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Lyle Lowry edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the vim-mcfunction wiki! This plugin for vim is still in development, but things are definitely starting to calm down.

To give you an idea as to how powerful this plugin is, here's a sample of the syntax highlighting in action vim-mcfunction sample

Here's some exciting features that will hopefully be added:

  • Tab auto-complete
  • NBT and JSON keyword highlighting
    • For example, {Enchantments:[{id:mending,lvl:1,NoAI:1b}]} would recognize Enchantments as a legitimate NBT key, as well id and lvl, but also that NoAI, while a legitimate NBT key, is not valid given the location. Furthermore, it would highlight the value for id as an enchantment, while in {Item:{id:dirt}} it would highlight as an item. In other words, it'll be very smart.
    • If tab auto-complete gets implemented, the plan is for it to apply to these as well.
  • Nested NBT/JSON highlighting
    • NBT, JSON, or commands that appear inside one of the others would highlight as themselves. It's rather hard to explain but let's just say it would make setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:oak_sign{Text1:'{"text":"git gud","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"give @s netherite_pickaxe{Enchantments:[{id:efficiency,lvl:32767}],display:{Name:\'{\\"color\\":\\"red\\",\\"text\\":\\"Destroyer\\"}\'}}"}}'} a bit more manageable. (The command places a sign that when clicked, gives you an enchanted named netherite pickaxe)
  • Some other tools to make it easier to make Minecraft datapacks
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