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ChatFilter v3

This is the official chat filter of Craftathon, copied from the Craftathon GitHub organization, originally made in mid-late December of 2018. This could be improved and may be later on. This is the third rewrite of the filter, and a full feature specification document may be found here (or on Google Docs), which is highly recommended if you are interested in this.


Just before releasing this repo I made some (very) small optimizations, and also added a benchmarking test to it. It is tested with SwearIpsum (Example) generated in the SwearIpsum class. The current results are below, the long and short message lines are below respectively:

biᾰὰáṱṯcch ante ipsum bbbo¤ḡ horny chhỗợoḋȅ pu➎şi ẉwaặﬡk hoⓡnie ultrices sἤἥἤὴit mủuứṻff Curae; Aenean neὲggrổ wᾧaaἅannk @ậ➍s55 lube lacinia fửccck tincidunt vitae
coccc¢k cṻnt ultrices nibh

And the results (20 warmups and 40 iterations)

# Run complete. Total time: 00:04:05

Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  Units
BenchmarkChatFilter.filterSingleLong   avgt   40  4724.346 ± 24.654  us/op
BenchmarkChatFilter.filterSingleShort  avgt   40   892.203 ± 16.233  us/op

Filter Examples

The following are some examples of filtered text, before and with the ChatFilter#blockFullWord(boolean) option enabled/disabled. Some are labeled with more specific features being demonstrated.

- Test of a fucking sh1tty @ss filter
+ Test of a ******* ****** *** filter
+ Test of a ****ing *****y *** filter

Word Priorities

The word ass has a priority of 0, meaning it can't start with the word, but may contain it.

- Your @s5 is grass and i'm a lawnmower
+ Your *** is grass and i'm a lawnmower
+ Your *** is grass and i'm a lawnmower

The word fuck has a priority of 1, meaning it can't be contained within a word at all.

- That really oofuckingdd sucks
+ That really *********** sucks
+ That really oo****ingdd sucks

No Separation

Words may be separated by spaces by default, unless set in the word list. An example is sex, which is set by default to be able to be separated by a space in between the e and s. A future addition to this feature (As it is still a bit buggy) is ensuring the word is encased in other letters.

- Give sex to me
+ Give *** to me
+ Give *** to me

The word sex with a space separating the s and e:

- His extra pizza
+ His extra pizza
+ His extra pizza

Number Filter

By default, words are considered unrecognizable if consisting of 75% or more numbers.

33% number:

- 4ss
+ ***
+ ***

100% number:

- 455
+ 455
+ 455

Code Examples

Using the filter is pretty simple. Soon the repo will probably be on Central, though right now it's just on JitPack. To obtain the rep, simply put

repositories {
	maven { url '' }


dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.RubbaBoy:ChatFilter:master-SNAPSHOT'

To your build.gradle. To use it with maven, just look here because I can't be fucked to fill half this readme with the verbose shit maven is.

To use the filter, you need to get an instance of ChatFilter via

var chatFilter = new DefaultChatFilter();

Then to filter words, just do

var cleaned = chatFilter.clean("A fuucking string shiiiittt right here.");

And you can use whatever string you want. This string results in A ******** string ********* right here..

To add custom bad words, you can get the default HashMap of them and just add to that, or give it a custom map. The method below gets the default bad words, and adds the given map to a copy of them.

chatFilter.init(DefaultChatFilter.getBlocked(Map.of("dog", 1)));

This acts as expected, with the following code and output after being initialized with that

var cleaned = chatFilter.clean("I like dogs, really any king of d0g.");
I like ***** really any king of ****


The advanced chat filter for Craftathon







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