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BookMatch is an application designed for book lovers who wish to explore new titles in an intelligent and personalized manner. With BookMatch, users can discover a wide range of books based on their tastes and literary preferences.

Group name: Mindset

Academic Year: 2023/2024


  • Andrea Falbo: 887525
  • Youness Karzal: 879430
  • Lorenzo Rota: 887451
  • Ruben Tenderini: 879290


What is BookMatch?

BookMatch is an application designed for book enthusiasts, enabling them to explore and discover new books tailored to their preferences.

Our Slogan

BookMatch: Find your next literary adventure!


BookMatch welcomes users with a guided tour through its features via an intuitive stepper. After registration or login, users can explore the platform, divided into five sections:

  1. Explore: Select your favorite literary genre and discover a variety of recommended books.
  2. Saved: Quickly access books saved for future reading.
  3. Favorites: Provide reviews and ratings for your saved books.
  4. Collections: Create and manage personalized book collections.
  5. Profile: View your activity statistics and update profile information, including login details and literary preferences.


Use Cases

Informative Onboarding

  • BookMatch, upon app launch, guides the user through the informative onboarding, which provides an overview of the app's features.

User Registration

  • The user can choose to register as a new user by providing the necessary information.

User Authentication

  • The user has the option to authenticate with the information provided during the registration phase.
  • The user can check a box to ask the system to remember their login credentials, so they don't have to log in every time they visit the app.
  • The user can authenticate through their Google account, allowing immediate access to the application.

Book Exploration

  • BookMatch presents sequential book exploration, where books are displayed one at a time, filtered by genre.
  • The user can browse the books, get more information by clicking on the item, save a book for future reading, remove it from the list, or keep it on hold for further exploration.

Saved Books

  • BookMatch shows the books saved by the user in the "Saved" section.
  • The user can remove a book from the Saved list, get additional information by clicking on the item, or add that book to the Favorites.

Favorite Books

  • BookMatch shows the user's favorite books in the "Favorites" section.
  • The user can remove a book from the Favorites list or provide a review and rating.


  • BookMatch shows the user's created collections in the "Collections" section.
  • The user can create personalized collections of books to organize their preferences based on specific themes or interests.
  • The user can add books to their collections.
  • The user can edit a previously created collection.

User Profile

  • BookMatch displays information related to the user's preferences, authentication information, and details on the number of saved books, favorites, and created collections.
  • The user can edit their profile, updating information about their favorite book, author, and genre, as well as authentication information.
  • The user can log out.
  • The user can get more information about the app developers by being redirected to the BookMatch Github repository.

External Services

  • Google Books API: Enables searching and retrieving book information.
  • FirebaseAuth: Handles user authentication via email/password or Google account.
  • SQLite: Manages local application data storage.
  • Firestore: Stores user information and preferences.
  • Firebase Storage: Saves user profile images.


Model - View - ViewModel (MVVM)

  • Model: Abstracts data sources, working with ViewModel to get and save data.
  • View: Informs ViewModel of user actions and observes ViewModel without containing any business logic.
  • ViewModel: Links Model and View, exposing data streams relevant to the View.


  1. Activity and Fragment: Manage the application's visual interface, update UI elements, and handle navigation.
  2. ViewModel: Bridges UI and Repository, updating UI with LiveData.
  3. Repository: Retrieves data from the database and APIs, updating LiveData in ViewModel.


Project Management

  • Github: Used for version control.
  • Discord: Facilitated regular meetings and agile development using Scrum.
  • Excalidraw: Used for initial sketches and interface design.


  • Google Play Services: Enables Google account authentication.
  • Retrofit: Simplifies HTTP network calls.
  • Firebase: Manages user authentication and cloud services.
  • Glide: Handles image loading and display.


The design prioritizes user experience, adhering to Material Design 3 guidelines with both Light Mode and Dark Mode themes.


Adapter Classes

  • AddBookToCollectionRecyclerViewAdapter: Adapter for saved books to add them to collections.
  • CardStackAdapter: Displays book information in the Explore section.
  • CollectionsContainersRecyclerViewAdapter: Shows user-created collections.
  • CollectionGroupsRecyclerViewAdapter: Displays items in a collection.
  • OnboardViewPagerAdapter: Handles onboarding view pager.
  • ReviewsRecyclerViewAdapter: Shows user-created book reviews.
  • SavedRecyclerViewAdapter: Shows saved books.

Database Classes

  • BookDao: Data access object for Book class.
  • BookRoomDatabase: Database class for Book.
  • CollectionContainerDao: Data access object for Collection class.
  • CollectionContainerRoomDatabase: Database class for Collection.
  • CollectionGroupDao: Data access object for books in a collection.
  • CollectionGroupRoomDatabase: Database class for books in a collection.

Repository Classes

  • BookRepository: Methods for ViewModel related to Book class.
  • BookSavedLiveData: Local saves of books for offline access, with periodic API dumps.

Utility Classes

  • AccountManager: Manages local authentication information.
  • Constants: Holds constant values.
  • Converters: Data conversion methods for Room.
  • DataEncryptionUtil: Utility for data encryption.
  • JSONParser: Parses JSON data.
  • ServiceLocator: Singleton for providing service instances.
  • SharedPreferencesUtil: Methods for reading/writing SharedPreferences.


Main layouts include:

  • Onboarding: Introduces users to the app's features.
  • Authentication: Allows new user registration or existing user login.
  • Explore: Discover books based on interests.
  • Saved: Quickly access saved books.
  • Favorite: Manage and review favorite books.
  • Collection: Create and manage book collections.
  • Account: Update profile and authentication details.
  • Modify Account: Edit profile information.

For more details, refer to the full Documentation.

For any questions or contributions, please visit our GitHub repository.


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