows--${mode}--custom


.arrows--neutral--custom {
  stroke: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */

This class will allow you to modify all arrows, simple and double.

  • .home-xcircle--${mode}--custom


.home-xcircle--neutral--custom {
  stroke: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */

This class will allow you to modify home icon and x-circle icon.

  • .year-month_container--${mode}--custom


.year-month_container--neutral--custom {
  color: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */

This class will allow you to modify year and month color.

  • .year-input--${mode}--custom


.year-input--neutral--custom {
  color: red !important; /* this "!important" is MANDATORY; You have to add this to override ALL previous styling rules */

This class will allow you to modify year input value.

Possibilities of areas of improvement

# Description
01 Add a period picker
02 A feature that will allow you to switch from either a date picker or a period picker
03 Add a select to choose a month faster
04 Add more language choices
03 Add a times picker in addition to the date picker

Thanks for choosing my react-calendar-library! :)