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Use SauceNao in Windows natively so you can find the source of every image in your local filesystem through SauceNAO.


I needed something like Image Search Options for the images I have already saved in my computer but I didn't find any decent client.


The suggested way to install SauceNao-Windows is just by running the setup.

If you want to bind this application to the right click (so that when you right click on an image file you can see the "SauceNao!" entry as in here just follow the instructions in the installer by filling the two fields that ask for the API keys, that you can get by reading the related sections in this README file.

If you want to execute a manual installation, please look at the bottom of this file.

Adding API keys


You can get a SAUCENAO_API_KEY by creating a new account on SauceNAO and viewing your search API settings.


You can get a IMGUR_API_KEY by registering an application on

Manual installation

The executable is stored in SauceNao-Windows/bin/Release. You need the exe file and the dll file only, which must be stored in the same folder to work properly.



Bind to the right-click

In order to SauceNAO an image from your local filesystem, just set the correct variables inside regedit.bat and then run it as administrator. Result.