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The Blindness Deducon Project ocuses on creang a compuer-aided diagnosis sysem ha leverages Convoluonal Neural Nework (CNN) algorihms or he early deecon o Diabec Renopahy (DR), a leading cause o blindness among diabec paens. The projec involves he use o a large daase o eye images obained rom Kaggle, which has been preprocessed and resized o a uniorm size o enhance he perormance o he CNN models. The projec also involves he developmen o various CNN models using TensorFlow and Keras libraries, which will be rained on he preprocessed daase. The perormance o hese models will be evaluaed using dieren merics, such as accuracy, sensiviy, and speciciy. The ulmae goal o his projec is o develop an accurae and ecien compuer-aided diagnosis sysem ha can assis healhcare proessionals in he early deecon o DR, hus reducing he risk o blindness among diabec paens.