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Create Repository

Raphaël edited this page Sep 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

The creation of plugin repositories is rather simple, start by creating a git repository, on GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket...

Here is the architecture of a plugin repository:

├── plugins/
│   ├── some.json
│   ├── another.json
│   └── ...
├── manifest.json
└── plugins.json

The file manifest.json

This file contains various information about the plugin repository, here is an example (the one used by the official repository):

  "id": "rtop",
  "name": "Rtop Repository",
  "description": "The official repository for RTop plugins.",
  "url": "",
  "fallback_url": ""

Usefulness of each element:

  • id → This is the ID of your repository, it will be used when a user wants to retrieve information about your repository.
  • name → This is the name of your repository, it will be displayed when updating plugins/repositories for example.
  • description → This is a short description of your repository.
  • url → This is the URL of your repository.
  • fallback_url → This is a backup URL in case GitHub goes down for example, currently this parameter is simply ignored.

The file plugins.json

This file contains the list of plugin IDs present in the repository.

  "plugins": [

The folder plugins

This folder contains all the manifest files of the plugins, refer to this tutorial to create them. Please use this naming convention: [plugin-id].json example: some.json or another.json.